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You are welcome. WDR Rockpalast / Bizarre Festival, August 98, Köln Germany.

this is a smokin', kick ass show. band is getting wet in the rain, robert reaching through the mist for his muse, and fu#@in' jimmy page playing for his life. highlights: bigly!!! rest of the show!!

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I have video evidence which clearly shows Jimmy was having issues throughout the tour and no doubt this made him difficult to work with and probably stunted his creative drive.

Maybe he did get cleaned up for the Crowes, but by then maybe the time had passed for Robert, creatively. None of us understands the dynamic between RP and JP.

The point I am making is, you cannot solely blame RP for Zeppelin not reforming.

I think your point is coming from the wrong direction. You have video evidence? We all know Page could get fucked up. No one knows but the 2 of them why they dissolved in the 90's and Robert himself said that it's over, and he loved doing the 02. So the question at hand is...Who now, in the present day of this band, is not willing to reform. Not 10 years ago or 25 years ago. Now. We all have evidence that would solely be one Robert Plant.

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As stated before, questionable comment 10 years on. If anyone is having trouble performing at this time it was not Jimmy, he was in fact blistering. Video proof of this...

August of 98...

Hot Damn!@ That was blistering. Page putting out the rain with his fire. :o

Awesome post Mr.Z, thank you.

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You are welcome. WDR Rockpalast / Bizarre Festival, August 98, Köln Germany.

I've just been watching all the youtube footage from that show--some really amazing playing. Same for the Shepherds Bush show from that same tour. Truly stunning. Hope we get to see the like again soon!!

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I don't need a damn video to prove how blistering Jimmy Page was on the 1998 tour. He was on top of his shit and the Dallas show was stunning. I've seen and heard Jimmy junked out in Zeppelin and fried with The Firm. This tour was not that. I saw the above 4 shows from the 1998 tour; 4th row in St. Louis ; 2nd and 4th row at the United Center in Chicago and 3rd row dead center in Dallas. Not one sign of inebriation on Jimmy's part and he played with a ferocity that's impossible to maintain if you're fucked up. I'm unaware of how Jimmy conducted himself post-show, but his playing was superlative when I saw him. Did the poster with video documentation of Page's alluded - to intoxicated state see any shows from that tour?

I was at the '98 show in Dallas myself and can second your opinion. The crowd went apes--t. They were spectucular, just as they were in Dallas in '95.

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I saw the first concert link (psychedelic jazz) and although it was hot, not the same thing as Zep '07. I was at Jones Beach, NY '98...we got a limo for the show, me and 6 or 7 of my high school buddies, and it was a blast but...it wasn't Led Zeppelin. Can't take away from Jimmy or Robert but...the O2 show proves that the chemistry...the synergy...is still alive. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Here's to the past and, possibly, the future of Led Zeppelin! :wub:

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During the Page/Plant era (especially in 98) you would catch a show with both Jimmy and Robert just on fire. This was one of those, but to be honest there were many. Robert sang like a man possessed at times, and Jimmy was just unstoppable. It was a very special time, and i truly feel sorry for people who missed it, or dismiss it. No it was not Led Zeppelin, But I can tell you, many times I walked out of a venue with tears streaming down my face. It was that special.

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During the Page/Plant era (especially in 98) you would catch a show with both Jimmy and Robert just on fire. This was one of those, but to be honest there were many. Robert sang like a man possessed at times, and Jimmy was just unstoppable. It was a very special time, and i truly feel sorry for people who missed it, or dismiss it. No it was not Led Zeppelin, But I can tell you, many times I walked out of a venue with tears streaming down my face. It was that special.

It was a truly insperational tour. I'd go as far as to say that outside of 70 and 71 it may have been as positive as I've ever seen them. What a shame they didn't continue on.

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During the Page/Plant era (especially in 98) you would catch a show with both Jimmy and Robert just on fire. This was one of those, but to be honest there were many. Robert sang like a man possessed at times, and Jimmy was just unstoppable. It was a very special time, and i truly feel sorry for people who missed it, or dismiss it. No it was not Led Zeppelin, But I can tell you, many times I walked out of a venue with tears streaming down my face. It was that special.

Absolutely true. The show i went to was amazing...superb....brilliant. I knew from the opening riff of the Wanton song that we were all in for a very special evening.

Tears of joy indeed.

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Who now, in the present day of this band, is not willing to reform. Not 10 years ago or 25 years ago. Now. We all have evidence that would solely be one Robert Plant.

Watching these blistering videos sure makes you forget about the Allison/Plant tour in a hurry. Oh well, Ten Years Gone...........since these video's. Page, JPJ, and Jason could handle it again, but Plant probably is better off with Allison and her style of music now.

Mc. Cain 08

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Watching these blistering videos sure makes you forget about the Allison/Plant tour in a hurry. Oh well, Ten Years Gone...........since these video's. Page, JPJ, and Jason could handle it again, but Plant probably is better off with Allison and her style of music now.

Mc. Cain 08

Given the chance to work with Jimmy or AK, I believe Plant is the only rock singer alive who would choose to work with AK instead of Jimmy.

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I saw the first concert link (psychedelic jazz) and although it was hot, not the same thing as Zep '07. I was at Jones Beach, NY '98...we got a limo for the show, me and 6 or 7 of my high school buddies, and it was a blast but...it wasn't Led Zeppelin. Can't take away from Jimmy or Robert but...the O2 show proves that the chemistry...the synergy...is still alive. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Here's to the past and, possibly, the future of Led Zeppelin! :wub:

not the same thing as zeppelin in 1975, either, but that wasn't the point of the poster...

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Given the chance to work with Jimmy or AK, I believe Plant is the only rock singer alive who would choose to work with AK instead of Jimmy.

I think that Plant realizes that he is no longer up to working with Jimmy. Lets face it, Jimmy has written some of the most incredible, complex Rock music of all time. Plant has done a good job putting words to it and keeping up with it. But that was then, this is now. I think that Plant would rather play it safe with Allison, she is much easier to sing with. Plant has proven that he does not care to do what most of the fans want.................so he is taking the safe approach. It keeps him happy, safe, and secure. And after all, isn't that what we really all want.

Mc. Cain 08

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Oh , because the reason I ask is that i was thinking the safe thing for him to do would be just the opposite. I thought it showed increadible daring coming out with new prodjects every year since Zep broke up. And the latest country project is totally mind blowing, and still he has time to do th 02 gig for charity. I guess some people never stop growing. Those videos were great.

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Oh , because the reason I ask is that i was thinking the safe thing for him to do would be just the opposite.

Tell me whats tougher. (Right now) To play with Page like you see in the videos or to stand there and harmonize and sing back up for Allison. I am not talking about 10 or 15 years ago. Much safer "NOW" with Allison. Yes, there is the chance that many fans will not accept his different types of music but pleasing most of his fans has never been a top priority for him since his solo career started.

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I guess your saying which is the harder thing to do. Since we already have those videos I say doing what he is doing now is harder because he never done that before. I think that he could have retired in 1971 if wanted but he's the gift that just keeps on giving. Maybe from a screaming your head off vibe you have a point but we want him to preserve his chords so he can do those one offs when they need to be done. Harmonies with another tonal perspective can be something totally new and groovy.

I guess when one becomes more mature in life one learns to see things from a different perspective. For instance I used only play a Les Paul through a marshall stack and now I can totally jam out with a little casio keyboard.

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I think that Plant realizes that he is no longer up to working with Jimmy.

The O2 concert proved that to be wrong, I think. Robert Plant, while not quite what he once was, is still an incredible vocalist with more than enough ability to sing with Led Zeppelin. All he needs is the motivation.

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The O2 concert proved that to be wrong, I think. Robert Plant, while not quite what he once was, is still an incredible vocalist with more than enough ability to sing with Led Zeppelin. All he needs is the motivation.

Exactly. Right now he's motivated by something else. But he did say that he and Jimmy will always be connected, and they were like brothers. But who knows what's going behind the scenes that we don't even know about. Maybe he is keeping in contact with Jimmy throughout all this. But if all else fails... maybe Mrs. Ertegun can give Robert another call. B)

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Tell me whats tougher. (Right now) To play with Page like you see in the videos or to stand there and harmonize and sing back up for Allison. I am not talking about 10 or 15 years ago. Much safer "NOW" with Allison. Yes, there is the chance that many fans will not accept his different types of music but pleasing most of his fans has never been a top priority for him since his solo career started.

The question to ask is which does Robert Plant find to be more artistically fulfilling now.

The answer should be obvious.

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The question to ask is which does Robert Plant find to be more artistically fulfilling now.

The answer should be obvious.

That's right, I forgot, it's always just about "Robert". It does not matter if Page, JPJ, and Jason might need him for a gig a little more then every 10 years or so. Not to mention millions of fans. But then again, everyone who disagrees with "Robert" is selfish, but "Robert" never is.

Mc. Cain 08

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That's right, I forgot, it's always just about "Robert". It does not matter if Page, JPJ, and Jason might need him for a gig a little more then every 10 years or so. Not to mention millions of fans. But then again, everyone who disagrees with "Robert" is selfish, but "Robert" never is.

Mc. Cain 08

There are a few points you either missed or ignored completely.

1. The "collaboration" was planned well before the Ahmet tribute.

2. The reunion may never have happened except for Ahmet's unfortunate accident.

3. There was no indication that they would have played together anyway because JP & JPJ were working on their own projects as well.

4. JP was / is heavily involved in his charity work in Brazil and JPJ was playing "country" music himself.

According to his website, JPJ was working on a follow up to The Thunderthief and most likely JP was writing and recording too.

As for Robert being selfish, get over it and move on to something else.

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