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Foo Zeppelin


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you can bash RP forever, but he's an important ingredient no more and no less then JPJ and JP.

I agree to his importance, maybe if more fans would be honest about how he has treated them over the past 10 or so years he would come down off his high horse.

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I imagine it was Jimmy who chose Ramble On, and probably just because it's a song that reminds people of some of the range Led Zeppelin used to span. But I don't think it's a good idea to read too much into yesterday's events in relation to Robert, however. There is no message other than the obvious fact that Jimmy and Jonesy were there, together, rocking in front of 86,000 people. :beer:

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I agree to his importance, maybe if more fans would be honest about how he has treated them over the past 10 or so years he would come down off his high horse.

Take it easy, mate. I think it would do you good to read stuff on these forums and learn a bit more, instead of just repeating the same message endlessly. :)

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I agree to his importance, maybe if more fans would be honest about how he has treated them over the past 10 or so years he would come down off his high horse.

Unlike you, I and others on this forum have been into the band for up to 40 years.

Never have I felt mistreated by Robert, ever!?

They disbanded out of respect for Bonzo and did their own thing.

They all tried new things some with each other and some not.

You either appreciate it or not, it's that easy.

Now stay with me, ok?

"If you don't grow, you die."

Would you go to a Zep concert if Robert was there?

Of course you would and all would be forgiven.

So what's your problem?

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I imagine it was Jimmy who chose Ramble On, and probably just because it's a song that reminds people of some of the range Led Zeppelin used to span. But I don't think it's a good idea to read too much into yesterday's events in relation to Robert, however. There is no message other than the obvious fact that Jimmy and Jonesy were there, together, rocking in front of 86,000 people. :beer:

Very true Otto, good to see our two elder statesmen of rock picking up their planks and spanking them.


... I have information from a fictitious source close to Plant that this event has indeed spurred him into action. Next month he will enter the studio to work on a collaboration with Celine Dion for an album of Devo covers to be performed in the style of a Tuvan throat singer. The album will be called "I've Completely Run Out Of Ideas: The Devo Years" and a six month run of shows in Las Vegas will be announced as soon as he's been fitted for a tuxedo.

Bah, who needs Steve A Jones and Knebby when you've got me to give you the all important scoops.

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I imagine it was Jimmy who chose Ramble On, and probably just because it's a song that reminds people of some of the range Led Zeppelin used to span.

I agree but it's kind of ironic since they never really played it live as Led Zeppelin. They only played parts of it in medleys for the most part.

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Sorry if this comment appears rude, no rudeness intended but....

Get with the Program!!

I was with the "program" as of 11:00pm EST and NME did NOT I repeat did NOT run the story true to form. They were screwing with me just as well! Anyway, glad to hear some folks got to see a couple songs played live. I'm not a Foo fan so this news has me doubly pissed but what the hell. Prelude to a tour?

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The pic and video were amazing. That would've been so cool to have seen. But I guess seeing Robert on the same night was an alright consolation. -_-

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I wonder what he thinks about his former bandmates with different singer(s)?

He didn't lose sleep over Paul Rodgers, John Miles, Chris Farlowe or David Coverdale.

Having heard last night's caterwailing and screaming into the mic I'd say not much.

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Jonsey must not like Dave, since he is up front. I personly think Jimmy is staring in the new M.A.S.H. remake as an older Hawkeye Peirce with that jacket.

I imagine they were both up towards the front together for the benefit of the camera crew, press and of course the fans. Special guests are meant to be seen and heard.

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I'm thinking a pissed off Robert will want to prove he's not replaceable!

Percy- you better get a steppin'!

Now if Jimmy and John Paul played on stage with a contemporary of Robert's, say someone who could actually sing, then yes we'd have a situation to worry about. But Dave Grohl? Besides, what Jimmy and JP did last night seemed more like a senior-moment than a favor.


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I agree to his importance, maybe if more fans would be honest about how he has treated them over the past 10 or so years he would come down off his high horse.

oh, the fans fault now.....

you remind me of an interview i saw on t.v. once-with mark david chapman.

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I imagine they were both up towards the front together for the benefit of the camera crew, press and of course the fans. Special guests are meant to be seen and heard.

Well I'm just glad that Jason was not seen or heard, for the fact that this proves Jimmy and Jonesy can work together, without being led zeppelin. Even though they played led zeppelin music and probably were introduced as Led Zeppelin members, they can go out and just jam without Robert. I'm sure they think Jason is a quality drummer, but they won't let Jason (or Roberts) plans keep them from playing. Do i smell all star jam at bonnaroo.

Once again, i don;t see this as they don't think Jason is good, but i do see that these two men want to play and they may not wait for the singer.

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I think it's great that Jimmy and JPJ wanted to play together, whatever the occasion. JPJ has made no secret of the fact that after the O2, he definitely wanted to play with Jimmy again.

Just to see them both on stage again, lifts my spirits. :D

I'm sure Jason would have happily joined them, but it was a Foos gig after all, and Mr Grohl has always wanted to drum with Zeppelin - so this was probably as close as he's ever going to get.

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Hardly a reunion by any stretch of th eimagination, just 2 members joining another band on stage. :blink:

Kind of like the Incredible String Band reunion--there only ever were basically two of them (plus assorted hangers-on), and one didn't show for the reunion, so I felt it was a bit of a stretch to call it a reunion in that case . . . :lol:

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Undistorted audio of R&R: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_InaRAQBR5M

Upper Deck video of R&R: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9wuKQtInWk

R&R video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=762saJ4O64c

Some good bits of Ramble On, esp in the 2nd half of the video:

Upper Deck Vid of Ramble On: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sce0AVuBdIU

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Hardly a reunion by any stretch of the eimagination, just 2 members joining another band on stage. :blink:


I suppose you "imagine" Page & Plant with the assorted back up band members as approaching Led Zeppelin Greatness. But, go ahead, and stretch your emaginantion!

This just goes to show you again.... that JPJ and Robert Plant are irreplaceable when it comes to having a "Led Zeppelin" performance (with Jimmy Page) ! The Drummer actually did a pretty decent job of it. Dave G. wasn't bad... it's just that Robert, the 'Led Zeppelin' Robert is just so damn Wonderful !

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I suppose you "imagine" Page & Plant with the assorted back up band members as approaching Led Zeppelin Greatness. But, go ahead, and stretch your emaginantion!

This just goes to show you again.... that JPJ and Robert Plant are irreplaceable when it comes to having a "Led Zeppelin" performance (with Jimmy Page) ! The Drummer actually did a pretty decent job of it. Dave G. wasn't bad... it's just that Robert, the 'Led Zeppelin' Robert is just so damn Wonderful !

Don't know what you are having a go at here, it was not a reunion period. Just JP & JPJ joining another group. P&P wasnt led zeppelin as far as I was concerned. 2 foos and 2 Zeps do not equal a Led Zeppelin


whatever :blink:

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