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Del Zeppnile

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Sarah Plain is about the only interesting thing in this whole presidential election borefest.

In fact I think she's hot. I like the whole glasses thing going on. And as we all know, mature women could teach the young chickadees a thing or two. B)

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It's all part of the John McCain camp's efforts to make any criticism of Sarah Palin sound 'shameful' or 'sexist'.

You watch...whenever anybody criticises anything about Sarah Palin, the Republicans will shoot back with cries of 'sexism' or they'll start taling about how that's 'old boy's club talk' and all that shit, the GOP will try to turn any criticism of Palin into sexist insults.

Edited by I have got a horsey
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It's only a problem when a Democrat says it. Republicans can say all the vile things they want and it's okay. Like when McCain called Chelsea Clinton ugly in front of a room full of supporters in 1996. That was okay because McCain is a Republican. Or when he called his wife a c--t. That was okay too. Or when he joked about rape. Or when he used the same comment Barack Obama did to describe Hillary Clinton's policy stance.

It's only okay if you're a Republican. Key word(s) today, kids: Cognitive Dissonance.


How about let's talk about what Obama said. First of all I would be willing to accept that he was only making a harmless comment without any intention of connecting that comment to Sarah Palin. Although I question the guy's intelligence for not being quick enough to recognize the possible sexist overtones in using the term "lipstick" in any context, especially since that term was so recently used by Palin in her speech at the RNC. Obama really shows his rookie-ness when he sets himself up for ANY POSSIBLE percieved attack on Palin. Obvioulsy the polls are showing that Palin attacks are only hurting Obama, so he should be smarter than stepping into that track.

But let's talk about what happened when Obama made the "lipstick on pigs" comment. If you look at the tape, Obama makes the comment and then there are some big laughs and cheers that come from the crowd. You can even see the postivie reaction of the people behind Obama, and the level of the reaction CLEARLY indicated that they were responding much more to the percieved connection of Palin and lipstick to being a pig, than just to a harmless figure of speech that many people have used. And in the tape you can even notice that Obama sort of pick up on the crowd reaction to what most I'm sure took as a jab against Palin.

It was at THAT MOMENT that Obama (if he were wise) should have made a correction and said that he was not intending to direct that comment at Sarah Palin, and this would have not become an issue for his campaign. But unfortunalty Obama isn't very good at that, I recall how he called female reporters "sweetie" a few month back, and took the same. "oh, it's nothing attitude."

Face it, the guy screwed up. Although a friend of mine is convinced that Obama's lipstick comment was intentional, and done to take the light off his other gaff on Sunday, where Obama accidentally made mention of "his muslim faith" while being interviewed by George Stephanoplous. Some food for thought.

BTW - when John McCain used a similar "pig/lipstick" comment when talking about Hillary's healthcare plan. It was not coming after a speech where Hillary had personalized the use of the word lipstick when talking about herself.

CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING you liberal dodos!

For the McCain comment to have even possibly been perceived the same way as Obama's in regard to Hillary Clinton. McCain would have had to said something akin to. " You can dress a pig in a pantsuit, but it's still a pig."

Get it? Context

Oh, and I have heard the rumor that McCain once called her wife a "cunt" in anger.....

but ...


.... I could see that happening in any relationship at least once. Come on, give the guy a break on that one. You don't think Bill Clinton never called Hillary the "C-Word" at least once or twice?


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How about let's talk about what Obama said. First of all I would be willing to accept that he was only making a harmless comment without any intention of connecting that comment to Sarah Palin. Although I question the guy's intelligence for not being quick enough to recognize the possible sexist overtones in using the term "lipstick" in any context, especially since that term was so recently used by Palin in her speech at the RNC. Obama really shows his rookie-ness when he sets himself up for ANY POSSIBLE percieved attack on Palin. Obvioulsy the polls are showing that Palin attacks are only hurting Obama, so he should be smarter than stepping into that track.

But let's talk about what happened when Obama made the "lipstick on pigs" comment. If you look at the tape, Obama makes the comment and then there are some big laughs and cheers that come from the crowd. You can even see the postivie reaction of the people behind Obama, and the level of the reaction CLEARLY indicated that they were responding much more to the percieved connection of Palin and lipstick to being a pig, than just to a harmless figure of speech that many people have used. And in the tape you can even notice that Obama sort of pick up on the crowd reaction to what most I'm sure took as a jab against Palin.

It was at THAT MOMENT that Obama (if he were wise) should have made a correction and said that he was not intending to direct that comment at Sarah Palin, and this would have not become an issue for his campaign. But unfortunalty Obama isn't very good at that, I recall how he called female reporters "sweetie" a few month back, and took the same. "oh, it's nothing attitude."

Face it, the guy screwed up. Although a friend of mine is convinced that Obama's lipstick comment was intentional, and done to take the light off his other gaff on Sunday, where Obama accidentally made mention of "his muslim faith" while being interviewed by George Stephanoplous. Some food for thought.

BTW - when John McCain used a similar "pig/lipstick" comment when talking about Hillary's healthcare plan. It was not coming after a speech where Hillary had personalized the use of the word lipstick when talking about herself.

CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING you liberal dodos!

For the McCain comment to have even possibly been perceived the same way as Obama's in regard to Hillary Clinton. McCain would have had to said something akin to. " You can dress a pig in a pantsuit, but it's still a pig."

Get it? Context

Oh, and I have heard the rumor that McCain once called her wife a "cunt" in anger.....

but ...


.... I could see that happening in any relationship at least once. Come on, give the guy a break on that one. You don't think Bill Clinton never called Hillary the "C-Word" at least once or twice?


So you forgive McCain for calling his wife a cunt? But when a Dem makes a reference, that you perceived incorrectly in the first place, that it's an atrocity.

You are such a fucking hypocrite.

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Thank goodness for that. And that is why so many non :wacko: extreme :wacko: feminist women are switching over to her. You see, not all women are as extreme far left as the small "gaggle of feminist gals"around here. Gosh, I did not think that feminist's were so sensitive. :hysterical:

What a great pick John McBrillant.

McBrillant / Palin.........08

omg... sensitive? Go on with yourself, it must make you feel good. Basically, your continual posting of trying to insult some of us on here rather than talk about anything of significance just gets old. On second thought, in your defense, that is what the Republican party has come to.

btw....Weren't you one of the ones all over the Wright thing? How about Palin's Pastor problems? Or are her pastor's freakish preachings what you believe too? Or you think their comments are ok? And don't dodge the questions with your usual style of posting.

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Obama really shows his rookie-ness when he sets himself up for ANY POSSIBLE percieved attack on Palin. Obvioulsy the polls are showing that Palin attacks are only hurting Obama, so he should be smarter than stepping into that track.

Plus he keeps calling attention to the controversy by defending his remarks and attacking repubs for their response to his statement with his 'lies and phony outrage' talk. I think the smart thing to do would be to issue an apology for any perceived offense his comment may have made and just move on to the real issues of the election. It's just politics right? So why are you so defensive Mr. Obama?

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I think the smart thing to do would be to issue an apology for any perceived offense his comment may have made and just move on to the real issues of the election.

:D That's funny stuff right there. Even your Fox news poster boy O'Reilly saw thru this one. In case you didn't notice, the only thing the Repugnants accomplished from this whole goofy episode was a delay in talking about the real issues. We can't let Palin deviate from the script yet. They've probably got her in a back room learining how to pronounce those Iraqi cities she's never heard of. But what the hell, it's September 11th....Let's show those buildings coming down one more time.


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:D That's funny stuff right there. Even your Fox news poster boy O'Reilly saw thru this one. In case you didn't notice, the only thing the Repugnants accomplished from this whole goofy episode was a delay in talking about the real issues. We can't let Palin deviate from the script yet. They've probably got her in a back room learining how to pronounce those Iraqi cities she's never heard of. But what the hell, it's September 11th....Let's show those buildings coming down one more time.

:rolleyes: 'Goofy episode' created by BO himself by his comments.

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So you forgive McCain for calling his wife a cunt? But when a Dem makes a reference, that you perceived incorrectly in the first place, that it's an atrocity.

You are such a fucking hypocrite.


Del uses insulting names and adjectives to describe people all the time, but oh shock horror...mention the word lipstick and pig in the same sentence, and its a disgusting insult on Sarah Palin...

Del has taken to calling me Nancy now, which I presume is a sexuality insult. But as far as Del, and other gutter-type people are concerned, it's okay to call other people names, but they're quick with the indignation when they feel they're being insulted.

Expressing indignation is fine, but you do need to be a somewhat honourable person to begin with... And I'm afraid Del is rather lacking in that department.

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one of the things that makes me uncomfortable about obama is that he seems to sling a lot of mud but still has not truly explained how he intends to "change" things or protect us. he offers no specifics. i feel that the mud throwing is to distract us from the fact that he has no real plan, no original ideas, and scariest of all, no experience. i honestly feel frightened to think he may be our next president which may leave our country very vunerable in a very threatening world.

obama? no way. more like o-bomb-me.

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one of the things that makes me uncomfortable about obama is that he seems to sling a lot of mud but still has not truly explained how he intends to "change" things or protect us. he offers no specifics.

Do some reading. It's all right there.

What makes me uncomfortable is how McCain hasn't explained how he's intending to change America. You know, the whole 'party of change' deal. What are his plans, and how are they going to lead us in the right direction?

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one of the things that makes me uncomfortable about obama is that he seems to sling a lot of mud but still has not truly explained how he intends to "change" things or protect us. he offers no specifics. i feel that the mud throwing is to distract us from the fact that he has no real plan, no original ideas, and scariest of all, no experience. i honestly feel frightened to think he may be our next president which may leave our country very vunerable in a very threatening world.

obama? no way. more like o-bomb-me.

can you show me some examples of him slinging mud...i've been looking and am having trouble finding them...

the very reality that a hockey mom could be president scares you more that somebody who has studied constitutional law???? really? ...given mccain's age...it's very likely!

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one of the things that makes me uncomfortable about obama is that he seems to sling a lot of mud but still has not truly explained how he intends to "change" things or protect us. he offers no specifics. i feel that the mud throwing is to distract us from the fact that he has no real plan, no original ideas, and scariest of all, no experience. i honestly feel frightened to think he may be our next president which may leave our country very vunerable in a very threatening world.

obama? no way. more like o-bomb-me.

Barack Obama has has the most comprehensive, detailed policy proposals of any presidential candidate in American History. Go to www.barackobama.com/issues

He has more specifics than John McCain.

The Republicans are very well known for mudslinging.. it's how they win. That's all they have, because 8 more years of George Bush isn't going to work on voters.. hence the phrase... you can put lipstick on a pig... it's still a pig.

No one has come close to slinging more mud that Rude Gulianni and Sarah Palin at the Republican Convention... did you watch it?

Edited by allthekingshorses
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one of the things that makes me uncomfortable about obama is that he seems to sling a lot of mud but still has not truly explained how he intends to "change" things or protect us. he offers no specifics. i feel that the mud throwing is to distract us from the fact that he has no real plan, no original ideas, and scariest of all, no experience. i honestly feel frightened to think he may be our next president which may leave our country very vunerable in a very threatening world.

obama? no way. more like o-bomb-me.

I thought you were talking about McCain, then i re-read your post and I realised you were actually talking about Obama...

yeeesh, have you actually been following this campaign??

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one of the things that makes me uncomfortable about obama is that he seems to sling a lot of mud but still has not truly explained how he intends to "change" things or protect us. he offers no specifics. i feel that the mud throwing is to distract us from the fact that he has no real plan, no original ideas, and scariest of all, no experience. i honestly feel frightened to think he may be our next president which may leave our country very vunerable in a very threatening world.

obama? no way. more like o-bomb-me.

You aren't an educated person are you? Or do you live in a cardboard box?

Edited by electricmage
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one of the things that makes me uncomfortable about obama is that he seems to sling a lot of mud but still has not truly explained how he intends to "change" things or protect us. he offers no specifics. i feel that the mud throwing is to distract us from the fact that he has no real plan, no original ideas, and scariest of all, no experience. i honestly feel frightened to think he may be our next president which may leave our country very vunerable in a very threatening world.

McCain has said much less than Obama, and mud slinging is all Palin has had coming out of her big mouth. To give some credit, Palin's plans are pretty clear: hunters rejoice, an offered of $150 for a wolf leg, abolish that pesky endangered species protection, drill for oil (Alaska has been preserved way too long), fire all the librarians so we can burn the "evil" books, by god isn't it time religion was incorporated into our government, and by all means, abstinence!

Let me ask, do hunters not enjoy sex? :)

By your remarks, Misty, you obviously haven't watched the debates.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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So you forgive McCain for calling his wife a cunt? But when a Dem makes a reference, that you perceived incorrectly in the first place, that it's an atrocity.

You are such a fucking hypocrite.

lol, the C word isn't so bad. What i can see really angering Del, with good reason, how dare Obama use the word "sweetie"? So offensive :) LMFAO

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Del uses insulting names and adjectives to describe people all the time, but oh shock horror...mention the word lipstick and pig in the same sentence, and its a disgusting insult on Sarah Palin...

Del has taken to calling me Nancy now, which I presume is a sexuality insult. But as far as Del, and other gutter-type people are concerned, it's okay to call other people names, but they're quick with the indignation when they feel they're being insulted.

Expressing indignation is fine, but you do need to be a somewhat honourable person to begin with... And I'm afraid Del is rather lacking in that department.

It is.

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This nan·cy // Audio Help (nān'sē) Pronunciation Key

n. pl. nan·cies also nanc·es Offensive Slang

Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate man, especially a homosexual man.

[From the name Nancy.]

Swell guy, huh?

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Plus he keeps calling attention to the controversy by defending his remarks and attacking repubs for their response to his statement with his 'lies and phony outrage' talk. I think the smart thing to do would be to issue an apology for any perceived offense his comment may have made and just move on to the real issues of the election. It's just politics right? So why are you so defensive Mr. Obama?

Republicans are liars, get it right. Our country has been lied to and deceived the last eight years, enough already. Nothing is better in this country, everything is worse. Lets get some people with integrity and honor into the White House...

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I can't understand why so many Republican's are taking the comment out of context. Obama is talking about change. You vote Republican and you'll have another 8 years of the same shit. Dress it up all you like, it's still what it is.

He could've used the old chestnut, 'You can't polish a turd', but then the shit would've really hit the fan.

I think it would be a real travisty if McCain gets in. Even Gordon Brown has expressed his support for Obama. And no UK Prime Minister has ever done that pre-election before.

And to call your wife a c--t? Classy. Is that how he wooed her?

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Plus he keeps calling attention to the controversy by defending his remarks and attacking repubs for their response to his statement with his 'lies and phony outrage' talk. I think the smart thing to do would be to issue an apology for any perceived offense his comment may have made and just move on to the real issues of the election. It's just politics right? So why are you so defensive Mr. Obama?

really, he keeps calling attention to it?.. or is it everyone else does? He not the one running the same clip over and over again.

Edited by allthekingshorses
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It is.

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This nan·cy // Audio Help (nān'sē) Pronunciation Key

n. pl. nan·cies also nanc·es Offensive Slang

Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate man, especially a homosexual man.

[From the name Nancy.]

Swell guy, huh?

I get the same feeling from Del that I get from Bill O'Reilly

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