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Ted Nugent On Meeting Pagey.....Why I hate Ted

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"Most of the things he's said are about the same as all the vicious remarks people have made in this thread about him."

not quiet..

ted on kurt cobain:

"i'm glad he's dead, i piss on his grave"

ted on jimmy:

he should o.d .

not an exact quote but it's more or less what he said

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So many people getting so worked up.

Was Ted as great as Zeppelin? Of course not.

No one was in most of our opinions.

But if you weren't around in the 70's you have no idea how big Nugent was during that aforementioned "Cat Scratch Fever" period.

For a few years towards the end of the 70's, he was top dog.

And for good reason.

Because although he wasn't the virtuoso Page is, what he DID do, and incredibly well, was put on a fan-fuckin-tastic show.

Every time.

I saw him 3 times, and he never failed to deliver.

His shows were super intense, rock your face off, pure sex and adrenaline.

So he WAS a contemporary of Page and the rest, he can comment as he wants, I didn't care for it, but it doesn't change how I feel about him. That was pretty much EXACTLY what I'd expect from him. He's always been excessively alpha, he's who David Lee Roth learned how to be Davis Lee Roth from.

And anyone who lets their anger cause them to say things like Nugent is a nobody is just exposing how little they know about him.

In fact, one of the absolute ultimately coolest memories I have OF ANY BAND/MUSICIAN/WHATEVER is during the 78 Florrida World Music Festival, while Ted is bare-chested in the wide-legged head-thrown back guitar solo of Stranglehold, and a girl gets onstage, runs up to him and drapes herself around his legs. He never missed a lick, just kept wailing like "this kinda shit happens all tha time", until a couple stagehands rushed over and pulled her off him and carried her off.

He embodied everything you could think of in a hard rock guitarist, and if you try listening to Double Live Gonzo, Great White Buffalo and Wang Dang Sweet Poontang will give you a better idea of how hard his shows rocked.

You don't like what he said about Page, fine.

But don't let it make you say even stupider shit in return.

Some of the points you make are valid. I remember how big doulble live gonzo was. i owned it. it is one of the albums that i cut my teeth on as a teenager. I saw ted 2 years in a row at stl arena- the shows were pretty much as you describe. Aside from Ted's constant blathering about how other people are fucked up, my peeve with him is that he is, well, one dimensional...he never seemed to grow as an 'artist' (and i'm being very liberal here), never grew past length of said 'baby dick', as it were...hmmmm, let's compare:

"got you in a stranglehold then I crushed your face..."


"the mighty arms of ATlas hold the heavens from the earth..."

YOU decide...

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Not just in showbiz, either. Shit, I don't know anybody who isn't addicted to something. I'd be rich if I had a dime for all the upstanding suburban citizens I've known who were drunks or druggies at some point.

Amen to that...

with the popularity of online/overseas pharmacies, never before in the history of our country have we seen such an epidemic of people addicted to pain pills. and then throw in alcohol/Heroin/Coke/Meth/Cigarettes.

if I had a nickel for everyone I know who is a addict in some way. (including myself) I would have around $8 and 35 cents...I added it up earlier :(

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With all being said about Ted Nugent. I have to say he was one of my favorites. and I still listen to "Double Live Gonzo" on a weekly basis. I love his guitar style and his improvising type of solo's. :)

what he said about Page doesn't change the way I feel about his music. he had alot more then 3 good songs! come on guys and gals!

but as a person he is a big asshole! :D

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Ted enjoys killing animals, so what, hes more of a hunter than 99% of the hunters out there. Hell the fucking Indians don't even fucking hunt anymore, they buy their meat because most of them are too drunk. I don't get this reasoning that he enjoys it, its wrong. Tell me how many hunters out there who don't enjoy it. At least he preaches about the conservation of public wild lands and animals. He enjoys killing animals, even though he does everything right and then some to kill them, but yet it's wrong because he like it.

he has done more to promote the good aspects of hunting and hunting responsible than any other person in this world. But yet he is detest because he enjoys something that a billion other people do a day. probably another billion if you add fishing to it. Maybe we should go out and kill the Bass masters champion because he fishes for money.

If you don't like hunting fine, but don't preach you're hate for people when it thier right to do it.

good point.....

I have no problem with hunters. if you even seen or been in a slaughter house you would feel the same way. the way they kill pigs and cows is so horrible it makes me sick!

my Uncle Mark lives like Ted. he lives off the land. he hunts and fishes for all his meats. he has a garden for all his fruits and veggies. and his wife bakes fresh breads, noodles, ect.. they go out every year and pick fresh mushrooms, and grapes/peaches so the can have jelly and peserves. they jar all thier veggies as well for the winter. they also raise thier own chickens...I have more respect for my Uncle Mark then anyone else in the world...

as for me, I can't shoot an animal. so I have to make the other choice. and that is buying my meat at a crocery store. someday I plan to do the same as my Uncle and his wife, for they were raised that way and are following a traddition. and every animal the kill they kill with respect! and show that animal a hell of alot more remorse then them slaughter houses do.

don't bash hunters unless you have walked a mile in thier shoes. or lived in the wild .you have no idea what you are talking about. hunting is a way of life. and if Ted decides to hunt for his meat. then that is his god given right. and American right...go visit your local slaughter house and then come back to me.

sorry about the spelling my keyboard is fried!

Edited by Fresh Garbage
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Now you're catching on.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Difference is, he makes his LIVING putting other people down. Or did you not listen to the juvenile bashing of Page that started this thread, which was broadcast to the public?

but apparently you're NOT catching on.

no, he makes his living as a musician (regardless of people's opinion of how much or how little of a musician he is). I'm fairly certain he didn't get paid for cuttin' up during an interview "bashing Page".

He's just outspoken, and as an American, that's his prerogative.

Here we're free to be whatever we want, including an asshole.

Hell, look at the assholes in this thread!

Please notice I didn't designate WHO may or may not be an asshole, just a nice open-ended statement to reveal knee-jerk reactions lolo

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"got you in a stranglehold then I crushed your face..."


"the mighty arms of ATlas hold the heavens from the earth..."

YOU decide...

My membership on this forum as well as my earlier post indicates my preference for Led Zeppelin - I never implied that Nugent was on par with LZ.

My only disagreement was with those who let their anger over what he said cause them to say things like Nugent is a nobody, no talent, etc., which is absurd.

As I said in my previous post, he was huge at one time, but I never inferred he was anywhere near Zeppelin.

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I thought it was funny.


What he said pales in comparison to some of the shit Robert talks about other people.

I'm not to sure that Roberts ever been that harsh on someone. He's made it clear of bands and musicians he doesn't like and made a few comments here and there, but Ted just tears Jimmy up like he's a fuckin piece of shit or something. I think Ted should have chosen another profession if he's that hostile towards people who do/did drugs. There's no other profession in the world that's more associated with sex and drugs, then Rock n' Roll. And even if he dissapproves of someones misfortunes, he doesn't have to rag on someone for choices they make unless it personally affected him. Name one guy besides him that didn't do some sort of drug back in the day. So does that mean that everyone is a fuckin loser but him??? Fuck Ted, he's an arrogant asshole. If I ever ran across that prick I'd spit on his goofy ass. Robert is no comparisson to him with the insults. Sorry.

Edited by Rock Historian
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If you don't like drugs or alcohol fine, but don't preach your hate for people when it's thier right to do it. (See how that works?)

Many Indians are alcoholics because they are the folks left over after the genocide, they've lost their culture and their land. Physically they don't do well with alcohol, something the european settlers knew full well and took advantage of.

By the time those european settlers got to California, friend, they were no longer content just to steal their land, they were hunting native people like animals. Whoo-hoo, good times, huh? Think that kind of history in your family might cause you to take a drink or two?

Like Mangani, I spend lots of time outdoors, and far as I can tell, hunters are the ones who "appreciate" nature by speeding through it, raising dust, leaving behind shot gun and other bullet casings and empty beer cans, and a huge amount of broken glass; scaring the horses and disturbing the peace. There are a handful of people around who hike or ride out or who hunt with bow and arrow, and those people do seem to appreciate nature and wildlife, though I think shooting with a camera is the way to go. But for the most part hunters seem to be lazy ass truck drivers or ORVers who want to raise some hell, and have some unwritten rule about leaving a ton of trash behind. One assumes they regard animals with the same level of contempt as the land and other people.

Give me a stoned guitarist any time.

Sunchild, will you marry me?

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but apparently you're NOT catching on.

no, he makes his living as a musician (regardless of people's opinion of how much or how little of a musician he is). I'm fairly certain he didn't get paid for cuttin' up during an interview "bashing Page".

He's just outspoken, and as an American, that's his prerogative.

Here we're free to be whatever we want, including an asshole.

Hell, look at the assholes in this thread!

Please notice I didn't designate WHO may or may not be an asshole, just a nice open-ended statement to reveal knee-jerk reactions lolo

I guess I just know him better now as a person who writes and speaks the most ridiculous, vicious, violent and hateful BS I've just about ever heard. Here's some stuff that white men who hate niggers and bitches will just lap up with a spoon (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Nugent):

"In a 1992 radio interview, Nugent referred to Heidi Prescott of the Fund for Animals as a "worthless whore" and a "shallow slut," asking "who needs to club a seal, when you can club Heidi?" and was ordered by a court to pay $75,000.

At an Anaheim, California concert on August 21, 2007, Nugent, brandishing a pair of his trademark AR-15 rifles, Nugent made reference to a trip to Senator Obama's home state, and his conversation with the candidate while he was there: "I was in Chicago, I said, 'Hey, Obama, you might wanna suck on one of these, you punk'" Nugent punctuated these last words with shakes from his rifles, then addressed the audience directly: "Obama, he’s a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun! Let's hear it for him." As the audience cheered, Nugent turned his political criticism toward Senator Clinton. "I was in New York, I said, 'Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch!'"

Sure it's his right to be a flaming asshole. What he is NOT is a pillar of moral superiority.

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Nugent's massive dead animal consumption has led to Gout of the brain. His jealously of Page's success has afflicted Nugent like a disease. I'm A Loser In A Loin Clothe Syndrome. It's Ted's one card trick to get attention from the media. Spewing his rot on Jimmy Page has been a favorite pastime of this momma's boy for over 25 years and is as tired as his old stale-ass licks. Page would have been justified to offer Nugent a front kick than his picking hand when humble Ted desired to meet Jimmy. It really crosses the line when putrid Ted drags Page's mother into it. Nugent wouldn't have a career without his own Mother's endless promotion of him here in Illinois. Is hating and shaming other guitarists and musicians what his Mother taught him? What a fucking disturbed hypocrite.

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I guess I just know him better now as a person who writes and speaks the most ridiculous, vicious, violent and hateful BS I've just about ever heard. Here's some stuff that white men who hate niggers and bitches will just lap up with a spoon

that's pretty harsh, and rather unnecessary to make your point

BTW, your citing wikipedia?

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"In a 1992 radio interview, Nugent referred to Heidi Prescott of the Fund for Animals as a "worthless whore" and a "shallow slut," asking "who needs to club a seal, when you can club Heidi?" and was ordered by a court to pay $75,000.

At an Anaheim, California concert on August 21, 2007, Nugent, brandishing a pair of his trademark AR-15 rifles, Nugent made reference to a trip to Senator Obama's home state, and his conversation with the candidate while he was there: "I was in Chicago, I said, 'Hey, Obama, you might wanna suck on one of these, you punk'" Nugent punctuated these last words with shakes from his rifles, then addressed the audience directly: "Obama, he’s a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun! Let's hear it for him." As the audience cheered, Nugent turned his political criticism toward Senator Clinton. "I was in New York, I said, 'Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch!'"

not much different from things Howard Stern has said, who by the way DOES make his living bashing others.

Sure it's his right to be a flaming asshole. What he is NOT is a pillar of moral superiority.

at last we agree :P

I've certainly never suggested he was moral at all.

And I'm no fan of mixing guns and politicians in any fashion as you cited above with Obama and Clinton, but I would point out that no liberals make a sound about the many instances where Bush has been mentioned or alluded to or even had a movie about being assassinated. I remember early in his first term one of the broadcast networks' nightly news showed his picture with a scope sight on it, and it was "pooh-poohed" as "much ado about nothing, just making a big fuss."

But don't let it be a Dem...

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I'm with TypeO, why the hell do people care so much? Seriously, this is typical Ted. This is what Ted Nugent is known for. He's as likely to change his attitude as Keith Richards is to change his drugs for sobriety.

And what's he jealous of? Led Zeppelin? The man is already extremely successful and I seriously doubt he's simply talking out of envy

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I wonder if we had let Ted be in control of our nuking capability if he would have pushed the button as Howard Stern had said we should have done. Wiped out the whole mideast, jews and all.

We could have sent in a few teams of gasoline stewards to rebuild some pumps and refineries and made gas 25 cents a gallon. For the Supreme blend!

It's nothing but rock and sand over there, the culture is worthless. It's not even needed in the USA, we have plenty of culture here, no need to add more.

And another thing, the only good product we ever got from that region of the planet besides petroleum was magic carpets. And they don't even work!

Too bad Ted wasn't a the helm in Cheyenne Mountain when we were the most pissed at the forsaken part of our planet. We'd have added him to Mt. Rushmore.

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that's pretty harsh, and rather unnecessary to make your point

BTW, your citing wikipedia?

I was just saying out loud what Nugent is nudging and winking about to his adoring fans. Even though he's a bastion of fighting so-called political correctness, at least we've come far enough that even such as he won't come right out and say the N word, even though his crowd knows just what he means, don't they? (Although he's got no problem saying the B word, does he?)

Went to the first place I found some quotes from him. I'm not a fan and am not going to spend a lot of surfing time looking up Ted Nugent.

Not much different from things Howard Stern has said, who by the way DOES make his living bashing others.

You're right. I'm no fan of his, either (bet you're not surprised... )

at last we agree :P

I've certainly never suggested he was moral at all.

And I'm no fan of mixing guns and politicians in any fashion as you cited above with Obama and Clinton, but I would point out that no liberals make a sound about the many instances where Bush has been mentioned or alluded to or even had a movie about being assassinated. I remember early in his first term one of the broadcast networks' nightly news showed his picture with a scope sight on it, and it was "pooh-poohed" as "much ado about nothing, just making a big fuss."

But don't let it be a Dem...

I agree with you on this point, for sure. Although to put Bush behind bars as a traitor to the American people and a war criminal wouldn't bother me in the least.

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You're right. I'm no fan of his, either (bet you're not surprised... )

[more stuff]

I agree with you on this point, for sure.


I love it when disagreements wind down peacefully and errybody's still OK.

Sometimes these escalate inappropriately and that sucks.

It shows intelligence and maturity to be able to have a fiery debate without getting out of control.

We're on different sides of the political landscape, SunChild, but you can count me as a new fan - you're OK with me.

And hey - we both like LZ too :lolo:

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I love it when disagreements wind down peacefully and errybody's still OK.

Sometimes these escalate inappropriately and that sucks.

It shows intelligence and maturity to be able to have a fiery debate without getting out of control.

We're on different sides of the political landscape, SunChild, but you can count me as a new fan - you're OK with me.

And hey - we both like LZ too :lolo:

Cool. Back at 'ya! :beer:

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If you're living in Massachusetts she could. B)

Just noticed your new avatar! I love it. Had it up in our office during a stressful time recently and all we had to do was raise a coffee mug and smile at each other and the message would be sent... :D

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Ted has the biggest ego in the biz. The best part is Jimmy Page never says a bad word about him, probably doesn't even know who he is! Page has class, Nugent...not so much. Yeah Page did slobber all over himself on the Outrider show, but what can you say, he's in the JP zone. Ted should learn to respect his musical superiors. His bows and arrows and venison can't help him become something he's not, a real songwriter like Page. I have one word for Ted....Kashmir.

:thumbsup: I totally agree!

And Pagey can slobber all over me any time :D

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Hi All,

Thanks for opening my eyes to Ted Nugent. A friend once told me that in the seventies Ted was a guest on a Led Zeppelin Show and he blew Jimmy Page away. I said "what with ? a gun, because he could not do it with a guitar" this seemed to settle the argument as he never mentioned it again.

We should all look up just what Ted is all about before hating him.

According to his own site about hunting, Ted loves the thrill of the kill without the thrill of the chase.

Ted eats what he kills, and he thinks that makes it OK to "Hunt" on a small fenced off piece of land, where the animals have no chance of escape. To me thats just murder, in hunting the animal should always has a chance of escape. Even though I do not endorse Fox hunting the Fox mostly gets away, unlike Bullfighting where the Bull is harassed to the point of exhaustion then ritually killed.

Teds problem is simple, he found a way of avoiding the draft for Vietnam, and now he feels guilty and ashamed that he is a coward. He attacks other people for their weakness because he cant live with the fact that underneath it all he is coward. Why else use an automatic sniper rifle that can kill at a thousand yards to do what a real man can do with his hands or at least a knife.

I dont hate Ted for getting out of the draft, because as he put it he had "not wanted to get his ass blown off in Vietnam," but then going to IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN in 2004 to do a tour for the troops does not make him a HERO either. My own son is in AFGHANISTAN at the moment, on his second tour, he has had shrapnel from a rocket land on his tent, we at home worry all the time he is out there, he is our hero, not Mr Nugent, not for that matter JP,RP,JPJ orJB or any of that ilk. They are just ICONS.

As for Mr Page and others, there substance abuse does not interest me in the slightest. I LOVE them for the musical pleasure they have given me for the past 40 years. Their music does not seem to age, and I know it never will.

Anyway, rant over, thanks for listening.

All the best, Danny

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