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The Spats Thread


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Yeah but if the girl is wanting to have a one night stand with me she has probably done that before so ya never know. Again, put aside the disease factor, she is probably a easy girl and i don't want one of those.

You seem to have forgotten that you're in no position to be choosy, muh-boy.

A super slutty really easy girl may be your only chance of ever getting laid.

You gotta find a girl thats willing to screw anyone..

..and then got for it! :thumbsup:

look.. if this guy was able to find a chick willing to screw him..


then maybe.. just maybe.. it's possible for you too.


..not very likely, mind you.

..but maybe.

Go find yourself a.. super duper extraordinarily indiscriminating

and promiscuous beyond any sense of reason.. easy girl, spats! :cheer:

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Try coffee shops.

Or bookstores.

Or museums.

Or parks (once it's nicer outside).

Or the gym.

Or a library.

Yes and Yes to the list above.

I wanted to be best friends with a dude i saw reading Hammer of the Gods on the subway today.

You never know where you might find people, but c'mon, clubs are a no go.

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Yes and Yes to the list above.

I wanted to be best friends with a dude i saw reading Hammer of the Gods on the subway today.

You never know where you might find people, but c'mon, clubs are a no go.


My new best buddy at school likes Sabbath. He likes me because I'm organized. (I've saved his ass in class more than once) ROFL

...and as for my "new boyfriend" at school---he was cute, then he spouted off about loving Zeppelin! :wub:

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I saw this on a bumper sticker the other day:

Sex is like air. You don't care about

it until you're not getting any.

And some more Bumper Sticker Humor:

Caution: I drive like you do!

Strangers have the best candy

Save the Earth, it's the only planet with Chocolate

No, I don't have PMS. I just really hate you.

My mind works like lightning, one brilliant flash and it's gone

I didn't ask to be a princess but if the crown fits...

I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I'm damn good at it

I brake for scholars, priests, and no apparent reason

Stupidity is not a crime so you're free to go

" I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth!"

" Watch out for the idiot behind me!"

Moooooove, I'm trying to speed!

Buckle up... it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car

I break for........................OH SHIT NO BRAKES

There are 2 types of pedestrians, the quick and the dead.

Learn from your parent's mistakes use birth control.

He who laughs last thinks slowest.

All men are idiots, and I married their king.

Friends help you move; real friends help you move the body.

Very funny Scotty; now beam down my clothes

Low riders are for little boys who can't get it up.

Saw it, wanted it, threw a fit, Got It!!

Want to get laid? Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait!

Mothers with teenagers know why animals eat their young

We're not old people we're recycled teenagers!

If you're rich, I’m single!


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Save the Earth, it's the only planet with Chocolate

My mind works like lightning, one brilliant flash and it's gone

I didn't ask to be a princess but if the crown fits...

I brake for scholars, priests, and no apparent reason

" I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth!"

Buckle up... it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car

I break for........................OH SHIT NO BRAKES

There are 2 types of pedestrians, the quick and the dead.

Friends help you move; real friends help you move the body.

Very funny Scotty; now beam down my clothes

Saw it, wanted it, threw a fit, Got It!!

I need all those! :hysterical:

And a bigger car.... :unsure:

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Your wife! :o we need to talk :lol:

It's quite sad, really---the total lack of intimacy that I've grown used to in my middle age.

Just kidding. But I can truthfully say that my wife would not see the humor in that post or a few of my other ones!!

(edited for repeated word.)

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Hell, just TALK to the cute girl that works at your grocery store!

Do you know how much I flirt with male customers and I don't even realize it? (Which probably explains the getting hit on all the time, LOL.)

The other night, the guy behind one of the guys I was talking to was like, "you coulda had him..."

and I was like, :huh: "what? He's one of my mom's friends!?!"


And say what? I don't have much in common with some girl that works at a grocery store. And do people like people they don't know coming over and talking to them when they are out doing stuff like that?

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For Christ sake Spats, that's always the first thing you fixate on...will the girls approach you there. You need to start conversations naturally in situations like Mandy suggested, they're not meat-markets where people "approach".

Okay then, well some girl has never started a conversation with me in a Library or a park or grocery store before. Is this happening all over? Because it's never happened to me.

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I think we put out vibes that let people know how approachable we are. When you've been hurt, it can be easy to shut down, at least partially. Hey, everybody kick my ass now, because I am about to quote something I heard on Oprah: "Hurt people hurt people." Get it? Okay, bye for now :bagoverhead:

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Oh, SNAP! Hear that, Manders? Or should I say "some girl in a store" :rolleyes: .... Damn! Spats, you are ice cold.

I wasn't refering to Manders as some girl in a grocery store. Does she work in grocery store? I just meant that i don't know what i would talk about with a grocery store girl other than maybe the weather.

And there isn't much time to chat when they are adding up your groceries.

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Yes and Yes to the list above.

I wanted to be best friends with a dude i saw reading Hammer of the Gods on the subway today.

You never know where you might find people, but c'mon, clubs are a no go.

I wanted to get to know this hot girl that worked at a Pizza Pizza the other weekend. But how do you start things up with someone like that? It's just not a great place to do that.

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That's absolutely true, spats. yesnod.gif

But not for the reasons you think.

I'd even go so far as to say nothing will work for you.

The reason nothing will work for you is.. you're broke, son.

And I don't mean you're low on cash.

I'm mean you're pathologically immature.

..both socially and emotionally.

Get into therapy, dog.

The sooner the better.


Socially and emotionally immature?

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I wanted to get to know this hot girl that worked at a Pizza Pizza the other weekend. But how do you start things up with someone like that? It's just not a great place to do that.

and a club is?

there probably isn't any ideal place to go up to someone. It's called balls Spats, grow some.

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