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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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On 4/7/2022 at 1:06 PM, Stryder1978 said:

Stop calling it a vaccine...it's more like a Vitamin B shot.....

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday, becoming the latest high-profile Washington official to come down with the virus in recent weeks amid a wave of new infections.

A spokesperson for the California Democrat confirmed that she tested positive just as she was set to hold her weekly press conference with reporters. She’s the eighth member of Congress to test positive this week.

“After testing negative this week, Speaker Pelosi received a positive test result for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic,” Drew Hammill, Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, tweeted. “The Speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted, and is thankful for the robust protection the vaccine has provided.”


On the bright side, sloppy joe got an octogenerian whiff to notch in his belt.

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On 3/16/2022 at 9:16 AM, hummingbird69 said:


I see a diehard dumbass biden voter who thinks what the left has been telling him the truth.   

How many lies have you believed from the left?

That Trump was a russian asset.

That he colluded with russia to steal the election.

That the dossier was real.

That there was a video of trump being pissed on by hookers.

That his phone call with Ukraine was some kind of strong arm tactic to get something he wanted.

That he is putins puppet.

That Trump is racist.

That trump has never condemned white supremacy.

That he called the neo nazis fine people.

That America is inherently racist.

That all white people everywhere are racist no matter what.

That he caused a riot at the capital with the words "To peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard".

That trump is a dictator.

That trump said dead soldiers were losers.

That everything wrong today is trumps fault.

That the inflation we are experiencing is due to putins war and only putins war.

That shutting down the keystone pipeline and stopping other production hasn't meant anything to gas prices.

That covid was some kind of super bug that was going to kill everybody and all the other bullshit they told you.

That trump was responsible for the deaths of people from covid because he didn't act fast enough.

That trump is somehow mentally incapacitated.

That trump would start WWIII.

That trump was making the wrong move by shutting the border with a wall.

That trump was being xenophobic by stopping travel to and from china.

That people should wear a mask that does absolutely nothing to stop you from getting covid or spreading it yourself.

That trump said people should inject themselves with bleach.

That fauci is the only doctor you should listen to during the pandemic.

That any medicine or treatment for covid mentioned by trump was going to kill the person who tried them.

That people who cross the border illegally are a different situation from those flying into the country legally.

Do I need to post more??

 Your real problem is that you believe what the left i.e  politicians wants you to believe.

If you think cuomo is innocent because the case has been dropped then

why doesn't trump get the same reaction from the left when investigation after investigation came up empty and now the lead prosecutors 

investigating trump for that total idiot letitia james have resigned because they know its ALL bullshit too!

If you're going to believe false accusations made by politicians instead of real journalists who name sources and provide real evidence rather than just pointing to anonymous people who do not exist you will get what you get when you vote for tools like those in the White House today.



Wow, these sound like Tucker/Sean talking points. I would suggest you fact check at least half of this. Stop sticking up for that Jack ass as well. He was and is a disgrace to the office. I would vote for John M. Ronald R, Bush 1 and 2 a million times and be happy with that choice over that lying, conniving, shit bag of a human. And we don’t know that it is bullshit as you say. What we do know is that most of his actions are very suspect. I love how the right loves to throw out all their talking points and scare tactics. It’s a gas. His economy just so we are clear was a lot of hold over from his predecessor. We all did see what he accomplished. Not a bunch to be thankful or grateful of. Just the gas prices alone that you refer to is a joke. Gas prices were really low because of supply and demand. No one was on the road. We had that Covid thing going on. Meaning no one was driving. Oh, then Russia went to war, and everyone returned to work and the demand is really high. As for the Russian asset. I don’t think he was a knowingly participant per say. But he was and is and continues to be a real dumb shit bag who is not above putting himself above the country for his own personal gain. This ass literally just asked Putin to release any information on Hunter Biden. The entire world is watching the shit show, the utter destruction, inhalation of a country at the hands of the worst human since Adolf and Stalin. And this guy is asking for favors that don’t exist. Can we all imagine if Biden was doing the same thing. 

How about we all look at things for what they really are. You want your side to win. The Democrats want their side to win. Where we should be, and hopefully we can get there is that we as Americans want all of us to win. A majority of the country doesn’t want to have some autocratic leader who is implementing bible studies in school, or overriding womens issues. Those are facts. 

While we are at it, let’s take a real hard look at the economy under Drump, his predecessor, Bush, his Predecessor, and continue this as far back as Roosevelt. We will see very clearly that one party has done far better with that economy that you love to credit to the shit bag before this old Jack ass we have now.


Good day Sir. Stay off Fox, OAN, Breitbart, and for gods QANON. He was actually impeached twice. And the perfect call was pretty bad. Not perfect. Not even good. I’ll certainly take what you have to offer after this post. But then we can actually start posting Fact checks against everything you vomited up as truth. The funny thing was you actually had the nerve to say that LedZep77 believed all the leftist bullshit, and then you spouted all the Trump Jr puppet talking points. 

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26 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

Wow, these sound like Tucker/Sean talking points. I would suggest you fact check at least half of this. Stop sticking up for that Jack ass as well. He was and is a disgrace to the office. I would vote for John M. Ronald R, Bush 1 and 2 a million times and be happy with that choice over that lying, conniving, shit bag of a human. And we don’t know that it is bullshit as you say. What we do know is that most of his actions are very suspect. I love how the right loves to throw out all their talking points and scare tactics. It’s a gas. His economy just so we are clear was a lot of hold over from his predecessor. We all did see what he accomplished. Not a bunch to be thankful or grateful of. Just the gas prices alone that you refer to is a joke. Gas prices were really low because of supply and demand. No one was on the road. We had that Covid thing going on. Meaning no one was driving. Oh, then Russia went to war, and everyone returned to work and the demand is really high. As for the Russian asset. I don’t think he was a knowingly participant per say. But he was and is and continues to be a real dumb shit bag who is not above putting himself above the country for his own personal gain. This ass literally just asked Putin to release any information on Hunter Biden. The entire world is watching the shit show, the utter destruction, inhalation of a country at the hands of the worst human since Adolf and Stalin. And this guy is asking for favors that don’t exist. Can we all imagine if Biden was doing the same thing. 

How about we all look at things for what they really are. You want your side to win. The Democrats want their side to win. Where we should be, and hopefully we can get there is that we as Americans want all of us to win. A majority of the country doesn’t want to have some autocratic leader who is implementing bible studies in school, or overriding womens issues. Those are facts. 

While we are at it, let’s take a real hard look at the economy under Drump, his predecessor, Bush, his Predecessor, and continue this as far back as Roosevelt. We will see very clearly that one party has done far better with that economy that you love to credit to the shit bag before this old Jack ass we have now.


Good day Sir. Stay off Fox, OAN, Breitbart, and for gods QANON. He was actually impeached twice. And the perfect call was pretty bad. Not perfect. Not even good. I’ll certainly take what you have to offer after this post. But then we can actually start posting Fact checks against everything you vomited up as truth. The funny thing was you actually had the nerve to say that LedZep77 believed all the leftist bullshit, and then you spouted all the Trump Jr puppet talking points. 

Think what ever you want, you're not worth it.


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No, I dont buy into all the left wing stuff and I certainly do not watch FOX bullshit fake news.  The never ending propoganda machine.  I go to my Dr today so I am going to ask his opinion on this new booster?  Or is it a vaccine?  I have been shot up more than a heroine addict on skid row in LA.  Now I am getting jerked off on my never ending comp case that dates back 28 years.  Bastards.  

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California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows

Lawrence Richard
Mon, April 11, 2022, 1:24 AM

A new study has graded states by how well they handled the coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent restrictions and lockdowns, showing a stark contrast between liberal and conservative states.

The Committee To Unleash Prosperity study compared state performance on metrics including the economy, education, and mortality from the virus, and examined how states and their respective governments handled the pandemic response.

"Shutting down their economies and schools was by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made during COVID, particularly in blue states," Steve Moore, co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, told Fox News Digital. "We hope the results of this study will persuade governors not to close schools and businesses the next time we have a new virus variant."

New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois were among the worst in dealing with the coronavirus, performing "poorly on every measure," the report said.



These states "had high age-adjusted death rates; they had high unemployment and significant GDP losses, and they kept their schools shut down much longer than almost all other states," the report added.

States like Utah, Nebraska, Vermont, Montana, South Dakota and Florida — all governed by Republicans — received the highest scores in the study, first through sixth, respectively. In fact, 13 of the top 15 states in the study are governed by Republicans. (Montana had a Democratic governor until the 2020 election.)


The study also found no correlation in those states that enacted stringent travel, vocation and dining restrictions with lower death totals.

"The study verifies other studies which have found that locking down businesses, stores, churches, schools, and restaurants had almost no impact on health outcomes across states," the report determined. "States with strict lockdowns had virtually no better performance in COVID death rates than states that remained mostly open for business."

Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis <span class="copyright">Getty Images</span>
Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis Getty Images

Throughout the first two years of the pandemic, liberal states were widely applauded for their restrictions while conservative states were lambasted.

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11 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

how bout never! why should you when we threw science out the window 18 months ago and media and big tech cover your ass daily, i'm afraid for my 2 kids weddings in july and october that  Fraudcci will be spreading the misinformation all over again, after all its all about the mid terms

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1 hour ago, Stryder1978 said:

California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows

Lawrence Richard
Mon, April 11, 2022, 1:24 AM

A new study has graded states by how well they handled the coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent restrictions and lockdowns, showing a stark contrast between liberal and conservative states.

The Committee To Unleash Prosperity study compared state performance on metrics including the economy, education, and mortality from the virus, and examined how states and their respective governments handled the pandemic response.

"Shutting down their economies and schools was by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made during COVID, particularly in blue states," Steve Moore, co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, told Fox News Digital. "We hope the results of this study will persuade governors not to close schools and businesses the next time we have a new virus variant."

New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois were among the worst in dealing with the coronavirus, performing "poorly on every measure," the report said.



These states "had high age-adjusted death rates; they had high unemployment and significant GDP losses, and they kept their schools shut down much longer than almost all other states," the report added.

States like Utah, Nebraska, Vermont, Montana, South Dakota and Florida — all governed by Republicans — received the highest scores in the study, first through sixth, respectively. In fact, 13 of the top 15 states in the study are governed by Republicans. (Montana had a Democratic governor until the 2020 election.)


The study also found no correlation in those states that enacted stringent travel, vocation and dining restrictions with lower death totals.

"The study verifies other studies which have found that locking down businesses, stores, churches, schools, and restaurants had almost no impact on health outcomes across states," the report determined. "States with strict lockdowns had virtually no better performance in COVID death rates than states that remained mostly open for business."

Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis <span class="copyright">Getty Images</span>
Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis Getty Images

Throughout the first two years of the pandemic, liberal states were widely applauded for their restrictions while conservative states were lambasted.

well you won't see this on mainstream media

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52 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows

Lawrence Richard
Mon, April 11, 2022, 1:24 AM

A new study has graded states by how well they handled the coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent restrictions and lockdowns, showing a stark contrast between liberal and conservative states.

The Committee To Unleash Prosperity study compared state performance on metrics including the economy, education, and mortality from the virus, and examined how states and their respective governments handled the pandemic response.

"Shutting down their economies and schools was by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made during COVID, particularly in blue states," Steve Moore, co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, told Fox News Digital. "We hope the results of this study will persuade governors not to close schools and businesses the next time we have a new virus variant."

New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois were among the worst in dealing with the coronavirus, performing "poorly on every measure," the report said.



These states "had high age-adjusted death rates; they had high unemployment and significant GDP losses, and they kept their schools shut down much longer than almost all other states," the report added.

States like Utah, Nebraska, Vermont, Montana, South Dakota and Florida — all governed by Republicans — received the highest scores in the study, first through sixth, respectively. In fact, 13 of the top 15 states in the study are governed by Republicans. (Montana had a Democratic governor until the 2020 election.)


The study also found no correlation in those states that enacted stringent travel, vocation and dining restrictions with lower death totals.

"The study verifies other studies which have found that locking down businesses, stores, churches, schools, and restaurants had almost no impact on health outcomes across states," the report determined. "States with strict lockdowns had virtually no better performance in COVID death rates than states that remained mostly open for business."

Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis <span class="copyright">Getty Images</span>
Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis Getty Images

Throughout the first two years of the pandemic, liberal states were widely applauded for their restrictions while conservative states were lambasted.

But we should trust the so-called experts because they're always looking out for us, right?  Take a look at what's going on in Shanghai if you want to know what can happen if the totalitarians get their way.


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On 4/10/2022 at 6:04 PM, hummingbird69 said:

Think what ever you want, you're not worth it.


No man, you posted some crazy stuff. And you can’t just come back with “ think what you want. You’re not worth it”. You have your beliefs, and then I have mine. I am open to honest discussion. But everything you spouted was straight out of the Red playbook. My point is, I will post fact checks for everything you claimed and said. You would have been wrong on a lot of it. However, as I have stated, I am a libertarian, and registered as an independent. If you find it helpful to be in a tribe I’m good with that also. But the post you sent was aggressive and not accurate. We can’t just throw all kinds of shit at the wall and then call it a fact because we heard it on Fox or OAN Or Breitbart. Fact check it. When Steve posts his view point I always like to read it. He has substance. Whether I agree or not. He has facts, and an educated thought. Same for Stryder. John M. But if I’m not worth it that is fine as well. We can talk about the very socially liberal band that we all love. Because every member of this band is extremely socially liberal. Maybe financially conservative. And they are the best band ever. We can talk about those differences. 

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5 hours ago, Plant77 said:

No man, you posted some crazy stuff. And you can’t just come back with “ think what you want. You’re not worth it”. You have your beliefs, and then I have mine. I am open to honest discussion. But everything you spouted was straight out of the Red playbook. My point is, I will post fact checks for everything you claimed and said. You would have been wrong on a lot of it. However, as I have stated, I am a libertarian, and registered as an independent. If you find it helpful to be in a tribe I’m good with that also. But the post you sent was aggressive and not accurate. We can’t just throw all kinds of shit at the wall and then call it a fact because we heard it on Fox or OAN Or Breitbart. Fact check it. When Steve posts his view point I always like to read it. He has substance. Whether I agree or not. He has facts, and an educated thought. Same for Stryder. John M. But if I’m not worth it that is fine as well. We can talk about the very socially liberal band that we all love. Because every member of this band is extremely socially liberal. Maybe financially conservative. And they are the best band ever. We can talk about those differences. 

 What a laugh, you're the one posting crazy shit. You, are listening to news orgs who will do anything they can to smear trump and his family while protecting biden.  You called me a trump jr puppet!!  he was interviewed for 30 hours by the FBI No charges!  not good enough for you. hunter, crack addict, whore fucking, wife cheating, back room dealing with every country his father visited, is no problem for you. The media covering up for him no problem for you, big tech censoring any posts telling the truth about the laptop no problem for you. If you cannot see that you have been lied to over and over again ( the laptop not being real is just the latest ) then there is really no reason for me to discuss anything with you.  Super.. take care now,  bye bye then.

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19 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

 What a laugh, you're the one posting crazy shit. You, are listening to news orgs who will do anything they can to smear trump and his family while protecting biden.  You called me a trump jr puppet!!  he was interviewed for 30 hours by the FBI No charges!  not good enough for you. hunter, crack addict, whore fucking, wife cheating, back room dealing with every country his father visited, is no problem for you. The media covering up for him no problem for you, big tech censoring any posts telling the truth about the laptop no problem for you. If you cannot see that you have been lied to over and over again ( the laptop not being real is just the latest ) then there is really no reason for me to discuss anything with you.  Super.. take care now,  bye bye then.

Man, that’s what I am saying. Just reread all you have posted. I’m firm in my thoughts and opinions. I also know that I am open to change, and honest discussion. It’s funny the Hunter Crack thing. Why do I give 2 shits if he was a crack head or not. And just for conversation, have you ever seen the clips of Trump talking about what he has in common with his Daughter. I grew up listening to Trump on Stern, and many other formats. You may have forgotten that he contributed massive amounts of money to your friend Hillary, and Bill. It’s all there to see in plain sight. I wasn’t the one throwing out all the crazy OAN News clips and attacking LedZepfan1977. You obviously have strong opinions on that crazy, horrible family. And you like them. That’s cool. It’s funny to hear people talk about Trump as if he was this savior, or someone who was good for the country. I guess that all of his Justice Department, the FBI, his personally picked Attorney General, and all the others that he appointed have said flat out that he is out of his mind and the shit he has been talking for a year is utter crap. But let’s keep believing him. It’s actually crazy to me. If you would like we can fact check all of the things you posted in the rant to LedZepFan1977. But I suppose you wouldn’t believe that either. 

Aside from all of the above, I truly hope you, and your family are doing well, and that we can all come together as a society that loves America and our fellow human beings. I’m not claiming to be right. But I would love to start fact checking and throwing up charts. You may be surprised. I may be as well. Have a great night. I don’t want to personally attack you and your beliefs. I’m simply saying let’s all have an open mind and work for the betterment of our country. 

And if almost ever American historian on Presidents say that he was the absolute worst, or at the bottom of the list does that not matter to you? And these are Bipartisan groups. Or does none of that matter, and only what your sources feed you. And that source being Trump, his retarded kid, and his mouth piece Sean Hannity and whoever else who wants to have an autocratic leader. 

Alright, be well Sir. 

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3 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

The bloodthirsty dwarf (Yezhov reference, in case you're wondering) is back, and giving the game away:

Watch: Fauci Admits "You Use Lockdowns To Get People Vaccinated" | ZeroHedge

Fauci is a textbook example of why Ben Franklin warned that those who would trade essential liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security.

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On 4/12/2022 at 8:54 AM, Stryder1978 said:

California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows

Lawrence Richard
Mon, April 11, 2022, 1:24 AM

A new study has graded states by how well they handled the coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent restrictions and lockdowns, showing a stark contrast between liberal and conservative states.

The Committee To Unleash Prosperity study compared state performance on metrics including the economy, education, and mortality from the virus, and examined how states and their respective governments handled the pandemic response.

"Shutting down their economies and schools was by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made during COVID, particularly in blue states," Steve Moore, co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, told Fox News Digital. "We hope the results of this study will persuade governors not to close schools and businesses the next time we have a new virus variant."

New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois were among the worst in dealing with the coronavirus, performing "poorly on every measure," the report said.



These states "had high age-adjusted death rates; they had high unemployment and significant GDP losses, and they kept their schools shut down much longer than almost all other states," the report added.

States like Utah, Nebraska, Vermont, Montana, South Dakota and Florida — all governed by Republicans — received the highest scores in the study, first through sixth, respectively. In fact, 13 of the top 15 states in the study are governed by Republicans. (Montana had a Democratic governor until the 2020 election.)


The study also found no correlation in those states that enacted stringent travel, vocation and dining restrictions with lower death totals.

"The study verifies other studies which have found that locking down businesses, stores, churches, schools, and restaurants had almost no impact on health outcomes across states," the report determined. "States with strict lockdowns had virtually no better performance in COVID death rates than states that remained mostly open for business."

Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis <span class="copyright">Getty Images</span>
Govs. Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis Getty Images

Throughout the first two years of the pandemic, liberal states were widely applauded for their restrictions while conservative states were lambasted.

I don’t disagree with this. The lockdowns should have been total or not at all. Having protected the people that needed it, and allowed the people who could continue as before to continue their lives. Or it should have been across the board back in Feb/April of 2020. Shut it all down for 3-4 weeks. We didn’t do that, therefore shutting down partially, or in creating areas was just ridiculous. And I don’t think we can ever even come close to that again. Gavin is an asshat. As are a lot of people in control of this state, and several other states. 

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2 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

Finally some common sense prevails..

Federal Judge: Biden Airplane Mask Mandate Illegal (breitbart.com)

Of course if you're concerned about this you can still wear a mask on planes if you want to (you just can't force others to do it).


Yeah, I am happy that we moved to this as well. If you want to wear a mask, wear it. If you want to get vaccinated do it. We can’t control others or what they do. I respect others choices. If you are at risk and want to take a risk, do it. That’s on you. If you are not at risk, and not worried about it, that’s on you as well. I am vaccinated and boosted, never had a flu shot in my life. However we are at a place now that we can’t force anything. And I don’t want to have anyone control my thoughts and actions. Those who would do better to wear a mask and don’t, that’s on them. If they are more protected getting vaccinated and don’t, that is on them as well. But forcing people to do anything hasn’t gotten us very far. As I said earlier, maybe in Feb/April of 2020 we should have completely shut down for a couple weeks collectively. We didn’t and couldn’t do it for a variety of reasons. But I’m over masks, and haven’t worn them unless forced for many, many months. 

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On 4/18/2022 at 4:29 PM, Plant77 said:

I don’t disagree with this. The lockdowns should have been total or not at all. Having protected the people that needed it, and allowed the people who could continue as before to continue their lives. Or it should have been across the board back in Feb/April of 2020. Shut it all down for 3-4 weeks. We didn’t do that, therefore shutting down partially, or in creating areas was just ridiculous. And I don’t think we can ever even come close to that again. Gavin is an asshat. As are a lot of people in control of this state, and several other states. 

Promoting the sequestering of the most vulnerable is prudent public health policy. Locking down everyone is tyranny. In the end, it didn't make a damn bit of difference.

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1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

Promoting the sequestering of the most vulnerable is prudent public health policy. Locking down everyone is tyranny. In the end, it didn't make a damn bit of difference.

especially when we were at early stages Governors like Cuomo deliberately put  positive covid patients in with  the elderly in nursing homes, killing tens of thousands, not putting them in the arenas Trump had national guard put together in record time and a navy ship for make shift hospitals, this is why he was rail roaded by his own party on sex assault charges

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