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Creepy story


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I just read about this and thought I'd share it. I'm not sure how well known it is, but I've never heard of it before. Here's the gist of it:

In 1959, nine experienced Russian cross-country skiers — seven men and two women, led by a man named Igor Dyatlov — headed to the Ural Mountains, to a slope called Kholat Syakhl (Mansi language for "Mountain of the Dead," ahem) for a rugged, wintry trek. On their way up, they are apparently hit by inclement weather and veer off course and decide to set up camp and wait it out. All is calm. All is fine and good. They even take pictures of camp, the scenery, each other. The weather is not so bad. They go to sleep.

Then, something happens. In the middle of the night all nine suddenly leap out of their tents as fast as possible, ripping them open from the inside (not even enough time to untie the doors) and race out into the sub-zero temps, without coats or boots or skis, most in their underwear, some even barefoot or with a single sock or boot. It is 30 degrees below zero, Celsius. A few make it as far as a kilometer and a half down the slope. All nine, as you might expect, quickly die.

And so it begins.

Why did they rush out, unable to even grab a coat or blanket? What came at them? The three-month investigation revealed that five of the trekkers died from simple hypothermia, with no apparent trauma at all, no signs of attack, struggle, no out-ward injuries of any kind. However, two of the other four apparently suffered massive internal traumas to the chest, like you would if you were hit by a car. One's skull was crushed. All four of these were found far from the other five. But still, no signs of external injuries.

Not good enough? How about this: One of the women was missing her tongue.

Oh, it gets better. And weirder.

Tests of the few scraps of clothing revealed very high levels of radiation. Evidence found at the campsite indicates the trekkers might've been blinded. Eyewitnesses around the area report seeing "bright flying spheres" in the sky during the same months. And oh yes, relatives at the funeral swear the skin of their dead loved ones was tanned, tinted dark orange or brown. And their hair had all turned completely gray.

Wait, what?

The final, official explanation as to what caused such bizarre behavior from otherwise well-trained, experienced mountaineers? An "unknown compelling force." Indeed.

Here's the problem: All the convenient, logical explanations — avalanche, animal attack, secret military nuke test — fail. Russian authorities held a three-month investigation. Rescuers, experts picked through every piece of evidence. There were no signs of natural disaster. And if it was just an avalanche, why was the area closed off for three years following the event, and all related documents put in a secret Russian archive until 1990? If it was some sort of weird nuclear megablast (which I suppose may tint you orange, but won't turn your hair gray), what the hell happened to her tongue?

Full link here: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?....DTL&nl=fix

Wiki link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyatlov_pass_accident

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I just don't get why they would suddenly all wake up in the middle of the night and instead of opening their tent normally, in a panic, they tore their way out.

I mean, I suppose the avalanche idea makes a lot of sense seeing as how if they were caught under the snow, they'd need to force their way out, but the rescuers claimed there had not been an avalanche in that area at all.

The Yeti idea is interesting to me. I think mainly because of the 3 dead at the bottom of the mountain in the forest. I can imagine something like a Yeti causing an extreme amount of damage against the victim's limbs as was mentioned. Also note that no human could have caused that much damage.

It just all seems so odd. I can't make sense of it. :S

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my guess is it is bunk. it has all the tell tale signs of being so. i was reading about another one of these strange tales that supposedly happened in russia . i'm referring to the story of the siberian hole to hell. many people bought into it until the person who made it up admitted doing so.

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I can imagine that they may have saw things outside of their tents from the inside. Like maybe a shadow through the tents, like a figure stood from the outside that may not have looked human.

It could have been something tactical like if there were things stood over their tents, then it would be simultaneous and there would have to be some noise to alert their attention to them. Or, there could have been maybe one or two of these things stood over the tents, and if someone inside the tent saw this, then they would have ran or screamed and that alone would have alerted the other members of the group.

There is evidence to suggest that a few of them including Dyatlov, not far from the camp site, appeared to have been making their way back. Which I don't get - it may have been to save someone, who knows?

I really can't make heads or tails of it, but it is extremely intriguing and I'm enjoying trying to figure it out.

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I believe, I do I do I do.


I am open to stuff like this. Some conspiracy theories interest me too. But it's hard to believe this photo is real because it looks as though Hitler is barely making eye contact with the alien. Not just that, but the alien looks like some dodgy Hollywood creation anyway.

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I am open to stuff like this. Some conspiracy theories interest me too. But it's hard to believe this photo is real because it looks as though Hitler is barely making eye contact with the alien. Not just that, but the alien looks like some dodgy Hollywood creation anyway.

Is this convincing?


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my guess is it is bunk. it has all the tell tale signs of being so. i was reading about another one of these strange tales that supposedly happened in russia . i'm referring to the story of the siberian hole to hell. many people bought into it until the person who made it up admitted doing so.

You could be right, there a lot of strange stories coming from Russia.

But what if it's true? :ph34r:

Looking at it from another point of view, 'Hyperthermia' must be the easiest way to die, you would just go to sleep! :chickeddance:

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Wowzer! There's some pretty wierd stuff knocking around. Look what I stumbled upon:


An alien on Ilkley Moor, England. I have walked on that very same path!!! :lol:

I suppose you can conclude what you want. The story that we are discussing here is just another one of those unsolvable mysteries.

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The Human race has lived thousands of years, and during that time, we've had 3 Golden Ages; meaning we've evolved 3 times. Some believe we're literally knocking at the door of our next Golden Age, and some believe that will be 2012.

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I just read about this and thought I'd share it. I'm not sure how well known it is, but I've never heard of it before. Here's the gist of it:

In the middle of the night all nine suddenly leap out of their tents as fast as possible, ripping them open from the inside (not even enough time to untie the doors) and race out into the sub-zero temps, without coats or boots or skis, most in their underwear, some even barefoot or with a single sock or boot. It is 30 degrees below zero, Celsius.

I don't know if I believe it...

30 degrees below zero is extremely cold weather and almost too dangerous to be sleeping out in average tents...You'd almost need a Mongolian Yurt...

And in weather that cold, would they be sleeping in just underwear? I mean I thought if you were sleeping in a tent in that temperature you had to sleep fully clothed...

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I don't know if I believe it...

30 degrees below zero is extremely cold weather and almost too dangerous to be sleeping out in average tents...You'd almost need a Mongolian Yurt...

And in weather that cold, would they be sleeping in just underwear? I mean I thought if you were sleeping in a tent in that temperature you had to sleep fully clothed...

Perhaps, that part was worded wrong, an understatement, and perhaps the part that they were in their underwear only adds to this mystery. That part isn't so hard to believe considering the fact that one of the women was missing her tongue.

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Thris thread, specifically the Bush/alien clip, led me on an internet research journey, which led me to this guy Philip Schneider. Just check him out to see more.

Anyway, I was watching this guy's clip, and he sounds so genuine, and I would loved to get dragged into the conspiracy, but I have to take a step back, and ignore it.

This kind of shit will make you go insane.

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Thris thread, specifically the Bush/alien clip, led me on an internet research journey, which led me to this guy Philip Schneider. Just check him out to see more.

Anyway, I was watching this guy's clip, and he sounds so genuine, and I would loved to get dragged into the conspiracy, but I have to take a step back, and ignore it.

This kind of shit will make you go insane.

The only reason people think information gathering of this sort will make you insane is because they're scared to know too much. I mean fair enough if there is a point you feel you want to stop at, but after you've gotten over the initial shock, learning more is just better.

And it isn't as if reading it makes you some nut, it just makes you more aware, even if you don't believe it, at least you know there's always two sides to a story.

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