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"Candy Store Rock"


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I have been listening to this song a little more recently, and I don't know which way to go with it. I must like it because I have made an effort to play it enough. Let me know your thoughts on the song. Maybe it will help me make a firm decision. :whistling:

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I first heard this on our former rock station 96 rock in 1976 when Presence was released, and I was only 14 years old.

But this was the very first Led Zeppelin song I had ever heard and I thought it was awesome, and that was the beginning of my following and turning into a Zeppfanatic as I discovered all of their material as I eventually bought all of their albums, of course everything is on CD now.

I think I own every CD and DVD that the group has put out.

But yeah Candy Store Rock- ROCKS!!

Edited by KennethDisraili
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I have been listening to this song a little more recently, and I don't know which way to go with it. I must like it because I have made an effort to play it enough. Let me know your thoughts on the song. Maybe it will help me make a firm decision. :whistling:

What listeners have to understand is that Led Zeppelin sometimes strayed from their "mainstream" rock melodies and experimented with exciting and unique music styles while alluding to previous rock icons; for that reason, Zeppelin remains the embodiment of the art of self-expression and individuality. Candy Store Rock is just another example of their nonconformity and, in my opinion, deserves much more recognition.


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CSR is my favourite Led Zep song - always has been.

(For the avoidance of flame, please note I said "my favourite" & not "the best" - if you don't appreciate the difference, well I can't help you)

The way they are obviously having such a blast re-imagining the spirit of the rock 'n' roll tunes they listened to when they were younger makes it a very "fun" song for me to listen to.

Then there's the beat - the way that they turn the beat arround every time that they go between the verse & the chorus just makes me smile from ear to ear. (If you don't know what I mean, go back & have a listen - going from the verse to the chorus they add an eighth note beat; going from the chorus back to the verse they drop an eighth note beat. It's genius B) )

Edited by huw
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What listeners have to understand is that Led Zeppelin sometimes strayed from their "mainstream" rock melodies and experimented with exciting and unique music styles while alluding to previous rock icons; for that reason, Zeppelin remains the embodiment of the art of self-expression and individuality. Candy Store Rock is just another example of their nonconformity and, in my opinion, deserves much more recognition.


Well it certainly got my attention as it was the start of me becoming a Led Zeppelin fan.

And as of note, Robert Plant recentley said that Presence was his favorite album and thought that it best showed the true meaning of what Led Zeppelin is.

I think Presence was underrated for the high quality album that it is.

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  • 1 month later...
I have been listening to this song a little more recently, and I don't know which way to go with it. I must like it because I have made an effort to play it enough. Let me know your thoughts on the song. Maybe it will help me make a firm decision. :whistling:

let it grow on ya...it's my favorite on the album. The only single too.

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i love the beat to this song, I really like the outro to the song at about 3.18 and Bonhams drums are as always fab !! Presence is my fave Zep album, never understand why people think its cool to diss this album, just because it didn't sell as much as the others, although it was millions still !!

Great song t on a great album !!! :)

Edited by leddy
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Honestly? It's crap.

You have a masters degree in what's crap? I'm sorry, but while it's perfectly okay to say something doesn't appeal to you, denouncing it as "crap" is well, crap! I love the song. Does that make my opinion crap, or those of the other fans of the song? Qualify your opinion with an "IMO". Cause that's all it could ever be. An opinion. One person's crap is another's treasure.

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You have a masters degree in what's crap? I'm sorry, but while it's perfectly okay to say something doesn't appeal to you, denouncing it as "crap" is well, crap! I love the song. Does that make my opinion crap, or those of the other fans of the song? Qualify your opinion with an "IMO". Cause that's all it could ever be. An opinion. One person's crap is another's treasure.

Whose opinion would I be posting, other than my own? I don't think I'd ask my neighbor what he thinks and then post it here. So why preface a post in a thread asking for people's opinions with "In my opinion"? Isn't that a tad redundant? Shouldn't it be blatantly obvious to people that I am indeed, posting my opinion on the song? If I was posting what someone else thought of the song, I would say so.

My word.

Edited by Electrophile
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