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Plant Blocks Sunset


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Very true, but you might notice how people who love our favorite band are constantly suggesting that they look worse, play worse, sing worse, than they used to. ;) 'Tain't so!

It 'Tain't :D BTW... Hope your safe, sound and out of Gustav's path

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Famous people don't get an ounce of privacy respect from the paparazzi.

Are famous people only allowed privacy if they are in their own homes with all the the shades drawn?

Can a famous person not go out on a boat with his family and watch the sunset without bags over their heads? :bagoverhead:

Buy me a boat, fuel it up and drop me in the Med and you can take as many pictures of me as you want! Lucky bastard.

In truth the "paps" in the UK wouldn't follow RP round as the overwhelming majority of people who read the crap in the UK wouldn't have a clue who he was and we have got thousands of people with no talent whatsoever who are quite prepared to be photographed doing whatever to preserve their extremely tenuous status as celebrities.

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Ah, 'tis life even in what appears to be a safe harbor, matey. Some people adapt better to the spotlight than others. It is sometimes hard to be onstage all the time. For those who prefer privacy, it's best to respect their delicate psyches. Being overexposed to the intrusion of the camera lens is not healthy from a psychological perspective. I would suggest mosquito netting for the passenger areas of the boat. You could hang it in panels and it would at least partially obscure the view from the invading forces paparazzi photographers, effectively making it a limited access backstage family area.


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Buy me a boat, fuel it up and drop me in the Med and you can take as many pictures of me as you want! Lucky bastard.

In truth the "paps" in the UK wouldn't follow RP round as the overwhelming majority of people who read the crap in the UK wouldn't have a clue who he was and we have got thousands of people with no talent whatsoever who are quite prepared to be photographed doing whatever to preserve their extremely tenuous status as celebrities.

As weird as it sounds, I'd rather have those people photographed, than have Robert's (or any of the other lads') privacy invaded.

Those people want their picture's taken. I'm assuming people like Robert could do without it, especially when in an intimate (and possibly family) setting.

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Buy me a boat, fuel it up and drop me in the Med and you can take as many pictures of me as you want! Lucky bastard.

In truth the "paps" in the UK wouldn't follow RP round as the overwhelming majority of people who read the crap in the UK wouldn't have a clue who he was and we have got thousands of people with no talent whatsoever who are quite prepared to be photographed doing whatever to preserve their extremely tenuous status as celebrities.

In some cases, celebrities have their personal assistants or publicists phone the paparrazi to tell them where they'll be so they have the attention :rolleyes: Pretty sad in my opinion.

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In some cases, celebrities have their personal assistants or publicists phone the paparrazi to tell them where they'll be so they have the attention :rolleyes: Pretty sad in my opinion.

We know that Robert's camp does not solicit attention or paps, or else the Internet would be flooded with family photos like these. Photos of Robert with his family, similar to these, are extremely rare. My guess is that a "local" tipped off the media when the boat was chartered.

We had issues in Nashville when Nicole Kidman's baby arrived, the local media kept their distance but camera crews from England arrived and created chaos on the Baptist hospital campus. Both the hospital security and the Nashville police were caught off-guard by how aggressive these paps can be.

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We know that Robert's camp does not solicit attention or paps, or else the Internet would be flooded with family photos like these. Photos of Robert with his family, similar to these, are extremely rare. My guess is that a "local" tipped off the media when the boat was chartered.

We had issues in Nashville when Nicole Kidman's baby arrived, the local media kept their distance but camera crews from England arrived and created chaos on the Baptist hospital campus. Both the hospital security and the Nashville police were caught off-guard by how aggressive these paps can be.

I think it's great how for the most part, Robert's private life has remained out of the spotlight. Most of those celebs that tip off the paparazzi are of the Paris Hilton category.

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Ask Princess Di's family about that.

Or anyone bopping around Malibu, Hollywood, etc.

Edited to add, I hope they are being enforced more, anyway.

Yes, they are. Having said that, other people have a right to equal protection of the law. If you enforce one person's rights, you enforce everyone's rights. When rights conflict, it goes beyond enforcement. Then you must balance the rights. That be the way it is on the high seas and even in a safe harbor, matey.


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Yes, they are. Having said that, other people have a right to equal protection of the law. If you enforce one person's rights, you enforce everyone's rights. When rights conflict, it goes beyond enforcement. Then you must balance the rights. That be the way it is on the high seas and even in a safe harbor, matey.

Yeah - if you're a public figure and you're out in public, you're fair game. That's one reason people are paid big bucks... expecting raging asshole paparazzi to be respectful would be dumb. But that doesn't excuse speeding, stalking, and invasion of privacy.

If people wouldn't buy and look at the pictures these rude twits take, that would be a big help.

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Yeah - if you're a public figure and you're out in public, you're fair game. That's one reason people are paid big bucks... expecting raging asshole paparazzi to be respectful would be dumb. But that doesn't excuse speeding, stalking, and invasion of privacy.

If people wouldn't buy and look at the pictures these rude twits take, that would be a big help.

Yet this thread is still here. I don't think there was any speeding involved though, and the photos were probably taken at a distance. It was inconsiderate to disturb their private party though. It's true the photographers can sometimes be very aggressive, insensitive and intrusive, otherwise these issues would not develop.

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expecting raging asshole paparazzi to be respectful would be dumb. But that doesn't excuse speeding, stalking, and invasion of privacy.

What's the difference, really? I'm agreeing with you. Paparazzi are parasites. I effen hate em. Vultures.

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It's ok for them to take photos like this at public outings such as movie premieres and award shows. But private moments like this, where they don't want t be bothered, SHOULD BE OFF LIMITS! When you have these tabloids or rags offering zillions of loot for these photos, then these cretin papparazzi will do what ever it takes to get a photo. Usually within the law, although they draw a very thin line on this one.

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Ibiza is littered with celebrities at any given time. Photographers are pretty much always ready to see who might be around - especially on the big boats.

In all the time that Robert has spent in Ibiza I've seen very few pics. In fact - very few pics of him on his "down time" at all except those snapped with fans. I think he enjoys MANY days of R&R without being disturbed.

Glad to hear it Knebby, thanx.

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What's the difference, really? I'm agreeing with you. Paparazzi are parasites. I effen hate em. Vultures.

Agreed. I'll never forgot watching a bunch of them tear off in cars after David Duchovny in Burbank once... they literally would've run over their own grandmothers to make sure they followed him. And for what? A bad picture of a guy who has his picture taken by professionals in excellent light all the time? Vultures is exactly right.

OTOH, I can't get too annoyed about someone standing on a public beach with a telephoto lens.

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What does it matter Honey? You have nothing to do with Robert or Maureen and you never will. Whatever your "instincts" or what you think about body language, the FACT is that they are great mates who love each-other. Whatever any wackos on other continents might try to say. :rolleyes:


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My first thoughts when I saw the photo of them was that she was avoiding him, but I did not know why. I also noticed that he was not smiling. Now that I realize who she is I see a resemblance to her daughter. Some photos show him with the fans fauning all over him, but this one did not, and I noticed the difference. At first I thought maybe this was a fan who had a bad experience with his security people.

With all the due respect to Maureen's privacy, I was so excited to see her. And beside Robert, it was so great. And I also think that may be she knew about the paparazzi and tried to avoid THEM. Her daughter certainly looks very much like her :)

Still I feel sort of uneasy lookin at these photoes, as they were not supposed to be seen by strangers.

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