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How I know I'm Zeppelin-obsessed ...


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Let's think of more! You know you're Zeppelin-obsessed when ...

... you won't convert concert bootlegs to MP3 even if they were very lo-fi recordings in the first place.

... you constantly think of how awesome a tour would be, and voice these thoughts to others.

... you name your computer and iPod after Led Zeppelin (Zoso and The Starship!).

... you were depressed because you couldn't get O2 tickets, but you watched all those YouTube videos on December 11th anyway.

... you laugh for a long time when your train passes the Edgewater going into Seattle.

... your music tastes share more in common with your teachers than other students.

... you give buskers more money if they play Zeppelin.

... you are already thinking of excuses to get out of work/school/life for a Zeppelin show.

... you know what "For Badgeholders Only" means (both meanings!).

... you know the birthdays of all four Zeppelin members.

These are all true for me. :D

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It's mid-summer here in the UK and on a sunny day you always get the occasional light aircraft buzzing over head...which in turn makes me utter the words "nah, leave it yeah" to myself. :D

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... you know what "For Badgeholders Only" means (both meanings!).

Oh... but I don´t know it :blush: Can somebody explain it to me, please? :D

How I know, that Im obsessed? ´Because I´m wearing a pair of hundred years old sandals and instead of buying a new one I have bought a Jimmy Page action figure! :lol:

And I need a lot of more important things but I spend money (after satysfying the important needs of my family) for DVD´, books and another LZ stuff! I love it and can´t help myself! :D

When I have the choice between the newest fashion clothing and a Zep DVD or book, I´m choosing the second alternative!

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... you know what "For Badgeholders Only" means (both meanings!).

Oh... but I don´t know it :blush: Can somebody explain it to me, please? :D

How I know, that Im obsessed? ´Because I´m wearing a pair of hundred years old sandals and instead of buying a new one I have bought a Jimmy Page action figure! :lol:

And I need a lot of more important things but I spend money (after satysfying the important needs of my family) for DVD´, books and another LZ stuff! I love it and can´t help myself! :D

When I have the choice between the newest fashion clothing and a Zep DVD or book, I´m choosing the second alternative!

So do I, but my etat is 20 € a month, so i don't get too much.

Neither do I know what badgeholder means. What a shame!

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When you spend your last bit of lunch money on a Zeppelin 45 that you already have two copies of.

You throw a fit just to get a copy of 200 gram vinyl, just to keep sealed and in your posession.

You refuse to listen to anything but Led Zeppelin in the morning because that's the first thing you want to touch your ears and if you don't it puts you in a bad mood for the day.

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... you know what "For Badgeholders Only" means (both meanings!).

Oh... but I don´t know it :blush: Can somebody explain it to me, please? :D

For Badgeholders Only is both a bootleg of Zeppelin's June 23rd, 1977 show (featuring Keith Moon on drums for a solo and the encores), and a Led Zeppelin fan mailing list that you can subscribe to here:


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You spend your nights in front of your monitor gazing at the Hot pics of whoever thread

You walk past a Hyatt Hotel and suddenly think of the Pic where Robert is yelling "I'm a golden god"

Your walked five times through a nasty secound hand shop just because you hope to find a really colourful blouse from 71.

You've got an Swan Song alarm clock which is as loud as Bonzo hitting his hihatt right next to your ears and you still let yourself be woken by it.

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You listen to them (or a Zeppelin-related song) 24/7 for the last 7 months. And when you listen to another song by another band it just doesn't seem "right".

When you're not listening to them, you're watching them on DVD or on your iPod, and when you're not doing that, you're reading about them in any sort of biography that mentions Zeppelin.

You buy Zeppelin shirts that prominently display the band members faces or name and purposely don't wear a jacket outside so you can show off.

You spend a small fortune on concert tickets to get the best possible seats just so there's a chance a certain band member may look at you.

In more than one conversation during your day you mention the words "Led Zeppelin" or "Robert Plant".

I uh... know someone like that. :blush:

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... you know what "For Badgeholders Only" means (both meanings!).

Oh... but I don´t know it :blush: Can somebody explain it to me, please? :D

How I know, that Im obsessed? ´Because I´m wearing a pair of hundred years old sandals and instead of buying a new one I have bought a Jimmy Page action figure! :lol:

And I need a lot of more important things but I spend money (after satysfying the important needs of my family) for DVD´, books and another LZ stuff! I love it and can´t help myself! :D

When I have the choice between the newest fashion clothing and a Zep DVD or book, I´m choosing the second alternative!

Good question! I always thought that it was an official pass for the beautiful women to go back stage after the show and hang out with the band.

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You listen to them (or a Zeppelin-related song) 24/7 for the last 7 months. And when you listen to another song by another band it just doesn't seem "right".

When you're not listening to them, you're watching them on DVD or on your iPod, and when you're not doing that, you're reading about them in any sort of biography that mentions Zeppelin.

You buy Zeppelin shirts that prominently display the band members faces or name and purposely don't wear a jacket outside so you can show off.

You spend a small fortune on concert tickets to get the best possible seats just so there's a chance a certain band member may look at you.

In more than one conversation during your day you mention the words "Led Zeppelin" or "Robert Plant".

I uh... know someone like that. :blush:

I do too. Most of that person's :blush: conversation are about Zep or Robert and everything else on that page.

You have over 30 Zeppelin vinyl and feel a need to have more even though there are only 10 official albums.

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You spend your nights in front of your monitor gazing at the Hot pics of whoever thread

not onLy nights.. :wub:

you did beat someone who said something bad about ZeppeLin.. at Least tried.. :huh: it means..you're obsessed

(well I hit a guy pretty hard once cause of saying Jimmy..err..nevermind.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you think about them, ie Jimmy most of the time.

Spend your money on them (memorbilia,books, magazines, DVDs, etc) when you should be saving it.

Only want hear Zeppelin and Zeppelin related stuff, and nothing else will satify.

Check the British magazines everyday for something about them or Jimmy

Edited by aen27
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  • 1 month later...

Tommy's Obsessed #1

When you check in here to see if anyone has resonded to any one of your 10 posts...

... and yours is still the latest post on all of them. <_<

Happens to me about 6 times a minute.

Tommy's Obsessed #2

You get the "Flood Control" error message at least 3 times in-between posts. :angry:

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  • 1 month later...

The simple mention of the word 'Page' sends shivers down your spine. and you shout out "JIMMY PAGE? WHERE?!"

When someone on the news mentions lead as in lead paint, and you run to the t.v. XD

When you sit two feet away from the T.V. for a 2 and half hour showing on Led Zeppelin live, and don't move an inch the whole time.

When the cat walks on your Led Zeppelin book, and you push her off, causing her to fall off of the bed [sORRY FEE FEE!]

Your brother gives you a wealth of Rolling Stones magazines he had been collecting for the past year or two, and you spend hours scouring through them, just to find anything Zeppliny. The two you find that have something Zeppliny in them you stash in your compartment under your bed.

When you freak out because your moms friend said that her brother was Led Zeppelins driver when they came to Los Angeles to perform at the Forum in 75.

When you get extremely jealous of your dad because he saw Led Zeppelin at the Forum in 75.

: D

By the way, all of these are real life stories XD

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i studdy alister crawley ever since i was 9yrs old i had the spierits and zeppelin page and other things drummed into my head thats what i know its my music for life well my type of music who are with me nobody can see them but thease spirits love zeppelin

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