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Jimmy Page Arrives In Toronto


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We went off base on all this. Between drum rim shots and cow bells. It can only be blamed on one person. That individual is Robert Plant. Doesn't everyone know that everything is his fault from the economy, to politics and the weather, just to name a few?

Edited by SuperDave
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A nd apparently in Spain, no clear view of any/all sunsets for 2008. Spain, where men can fight bulls, families can throw tomatoes at one another, but lateral beach movement is strictly prohibited.

An Idea for 2009: move down the beach....

Edited by Ronniedawg
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I don't have anything new to add to the " subject " of the thread.

In the meantime , have a look at this video I found from a local gal here in Canada.

I like it, and probably so will some others . Especially the women . Smile.

Some of the photographs are pretty rare .


Edited by Zepp-4-Life
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I don't have anything new to add to the " subject " of the thread, but I was wondering about a possible idea .

A thought spurred by the recent JP visit to my city here .

Should we have a thread designated to the whereabouts of JP ???

And the other members too of course.

Call it the Page-arazzi . Insert laugh now please.

Before someone jumps on the suggestion can we chat about it's creation first .

My thoughts are that whenever JP is spotted or seen , we could have full reports from the people who've seen him.

Is this too weird ??

In the meantime , have a look at this video I found from a local gal here in Canada.

I like it, and probably so will some others . Especially the women . Smile.

Some of the photographs are pretty rare .


Sorry Zepp-4-Life, but I gotta say no to this one. If a famous person is doing PR, then everyone understands why they're there and play their part. Some more fervently than others but that's to be expected. But if said famous person is trying to enjoy some private time out and about, then that privacy ought to be respected. People will inevitably want to go and ask for an autograph, and that's cool. Some here have even posted their excitement of their Zep encounters, but to then report back on all details - times, places, what they ate or whatever - and have space dedicated to that just encourages a trend already known to be highly contentious. The spirit of it feels off-putting, like filling a void that needs to be looked at imho.

"Just leave Britney alone!" ahahahahaha!

Great song in that link, though



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In the meantime , have a look at this video I found from a local gal here in Canada.

I like it, and probably so will some others . Especially the women . Smile.

Some of the photographs are pretty rare .


No Razzi, sheesh, what a nightmare.

Take it from a Jew, being hunted is no fun.

I've seen all the pics apart from that last one.

Not even close, doesn't even earn a cigarette, never mind a cigar, :thumbdown:

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Thanks for your hard work...hopefully it will show outside of Toronto ...at some point..in London, Ont

London is a university and college town so hopefully the movie will be shown for the artsy crowd if not for the general population..I'll keep watching the papers to see if it will be in a smaller theatre...

Juliet :wave:

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Here's a nice addition to the topic of this thread.

I suppose this falls into the category of " dream come true ".

I received this letter from someone that viewed my video's on Y-tube and thought the many cool people here might enjoy pondering this for one happy moment.

The message goes as follows , I quote:

Hey Jeffrey,

I did not make it out to the IMGL concert - I am in Ottawa so the drive is a bit of a kicker.

I did not want to mention this in my original comment to you because I was not sure if you were a real fan. I am a massive fan and my friend got me VIP tickets to the show and did not tell me that we were going until I showed up at the theater. Her friend who got us the tickets works for Sony in LA and got us into the afterparty at the the Soho - except we went upstairs to a hotel room. I walk in and there's the Edge and Bob Ezrin - I almost freaked out! then the Edge says hey when is Jimmy getting here - 20 minutes later Jimmy Page shows up with Jack White and a few other people. To put this into perspective I am 39, 3 kids a wife a minivan - not some record exec or movie exec - just a guy who has been a massive fan since I was 13 and was at the right place at the right time with one hell of a great friend. In any event I met Jimmy Page and partied with him for 2.5 hours - he is the nicest guy around. It was all I could do to walk up to him and introduce myself to him - but I figured on behalf of every guy like you and me who would do anything to meet him I just had to do it. All three of those guys were totally down to earth and super casual - no attitude and Jimmy knew I was just some guy and treated me really well and did not rush our conversation and actually asked me what I thought of the movie - I told him I loved it and really appreciated all the rare footage. He said "ahh that's cool - of course I loved it I was in it!" Big laugh and then he cuffed me in the shoulder - you know in that joking around kind of way. He is the real deal and I am still buzzing a week and a bit later!

When I saw your videos I loved it - because I was so freaked out at that show just because I knew the Jimmy Page had been sitting close by and still in the building.

We were all blessed to have shared that movie with him - definitely something to tell our grandchildren about!

Thanks for the post and I am now going to go check out your other videos!

Cheers - Eric

PS - Sorry for Rambling on - as you can imagine it is just something that you never dream could happen to you. ;-)


Now that's the icing on a cake !!!!

What is so nice to hear is that when people tell of meeting JP , there's always a feel and tone of such warmth and friendliness. He truly is an Ambassador.


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Here's a nice addition to the topic of this thread.

I suppose this falls into the category of " dream come true ".

I received this letter from someone that viewed my video's on Y-tube and thought the many cool people here might enjoy pondering this for one happy moment.

The message goes as follows , I quote:

Hey Jeffrey,

I did not make it out to the IMGL concert - I am in Ottawa so the drive is a bit of a kicker.

I did not want to mention this in my original comment to you because I was not sure if you were a real fan. I am a massive fan and my friend got me VIP tickets to the show and did not tell me that we were going until I showed up at the theater. Her friend who got us the tickets works for Sony in LA and got us into the afterparty at the the Soho - except we went upstairs to a hotel room. I walk in and there's the Edge and Bob Ezrin - I almost freaked out! then the Edge says hey when is Jimmy getting here - 20 minutes later Jimmy Page shows up with Jack White and a few other people. To put this into perspective I am 39, 3 kids a wife a minivan - not some record exec or movie exec - just a guy who has been a massive fan since I was 13 and was at the right place at the right time with one hell of a great friend. In any event I met Jimmy Page and partied with him for 2.5 hours - he is the nicest guy around. It was all I could do to walk up to him and introduce myself to him - but I figured on behalf of every guy like you and me who would do anything to meet him I just had to do it. All three of those guys were totally down to earth and super casual - no attitude and Jimmy knew I was just some guy and treated me really well and did not rush our conversation and actually asked me what I thought of the movie - I told him I loved it and really appreciated all the rare footage. He said "ahh that's cool - of course I loved it I was in it!" Big laugh and then he cuffed me in the shoulder - you know in that joking around kind of way. He is the real deal and I am still buzzing a week and a bit later!

When I saw your videos I loved it - because I was so freaked out at that show just because I knew the Jimmy Page had been sitting close by and still in the building.

We were all blessed to have shared that movie with him - definitely something to tell our grandchildren about!

Thanks for the post and I am now going to go check out your other videos!

Cheers - Eric

PS - Sorry for Rambling on - as you can imagine it is just something that you never dream could happen to you. ;-)


Now that's the icing on a cake !!!!

What is so nice to hear is that when people tell of meeting JP , there's always a feel and tone of such warmth and friendliness. He truly is an Ambassador.


That is awesome, Zepp-for-Life! Thanks so sharing that. I wish I could meet him. I would just be happy to if he would do a solo tour again so I could just see him live.

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this is the kind of stuff that sets jimmy apart from so many others.

god i wish i could meet him one day too.

it warms my heart to hear such lovely comments, to know that he is not only so talented musically, but to know that he is a beautiful person also.

this has made my day. thankyou!

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I went to the premiere. Huge turnout. But Jimmy, Edge and White did not sign or take pictures with anyone. Not at the event or at any time they were in town. I was a bit disappointed.

Jimmy is aging well though. It's good that he stopped dying his hair and let it grow out naturally.

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I actually read on Perez Hilton today - not the most credible of sources, I know - that Jimmy topped the poll as the worst 'celebrity' giving out autograph's at the Toronto Film Festival.

With every large film festival, there's always celebs on the red carpet taking pictures and giving out autographs.

And when it comes to autographs, people take it seriously. Especially those crazed "professional" autograph collectors.

So, during the 2008 Toronto Film Festival, a survey was taken to find out who was the best and worst celeb autograph signers.

Ater some polling from the fans, photographers, festival volunteers and even the professional autograph seekers, the list was compiled.

And, topping off the list of best signers is Benicio Del Toro. It states, "The Che star was almost everywhere during his few days in Toronto - late nights and early mornings. But Del Toro never refused to sign. When one autograph collector mentioned that Benicio did 21 photos in a row at one stop for him - he was crowned our TIFF ‘08 signing champ."

Also on the best list was Rose McGowan, Kate Beckinsale, Dakota Fanning and Zac Efron who "signed up a storm at his premiere."

As for the list of the worst, Jimmy Page came in on top. "Disappointing for many, considering Page was the one autograph everybody wanted. Jimmy was at least nice and did explain to collectors - from the moment he landed in Toronto that he 'was not doing the autograph thing anymore. Kind of finished with that.' For his three days in Toronto - he basically stuck to his word and signed nothing. At least, almost nothing."

Among the rest of the worst on the red carpet for not signing, are Jessica Biel, Jennifer Aniston, Queen Latifah, John Malkovich, and Kiera Knightley.

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A video of the IMGL press conference:

IMGL Press Conference

You need to scroll down to box 6 on the left side - there's a photo of Jimmy, The Edge, and Jack that you need to click on in order to watch the video.

Enjoy! :D

thankyou so much for this msg ! im watching it now. jimmy looks fabulous . i love his accent so much, i just love listening to him speak. he is always so softly spoken, so unpretentious. jack is quite the comedian, isnt he! and the edge spoke very well. i really enjoyed this, and just cant wait to see the film. thanks again!

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thankyou so much for this msg ! im watching it now. jimmy looks fabulous . i love his accent so much, i just love listening to him speak. he is always so softly spoken, so unpretentious. jack is quite the comedian, isnt he! and the edge spoke very well. i really enjoyed this, and just cant wait to see the film. thanks again!

You're welcome, Slave to Zep! :)

I promised myself that I would exercise restraint and not comment on Jimmy..... ;)

I am also excited about seeing the movie. I think that Jack is very cute and smart and funny. I really liked hearing The Edge too.

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