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Harvey Weinstein claims that :'Jimmy Page's Lawyer Ended Led Zeppelin Reunion Dream'

slave to zep

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I am a bit confused. The topic you started begins with Harvey Weinstein claims...

The headline of the (linked) article says Harvey Goldstein...

Then the article itself mentions Harvey Weinstein. (And to add a bit more confusion to the mix, I believe that there is a man named Harvey Goldsmith that has been affiliated with Led Zeppelin in the past. I believe that he was the promoter of LZ's "Over Europe" 1980 tour and promoted and/or organized the 2007 O2 reunion).

I know that I could "google" all this and try and come up with facts and right answers, however, I like to try and use my total recall when it comes to things like this. Obviously, any clarifications on this by anyone is always appreciated.

P.S. Thanks for the article my slave to zep.

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This seems credible, and follows on from the news reports about Led Zeppelin at the 12/12/12 concert that we saw a couple of months ago.

The original article is here, everywhere else is just quoting or paraphrasing it:


It doesn't at all sound unreasonable or untrue to me. Very interesting that Robert agreed to a reunion, and it bodes well for the future.

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Lawyers merely act on behalf of their clients. If Page, Plant & Jones had wanted to reunite for 12-12-12 they would have.

Exactly, it wasn't Harvey Goldsmith that stopped this happening, it was Jimmy for wanting to sort out the financials. Good ol' Led Wallet.

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Exactly, it wasn't Harvey Goldsmith that stopped this happening, it was Jimmy for wanting to sort out the financials. Good ol' Led Wallet.

As I recall 12-12-12 was a charity gig and the participating artists had to cover their respective expenses out of pocket.

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Exactly, it wasn't Harvey Goldsmith that stopped this happening, it was Jimmy for wanting to sort out the financials. Good ol' Led Wallet.

When I first read about the supposed invitation and the boys turning it down I figured it had more to do with practice time than anything else and I still feel that way.

Why risk the glorious ending they had at the o2 with a hastily thrown together event with little practice time?

They all still have the "live-aid shambles" that they wish to forget.

You can't just show up at a massive event like that cold and make magic!

All the logistics of getting the boys back together would take time and I doubt it was enough time between invitation and the event to satisfy their needs.

I think it was a wise decision whatever the reason to decline. The alchemy and timing has to be right.

Respectively, I doubt it had anything to do with any "led wallet", Jimmy is very generous in his charities. :)

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I doubt Jimmy would reject it because he wouldn't earn anything, if Robert would be for it! It was probably Robert and lack of practice, but the second reason could be overcomed quite quickly!

Perhaps Jimmy's lawyer made everything clear, but I don't believe Jimmy would want his lawyer to make it public, because it would make him look like he is against it, while it's always Robert!

Edited by Matjaz1
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Harvey the hypocrite. After the Zeppelin reunion at the 02 it was this guy who was flapping his gums about how Page should move on and forget about Zeppelin reuniting. Goldsmith was managing Jeff Beck at the time and even Beck added his two cents that Page should forget about a reformation of Zeppelin. Jeff has since fired Harvey's ass.

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Exactly, it wasn't Harvey Goldsmith that stopped this happening, it was Jimmy for wanting to sort out the financials. Good ol' Led Wallet.

It may not have been about money. Page hasn't performed in public for some time so he may not be practicing regularly. Perhaps he felt that he couldn't get to the playing level he demands of himself given the limited lead time. Of course, this is all speculation on my part.

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Just waiting now for someone to start a thread entitled "It's Jimmy's Fault". :dont::beat: A bit of a change this time!

I had a super bad day today and this just gave me the giggle I needed! I was thinking a thread "Who's fault is it?" in Zep Polls.

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glad they didn't do it.

Really,if they wanted to for a super good cause, either the Japanse tsunami or Boxing Day tsunami in Indonesia wold have been excellent causes. So many tens of thousands killed esp in Indonesia.

and i agree, if the three of them wanted to do a show, they could do it. I would find it very odd that a lawyer stopped it...

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Harvey the hypocrite. After the Zeppelin reunion at the 02 it was this guy who was flapping his gums about how Page should move on and forget about Zeppelin reuniting. Goldsmith was managing Jeff Beck at the time and even Beck added his two cents that Page should forget about a reformation of Zeppelin. Jeff has since fired Harvey's ass.

It pays to read the article before posting. This has nothing to do with Harvey Goldsmith.

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