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Pet Peeves


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Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. Haven't you figured it out, yet? This is simply too much work for spats. The woman should be doing all of that, while he just sits there and says "yes" or "no." Why? Because if they aren't doing that, then they aren't being clear, and spats doesn't like that... you know... spats doesn't like having to make a fucking move.

I know I'm a fool for trying. But the way I see it, I'm doing it for the board. You see, Spats is telling us about it because it's been TWO YEARS. If I can just get some advice to hit, and he gets some tail because of my advice, well then we won't have to hear any more about it for another two years.

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I know I'm a fool for trying. But the way I see it, I'm doing it for the board. You see, Spats is telling us about it because it's been TWO YEARS. If I can just get some advice to hit, and he gets some tail because of my advice, well then we won't have to hear any more about it for another two years.

But Bonnie,he's been saying it's been 2 years for the last ....2years. :huh:

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But Bonnie,he's been saying it's been 2 years for the last ....2years. :huh:

Well, aside from learning ventriliquism, going to Toronto, and stalking him everywhere he goes, that's the best we can do....

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I know I'm a fool for trying. But the way I see it, I'm doing it for the board. You see, Spats is telling us about it because it's been TWO YEARS. If I can just get some advice to hit, and he gets some tail because of my advice, well then we won't have to hear any more about it for another two years.

No, the answer is to ignore him and he'll wither up and blow away. Anything else is a tremendous waste of time.

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That doesn't sound horrible but i don't even know if that's what she wanted. I have had to many mixed signals in the past when it comes to flirting.

Here is a pet peeve. People who give mixed signals with their flirting.

Being straightforward is the best approach. If it doesn't go the way you hope, then at least you know. Just state your intentions. If you get mixed signals from the girl, ask hers!

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My ex girlfriends were not stupid, easy blond girls. Seriously. I don't think it's right to say that women who play hard to get and sit and wait for the guy to come to them are on a higher level than women who will approach a guy she is interested in. I think the women that go after what they want are cooler because they bypass all the game playing. And they more honest about what they want.

Very profound. How can anyone argue with this? Sounds a lot like me :)

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Here is my latest pet peeve and it happened again last night.. Me and some buddies were at an event and there were some good looking women there. And as it's wrapping up a pretty girl there is flirting like crazy with me and then it just goes nowhere and her and her girlfriends leave. What is the point???? :o If you have no intention of hooking up with someone don't flirt like that with the person. This girl had my hopes up and then nothing. What a letdown. It's happened a couple times recently. It's not a nice thing to do and it's frustrating. If you have no interest in someone, don't act like you do.

If women truly think like that that their thoughts on men and dating are completely whacked. Men aren't some one demensional robot who hit on any pretty girl they see and don't worry about getting rebuffed or anything like that. Guys have concerns about that stuff ya know.

If i insulted her by not being Mr.Macho and asking her out that's her tough luck.

Asking her out or for her phone number is being Mr. Macho? Oh lawsy. BTW, it's also your tough luck... because you were interested.

I am not a mind reader. I don't want to be having to guess what is going on in her head. Life is too short for that. I aways speak my mind and say what i want or don't want.I just want honesty.

Did you speak your mind then? Let's review... "...This girl had my hopes up and then nothing..."

You are not a mind reader. Neither is she. She flirted... you got your hopes up... and nothing. I guess you not only want the first move made by her, you want it to be so direct that you can't mistake it. I guess a girl should walk to you, say I think your hot and I want to get to know you so give me your phone number.

Why don't you have that printed on a t-shirt, maybe make up some calling cards with that information on it. Just hand it out to hot chicks... maybe they'd like that. oops, I guess they should walk up to you and ask for one.

...and yes folks, I know it's pointless, but I haven't fed the spats in awhile.

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^I believe that the reason we started saying vowels differently was because it was too hard to say the other way.

My linguistics professor says that some sound combinations are "too expensive" so we start pronouncing things a slightly different and lazier way--for example when we drop letters or make "having" sound like "haffing."

I will leave it to Allison to decide whether I'm right--she DOES have a more advanced English degree than the one I (almost) have. :lol:

Sorry to interrupt all the spatizms. Mandy, how about the word "ask"? It always makes me cringe a little to hear it pronounced "aks" (as in axe <_< ) but I can see how it does roll off the tongue naturally that way. How does a pronunciation come to be the standard? Are there any formal rules to that?

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It could be a problem with the male population and it also could be a problem with women not picking the right men to have kids with or even to have sex with.

Well, some of them do make the right choices, that's why you're still single.

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That's what I was trying to remember... The Great Vowel Shift.

What was the logic? For some reason I thought the language shifted and the peasants won out over the Queen's / King's English... kind of like what's going on now with the great apostrophe shift... ^_^

The logic is in the fact that phonetic and phonologic changes influenced spelling. The reason why the pronounciation changed is not relevant.

The role of an apostrophe is to distinguish between plural and adnominal case (for example). The only logic of this "great apostrophe shift" might be that people are becoming more and more lazy and ignorant, and can't remember the simplest spelling rules.

^I believe that the reason we started saying vowels differently was because it was too hard to say the other way.

It's not.

There are many other languages with much more difficult pronunciation, but people speaking these languages have no problem with it.

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Sorry to interrupt all the spatizms. Mandy, how about the word "ask"? It always makes me cringe a little to hear it pronounced "aks" (as in axe <_< ) but I can see how it does roll off the tongue naturally that way. How does a pronunciation come to be the standard? Are there any formal rules to that?

I could answer that if I had my linguistics book. I loaned it to a friend last semester, so I don't have it.

Ask/aks is a form of methathesis, where we flip-flop the sounds when we're speaking.

That's all I can say right now, but I think there is more history behind that one than I can be confident in talking about.

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Yeah I agree I hate that but I have to tell you if that were done to Me the Redneck in Me would come and I would introduce Him to the steak many times .Then I would not need tenderizer.People dont do those kinds of things to Me for some reason.Take care sorry to interupt .

And they would have deserved it! LOL! My husband eats meat, I dont' give a shit. It's my PERSONAL choice....we live in a free world (well, kinda) HA!

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