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"Ignore User" function


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I'm curious...

besides those who seem to have a fairly intimate relationship with the ignore function..

who would have used.. or considered using.. the ignore function to block out posts by

our friend at the old board.. He Who's Name Must Not Be Mentioned..The Dork Lord?

I wouldn't have.

Who could possibly ignore the car wreck that Spats was.... you wanted to keep reading just to see if he would do something utterly human, ever.

Besides, I gave him that moniker.....how could I turn my back on him after that? B)

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My wife says that I ignore her all the time. She claims that I have selective hearing.

I figure it's just a survival trait aquired over a million years of human evolution... because men need to focus on important things like hunting, protecting the home and football.

In fact, I have a theory that they only reason women have vaginas are so that they don't end up being completly ignored. I'll bet that in caveman days women's breasts developed so that men could tell from far away that the person they were looking at was a 'woman'... you know, a person with a vagina.

Btw, my wife just said that what I wrote was, "really offensive and crude" and that I should not post this.

But I ignored her.

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I don't see the big deal with someone using the Ignore Function(no, I don't use it).

People are free to enjoy a message forum however they choose(as long as they aren't breaking any rules).

I get the feeling some people are making a soap opera out of what is a trivial matter.

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I don't see the big deal with someone using the Ignore Function(no, I don't use it).

People are free to enjoy a message forum however they choose(as long as they aren't breaking any rules).

I get the feeling some people are making a soap opera out of what is a trivial matter.


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I think it is nice to hear everyone s view, and not just what you want to hear.

I only use ignore lists on message boards when it's obvious people are really looking for trouble. In general I ignore open and stupid offences and do simply not react on it. I only block them if similar stuff with various people is spread over the board all over or if there are serious personal insults for no reason.

I don't mind different opinions and I can deal quite well with sometimes heaty discussions. This is part of every days life and we all wouldn't have friends any more if we took all the stuff too serious. Different points of view are not a personal offence. But I don't like it if people come around here in order to be aggressive just for fun. And I do not like it if such folk gets themselves mixed up in matters which are not their business at all.

I spend parts of my lifetime in participating on message boards - so what use should it have to deal with trolls I've never seen in my life and mostly never will?

Edited by Tinkerbell
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  • 3 weeks later...
I really like this option. :) I've blocked 5 people* so far and I'll be happy to block more if necessary.

Let me explain: It's not that there's a lot of terribly awful peeps on here who offend me to the extreme or whose posts are completely worthless. It's just that some people's posts seem to bring out the worst in me and I know I'll pick a fight if I comment. Like in real life I don't want to mingle with some people and that's where the "ignore user" function comes in handy. Silly? Maybe. An overreaction? You bet. But it helps me enjoy this board.

Do you ignore people? Would you ever? And if so, what would it take for somebody to land themselves on your ignore list?

*) An updated list will be available upon request. Inquire within. :)

Yes, I agree; I did not use it before but it's nice when it reaches that point to at least have the option. I don't really want to ignore people, but sometimes it makes it easier to enjoy the board; cuts back on the heartache, which I don't need at Christmas time.

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I only use ignore lists on message boards when it's obvious people are really looking for trouble. In general I ignore open and stupid offences and do simply not react on it. I only block them if similar stuff with various people is spread over the board all over or if there are serious personal insults for no reason.

I don't mind different opinions and I can deal quite well with sometimes heaty discussions. This is part of every days life and we all wouldn't have friends any more if we took all the stuff too serious. Different points of view are not a personal offence. But I don't like it if people come around here in order to be aggressive just for fun. And I do not like it if such folk gets themselves mixed up in matters which are not their business at all.

I spend parts of my lifetime in participating on message boards - so what use should it have to deal with trolls I've never seen in my life and mostly never will?

I agree.

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My wife says that I ignore her all the time. She claims that I have selective hearing.

I figure it's just a survival trait aquired over a million years of human evolution... because men need to focus on important things like hunting, protecting the home and football.

In fact, I have a theory that they only reason women have vaginas are so that they don't end up being completly ignored. I'll bet that in caveman days women's breasts developed so that men could tell from far away that the person they were looking at was a 'woman'... you know, a person with a vagina.

Btw, my wife just said that what I wrote was, "really offensive and crude" and that I should not post this.

But I ignored her.

Amen Brother.lol

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  • 3 years later...

I can't understand why anyone with a modicum of character would use it.

Yeah, there are clearly quite a few 'hello flowers, hello trees' aerie-faerie, sycophantic types on here who will only ever toe the party line and are mortally offended by anyone expressing a heterodoxical viewpoint, and humourless po-faced cry-babies who basically can't take a fucking joke. They might use it. But I'd never put them on ignore, because they are perversely entertaining in their idiocy. Instead, I'd just FLAME them...

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Can't say I'd ever use it either. Seems a bit infantile to me.

So how does it work? If you put someone on an ignore list do they become invisible?

Not sure, never tried it.

I might be prepared to try it with Jahfink, but it might be irreversible, which would be a shame because I would miss the turkey-shoot.

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I can't understand why anyone with a modicum of character would use it.

Yeah, there are clearly quite a few 'hello flowers, hello trees' aerie-faerie, sycophantic types on here who will only ever toe the party line and are mortally offended by anyone expressing a heterodoxical viewpoint, and humourless po-faced cry-babies who basically can't take a fucking joke. They might use it. But I'd never put them on ignore, because they are perversely entertaining in their idiocy. Instead, I'd just FLAME them...

It's a message board option I've used often and those I'm ignoring are usually banned. Some here just aren't worth my time. I don't see what character has to do with it.

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It's a message board option I've used often and those I'm ignoring are usually banned. Some here just aren't worth my time. I don't see what character has to do with it.

If they're banned, why bother to ignore them?

I meant 'character' in terms of being open to all viewpoints, and not being so immature and thin-skinned as to assume that a poster who makes the odd idiotic or offensive post, whether personal or not, is automatically incapable of making any valid points worthy of one's perusal.

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It's a message board option I've used often and those I'm ignoring are usually banned. Some here just aren't worth my time. I don't see what character has to do with it.

If they are banned they can't post. so you must mean were banned and returned in a new username? I used it on one aggravating instigating member that I have not seen in ages. He may be gone? Not sure. But sometimes the curiosity just got the best of me and I read it anyway. Knowing full well it was just another insult or personal attack.

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If they are banned they can't post. so you must mean were banned and returned in a new username? I used it on one aggravating instigating member that I have not seen in ages. He may be gone? Not sure. But sometimes the curiosity just got the best of me and I read it anyway. Knowing full well it was just another insult or personal attack.

What, we can have multiple user names here? That sounds cool.

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I think what SAJ meant was that most of the people he chose to add to his ignore list ended up being banned eventually.

Kinda like a confirmation of his opinion of them.

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