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Jimmy Page to recieve a Honarary Doctorate at Berklee College of Music in Boston


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I loved the roar of the audience when Jimmy was introduced as the speaker. I attended a college graduation today and the commencement speaker commented that years from now the graduates would not remember who spoke at their graduation (because nobody remembers)...I immediately thought about those very fortunate Berklee graduates who will NEVER forget who spoke at their graduation!!

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The Berklee events are about the students. If JP had played, it would take away from the focus on the graduates. I think he was simply being considerate.

Yes, I know that other famous musicians have played at the commencement, but this is Dr. Guitar God we're talking about, not just anyone.

First of all it was an observation on my part, not a criticism of Jimmy.

I don't know how long you've been into the band but after almost 50 years I know this much;

Page formed the greatest band with arguably the best players in history and is no god, just an exceptional musician with human frailties just like the rest of us.

He has been telling everyone for ages he will release solo albums and tour and done nothing except the odd guest appearance and compiling / re-releasing LZ's catalogue, albeit with extras.

I hope he does release his own solo album(s) this year and tour but like a lot of others I'll believe it when I see it.

Sorry to burst your bubble but sometimes the truth hurts.

Wouldn't it have been more "considerate" to have actually played with the students?

I'm sure they'd've appreciated the gesture as well as it being tangible encouragement and fun for them to share the stage with him and don't tell me you or anyone else would'nt have enjoyed seeing him perform.

The Doctorate is honourary, although much deserved and I hope he gets more recognition for the legacy he has left due to his music and hopefully in the future it will be for his solo efforts as well as Led Zeppelin's.

No-one appreciates his talent and achievements or loves his music any more than I, but all this misguided idolatry is nonsense, IMO.


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First of all it was an observation on my part, not a criticism of Jimmy.

I don't know how long you've been into the band but after almost 50 years I know this much;

Page formed the greatest band with arguably the best players in history and is no god, just an exceptional musician with human frailties just like the rest of us.

He has been telling everyone for ages he will release solo albums and tour and done nothing except the odd guest appearance and compiling / re-releasing LZ's catalogue, albeit with extras.

I hope he does release his own solo album(s) this year and tour but like a lot of others I'll believe it when I see it.

Sorry to burst your bubble but sometimes the truth hurts.

Wouldn't it have been more "considerate" to have actually played with the students?

I'm sure they'd've appreciated the gesture as well as it being tangible encouragement and fun for them to share the stage with him and don't tell me you or anyone else would'nt have enjoyed seeing him perform.

The Doctorate is honourary, although much deserved and I hope he gets more recognition for the legacy he has left due to his music and hopefully in the future it will be for his solo efforts as well as Led Zeppelin's.

No-one appreciates his talent and achievements or loves his music any more than I, but all this misguided idolatry is nonsense, IMO.

It was an observation on my part as well.

Into what band? Aren't we talking about Jimmy Page here? I started following his musical career with Yardbirds. Hmmm - now that I think of it I had some 45s that I played all the time that JP was a session guitarist on (though I didn't know it at the time). And I still listen to Jimmy Page's music- post-LZ as often as not. Just sayin'.

"Dr. Guitar God" was not something I made up - you can blame that on Boston Herald. I used it in what was hoped to be an ironic, humorous manner, but that apparently was not taken as such. Not sure what bubble you think has been burst, hope I haven't burst any of yours.

Misguided idolatry isn't an issue with me. Even properly aimed idolatry isn't.

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Oh Jimmy! More lasting than your words at the graduation ceremony is the unquestionable impact that you have had not only on every single guitarist in our lifetime but also every person who appreciates great music and everyone who appreciates when vision, hard work, commitment and passion come together to create amazing results. Rock on!!!!

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Misguided idolatry isn't an issue with me. Even properly aimed idolatry isn't.

After a second and a half of contemplation, I think that I idolize my dog--I swear she is all knowing! :bravo:

I sure do wish that I could've been there to see Jimmy live, but couldn't / didn't happen. So thank you zosorose for sharing your personal experience and thank you also to all who shared all of the links related to the event! Those things combined surely made LedZeppelin.com the best place to experience the event, for those of us who couldn't be there live!

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^^ "His role"? Are you asking if he is a body guard or something? If so, that's kind of silly. Though who knows, there are a lot of crazies out there. Maybe he's a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy, he looks kinda buff. :lol: And does he try to keep Jimmy's fans away? I don't know much about him, or his friendship with Jimmy Page.

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