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The Spats Thread


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I may be slightly Spats-ly on this, but I like my alone time. It's kinda annoying to be around someone who worships you all the time. I know I'm "bad", and I'm not the most beautiful girl-not that I'm ugly, but there are lots more attractive than me-so it's kinda annoying to be told how great I am. It's just like, "Aaaahhh, Go HOME! I will see you next weekend."


I guess you have a point. I'd go crazy if my boyfriend followed me around the house telling me how "cool" he thought I was.

But since he doesn't, I haven't gone crazy yet. I do wish he'd tell me that he thought I was cool more often though. :D

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Yeah, I only drop in every now and then. It's really the same 4-5 pages rehashed, sometimes slightly rephrased, and sometimes almost exact duplications of what's already been said. Kinda amusing sometimes though... if you're bored enough. I just don't understand folks getting all wrapped around the axle about it.


I do actually find Spats entertaining, I'll admit it. I don't uderstand the need to get too worked up over this thread. It's not like Spats advocates killing puppies or something.

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Think again. Wallpaper paste is more interesting than you are.


It's your fucked up-ness that makes you so interesting, Spats. None of us can believe it, so we come back here to be entertained. And once in awhile (when we're feeling impossibly optimistic) we actually try to help :hysterical:

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Spats, I don't plan on getting riled up and posting the "throw the computer through the screen" emoticon again. I've had my own issues, some of which I have briefly stated in this thread. Other people have had their problems. The joke might be on US rather than you, but what the heck. I'm going to check in on this thread much less often. Instead I am going to participate in less redundant threads, such as the "Oh my God, Led Zep is going to tour again" threads. I hope you find whatever it is that is best for you somehow. Assuming you haven't been bullshitting us I would suggest listening to Bonnie if you haven't already.

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Spats, I don't plan on getting riled up and posting the "throw the computer through the screen" emoticon again. I've had my own issues, some of which I have briefly stated in this thread. Other people have had their problems. The joke might be on US rather than you, but what the heck. I'm going to check in on this thread much less often. Instead I am going to participate in less redundant threads, such as the "Oh my God, Led Zep is going to tour again" threads. I hope you find whatever it is that is best for you somehow. Assuming you haven't been bullshitting us I would suggest listening to Bonnie if you haven't already.

Zep touring again threads are redundant, but I get your point.

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Spats, I don't plan on getting riled up and posting the "throw the computer through the screen" emoticon again. I've had my own issues, some of which I have briefly stated in this thread. Other people have had their problems. The joke might be on US rather than you, but what the heck. I'm going to check in on this thread much less often. Instead I am going to participate in less redundant threads, such as the "Oh my God, Led Zep is going to tour again" threads. I hope you find whatever it is that is best for you somehow. Assuming you haven't been bullshitting us I would suggest listening to Bonnie if you haven't already.

Hey thanks for the vote of confidence....

For the record, I really don't know how I became "Spats-counselor Extrordinaire"??

Edited by ~Bonnie~
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I may be slightly Spats-ly on this, but I like my alone time. It's kinda annoying to be around someone who worships you all the time. I know I'm "bad", and I'm not the most beautiful girl-not that I'm ugly, but there are lots more attractive than me-so it's kinda annoying to be told how great I am. It's just like, "Aaaahhh, Go HOME! I will see you next weekend."

Yep, the extremes can get annoying. But the problem with where I live is that many guys think being rude is a great image to set, almost like they have control. Somewhere in the middle, not being rude but not like an annoying, redundant Prince Charming, is alright with me :)

Spats, if you want a relationship, you need to learn compromise. Maybe, you could let the woman know you have important priorities to fulfill. You can set up a dining arrangement that satisfies you and her. Get this spats, it requires communication and understanding :o Now, if you ditched wanting to spend time with her just to watch TV, then I feel pity. If you can't set aside 30 minutes to eat dinner with her maybe only once or twice a week, then I suppose a relationship isn't for you, and you shouldn't try and cry about everything. If you don't date, you'll have all the alone time you want.

You don't need to be a fantasy, fairy-tale prince to take a woman's feelings into consideration.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Why should admin. delete "this shit"? The thread is pretty harmless unless one gets too deeply invested in it.

It'll come in time. Random threads and some picture threads had been deleted just because they got too big. This one is on it's way to it's demise.

One day it just won't be here anymore. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh :D

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Truthfully, I'll never understand why people (in general, not pointing any fingers) want threads deleted because they don't like them. We ALL have an option not to read them. Myself included.

SAME GOES WITH THE GUN THREAD THAT GOT DELETED. GET IT, PEOPLE? I'm still pissed off about that. And I hope the whiner that got it deleted never returns. :rolleyes:

This thread IS hopeless. Spats is BEYOND fucking hopeless. But it's comedy gold to me! :lol:

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Spats, I don't plan on getting riled up and posting the "throw the computer through the screen" emoticon again. I've had my own issues, some of which I have briefly stated in this thread. Other people have had their problems. The joke might be on US rather than you, but what the heck. I'm going to check in on this thread much less often. Instead I am going to participate in less redundant threads, such as the "Oh my God, Led Zep is going to tour again" threads. I hope you find whatever it is that is best for you somehow. Assuming you haven't been bullshitting us I would suggest listening to Bonnie if you haven't already.

Zep touring again threads are redundant, but I get your point.

I think he was being facetious. ;)

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Sorry, how long did you date her before she moved in.

A couple months. I thought i would give it a try because i had never done it before. I thought it would best if she moved into my place. Because i didn't want to be bothered going and renting a new place and i didn't want to move into her place. If it was her place then she could ask me to leave if it didn't out. This way i could ask her to leave. Because it was my place.

Anyways it didn't take long before she wanted to change how i did things, etc. So it didn't last long.

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God forbid you spend some time with the woman you supposedly loved. :rolleyes:

It's just punishment, punishment, I tell you to have a beautiful woman want your attention when you're supposed to be her boyfriend!

She just seemed to want to start new routines and stuff. I am not into routines. I eat when i want and where i want. If i want to sit in front of the tv and eat in my own place then i should be able to. If she wanted to sit at the table that's fine. I wasn't trying to convince her to sit on the couch and eat.

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Can anyone here honestly see Spats ever being in any sort of successful relationship? I can't even envision how it would be possible. I always say "there's somebody for everybody"...but not Spats. NO ONE could deal with him for any length of time. And it's not just that the girl couldn't stand him, it's that he's just as likely to sabotage it and break it off as her!

It can work as long as they don't try and change me.

When it came to the break up of the relationships, i ended them for the most part.

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Spats, I don't plan on getting riled up and posting the "throw the computer through the screen" emoticon again. I've had my own issues, some of which I have briefly stated in this thread. Other people have had their problems. The joke might be on US rather than you, but what the heck. I'm going to check in on this thread much less often. Instead I am going to participate in less redundant threads, such as the "Oh my God, Led Zep is going to tour again" threads. I hope you find whatever it is that is best for you somehow. Assuming you haven't been bullshitting us I would suggest listening to Bonnie if you haven't already.

I am not BSing anyone.

Thanks. I hope i find what is best for me as well. :D

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She just seemed to want to start new routines and stuff. I am not into routines. I eat when i want and where i want. If i want to sit in front of the tv and eat in my own place then i should be able to. If she wanted to sit at the table that's fine. I wasn't trying to convince her to sit on the couch and eat.

That would be really bad because the crumbs would fall inbetween the cushions.

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Yep, the extremes can get annoying. But the problem with where I live is that many guys think being rude is a great image to set, almost like they have control. Somewhere in the middle, not being rude but not like an annoying, redundant Prince Charming, is alright with me :)

Spats, if you want a relationship, you need to learn compromise. Maybe, you could let the woman know you have important priorities to fulfill. You can set up a dining arrangement that satisfies you and her. Get this spats, it requires communication and understanding :o Now, if you ditched wanting to spend time with her just to watch TV, then I feel pity. If you can't set aside 30 minutes to eat dinner with her maybe only once or twice a week, then I suppose a relationship isn't for you, and you shouldn't try and cry about everything. If you don't date, you'll have all the alone time you want.

You don't need to be a fantasy, fairy-tale prince to take a woman's feelings into consideration.

I agree that ya need to compromise to a certain extent. But i don't like it when they try and change your life or routine. And wanting to eat at the table at dinnertime every night is silly to me. You can't just eat when you want and just sit down and eat wherever ya want? Especially when it's your own home. She was moving into my place. If i had moved into hers i wouldn't ask her to change her eating habits or how she did things.

I see how my buddies who live with their wives and girlfriends had to change their life to keep the women humming and it seems the guys had to do more changing than the women. Not good.

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For the most part I've stopped participating here. Spats is a game player with the woman he meets AND the members of this forum. He disputes and has a comeback for every piece of advice given.

Jethro, I am not a game player with the women i meet or everyone here.

I have taken some of the advice given. It hasn't worked but i took some of it.

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And that was too much for you to handle, huh? Couldn't just do it to be nice, and make her happy, huh?

And she just couldn't be nice and let me eat while watching tv without a problem. Goes both ways.

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You are an incredible idiot. It boggles the mind.

No I'm not. It's just fair. You expect me to be nice and do anything for them that they desire but you don't seem to expect them to do that for me. I'm the bad guy.

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No I'm not. It's just fair. You expect me to be nice and do anything for them that they desire but you don't seem to expect them to do that for me. I'm the bad guy.

Yes, because you are unbelievably stubborn over the littlest things. Your girlfriend wants to sit down at the table and eat a nice dinner with you, and spend some time with you, and you can't be bothered. It's more important to you to sit on the couch and watch tv, like you're a 10 year old. Again, just get a blow-up doll, it won't want you to do anything, spend any time with you, or ask you to make any accomodations. Perfect.

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She just seemed to want to start new routines and stuff. I am not into routines. I eat when i want and where i want. If i want to sit in front of the tv and eat in my own place then i should be able to. If she wanted to sit at the table that's fine. I wasn't trying to convince her to sit on the couch and eat.

Thank God I didn't have that issue. I moved in with my boyfriend after three years, and while I was worried about whether it was going to work, I knew he wouldn't boot my ass.

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No I'm not. It's just fair. You expect me to be nice and do anything for them that they desire but you don't seem to expect them to do that for me. I'm the bad guy.

I will ask this again.

Are you sure you aren't gay?

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