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Hi LDW smile.gif

But you are English. We Americans have to try harder than you to get the approval of the French. LOL

And I would agree that teens and young adults don't get the fashion scrutiny that older adults (who should know how to dress) do. And the Brits do not dress as casually as Americans do, either, so you are already better dressed than most Americans are, in general. Just my observations from being a world traveler, lol.

Yeah, when I went to England, I noticed the English were a little more dressed up than I usually would be (lucky for me, it was cold the whole time and I had a nice-looking jacket to wear, hehe), so I think as a Southern Californian I'm going to have to try a little harder than most. It won't hurt to err on the side of stylishness, anyway!

As for pleasing the French, I agree, it's not possible, hehe. All my French teachers were either the nicest people you've ever met or the biggest snobs, so there's nothing you can do except ignore the snobby ones and be thankful for the nice ones, I guess. I believe in having respect for other cultures, and I expect respect for mine (that doesn't always happen, but that's for another thread), so I just want to try to not stick out like a HUGE sore thumb out of respect for the people who live there and are just trying to do their thing, keeping in mind that I can't (and don't want to) completely erase the American in me.

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This weather. I am attempting to climb into the mountains later today as I am 16 miles from my home and sick of being in a hotel and miss my dogs! If you don't hear from me...I slid off the mountain but at least I was listeniing to LZ going down the mountain! :peace:

Edited by Deborah J
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L I T T E R !

outside my local supermarket

There's probably a trash can right on the corner too?

I've seen people here pull into a shopping center parking lot and procede to unload their car of a weeks worth of trash (McDonald's etc...) lazy ass peopledry.gif

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There's probably a trash can right on the corner too?

I've seen people here pull into a shopping center parking lot and procede to unload their car of a weeks worth of trash (McDonald's etc...) lazy ass peopledry.gif

I hate that too. There are trash cans all over the place and yet they can't be arsed to wait and toss their trash in one :angry:

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people who can't read.

not that they can't, they choose not to. As a supermarket employee, it gets highly irritating to have someone go for a price check on every item you have. If you go to the express lane, and have 4 or 5 things, and then have to have me get someone to do a price check. throw in 50 coupons and you are paying in all pennies, you've got my biggest pet peeve.

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This is going to seem extremely random, seeing as Tiger Wood's public apology was a while back, and his apology is what's ultimately inspiring this. I don't mean it to be random, but...


I am so sick and tired of Public Apologies from people in the public sphere when the offense being apologized for was not against the public. Tiger Woods cheated on his wife, not his fans. Why the fuck do we need to hear an apology?

For me it's just more evidence of the bullshit celebrity culture that permeates the USA. For some retarded reason, celebrities are seen as "role models". Of what? For what? Children? If parents need some TV celebrity to raise their child, perhaps they shouldn't have had a child.

If a celebrity cheats on their spouse, or gets caught smoking marijuana, or gets a sex tape leaked, or some such other thing, they don't need to apologize to us. In the first case, they should deal with it privately. In the second case, so fucking what? In the third case, simply say "your welcome" and leave it at that (or "accidentally" let another one leak :D).

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We don't need an apology, but it eases his sense of guilt and/or depression. He is not comfortable with who he is. The person who he thinks that he should be and the person who he is are two separate individuals. This is his way of coping psychologically.

Edited by eternal light
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We don't need an apology, but it eases his sense of guilt and/or depression. He is not comfortable with who he is. The person who he thinks that he should be and the person who he is are two separate individuals. This is his way of coping psychologically.

I'd buy that if it was just Tiger Woods who gave the public apology, but every celebrity who has ever screwed up gives it. And I don't understand why. Unless they explicitly committed a wrong against their fans (lied, etc), then there is no reason for it. So either your hypothesis is true for all celebrities everywhere, or there is more to the story having to do with media pressure and public image and celebrity culture and shit like that.

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I'd buy that if it was just Tiger Woods who gave the public apology, but every celebrity who has ever screwed up gives it. And I don't understand why. Unless they explicitly committed a wrong against their fans (lied, etc), then there is no reason for it. So either your hypothesis is true for all celebrities everywhere, or there is more to the story having to do with media pressure and public image and celebrity culture and shit like that.

In Tiger's case the public connection is that his squeaky clean image was tied to his endorsements ie/ he had morality clauses written into some contracts that he breached. Does that mean I feel personally affronted by his personal failings? Nope, but you could see why fans (and companies he signed with - to which he offered profuse apologies on his website) would be pissed.

But about celebrity apologies in general, I guess it's a double edged sword because for some reason you often hear how the public's demanding an apology, like said celebrity would be forgiven and we'd buy the products again or whatever if only they'd make amends. Not sure why that happens either.

Edited by Patrycja
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Drivers on the expressway who wait until the last possible moment to cross over four lanes of traffic to get to their exit.

For me it's most other people who drive at all. Especially ones who can't say in their own lane, or tail-gate you when you're going 25mph through a school zone in the morning. But the worst is when people decide they want to switch into your lane but don't put their turn signal on. Either that or they put their signal, on, but when they do they're already half-way into my land, and then flick the signal right back off again. rant.gif

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Not enough shelf space for books! Well, not enough space for anything, period... Yet another reason to move out of my parents' house - it was built in 1928, and people back then obviously didn't have as much stuff as they do now because there is NO ROOM to put ANYTHING!!! I mean, over and above no good place to put the TV and the washer and dryer and other modern inventions, "storage" was just not in their vocabulary. Smallest linen closet ever, and the pantry? What pantry? And the broom closet is just that - enough room for a broom.

And the clothes closets are just frigging stupid...instead of being rectangular so you can hang a pole across it which will fit as many clothes as possible, it's randomly square. So technically it's a walk-in closet because you can stand in the middle (if I didn't have crap piled up a mile high, that is), but there's only so much room for clothes on the short poles on the left and right sides. In my case, it's only on the right side since we put in some SHELVES!! on the left (what a novel effing idea!). I know I should just be happy that I have a nice, warm house to come home to, but I can't help but wonder why these people didn't want a slightly more comfortable house since they built it themselves and all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to go to the gym, but I realized my iPod is dead. Yeah...last time I was there and it was dead, it was NOT preetty.

The freakin' wall plug doesn't hold connection, so I had to jiggle the wall charger.

How long does it take to charge an iPod?

I started a load of laundry while I wait...

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