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New singer for Jimmy, JPJ and Jason?


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Its enjoyable to read the posts and opinions here on this subject.

I thought that when after Bonham died other drummers were considered. Cozy Powell and Carmine Appice come to mind. So at that point was it unanimous that Zep would not continue? Was this an opening for Robert to leave and go solo that he intended to grab? Pictures at Eleven was the first project out of any remaining member? Released June '82--so when did organization of band members, writing, and work begin on this?

Robert seems willing to do the one offs and he danced dangerously close to a Zep reunion with Unledded and P/P tours--but he seems intent on avoiding a full blown reunion. Was that the Rock and Roll HOF induction where John Paul Jones says, "I'd like to thank my friends for remembering my phone number"--actually I think Jimmy remembered it and Robert did not. Because if JPJ shows up, then Jason shows up and then......

Going back to 1968, I think its quite possible that Robert would've langusihed in obscurity if left in the UK. I'm sure people know talented musicians that do not become famous--sometimes its more than talent--they lack something or other whether it be a personality flaw or lack of writing skill.

I was always under the impression the decision was mutual.

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If you mean he was "now named" by the Sun, that means he still may or may not be the guy.

Edit: That was replying to Mercurious.

To ninelives--yeah, me too. Page/Plant was a joint partnership. That's why JPJ said "friends," plural.

Edited by Aquamarine
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If you mean he was "now named" by the Sun, that means he still may or may not be the guy.

Edit: That was replying to Mercurious.

It's more than the Sun - Dee Snider said it first and there are others, based on contacts within the industry, which came to light yesterday and today. The Sun story is dated the 12th, tomorrow to me still in the Midwest. Kennedy has apparently been the guy rehearsing with the three J's, though I'm heartened a bit by the fact that the admin wouldn't allow a Kennedy thread. As you say, "that means he still may or may not be the guy."

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Good point, SuperDave, and thanks. But when this thread was started, Kennedy was not named and as of this weekend, he's now named and we should get a new thread going -- though there are questions about the veracity of it all, which I did mention.

I am very negative about the singer being Myles Kennedy so I'm probably not the right person to start the thread anyway. A singer with more integrity and lyrical strength within the context of grunge would be much better, for starters, and Kennedy/Creed is part of that dull post grunge numetal wasteland in the mid-90's, wishing they were Queens of the Stone Age.

Although .... the fact that a Myles Kennedy was disallowed may suggest that this decision is not final and Kennedy may not be the guy after all ... Zep does control this site, yes!!!

"This is a song of hope."

Much obliged Mercurious. Who knows what is going on. Maybe in due time, if there is something concrete.

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Yes, but Plant has always felt like STH is such an albatros around his neck.

For LZ fans. No way. Plant feels like the fans owe him something. But we can all look forward to a couple of years from now. He will probably grace us all with a yoodeling compilation.

I don't think that he feels like we owe him something. I doubt that he is into yodeling. In the beginning he loved Stairway to Heaven, but he sang it so many times that it has already lived its life. And it was wonderful.

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Yes, but Plant has always felt like STH is such an albatros around his neck.

For LZ fans. No way. Plant feels like the fans owe him something. But we can all look forward to a couple of years from now. He will probably grace us all with a yoodeling compilation. And............there will be many around here that will say that it is the best thing that they have heard since Kashmir.

I bought Pictures at Eleven when it came out, what more could he ask? Never would run to see him play live without Jimmy, whom I would hitch-hike 2000 miles to see even if it was just Jimmy and a guitar (oh that would be good - and how about Jimmy and John Paul together just the two of them?)

I suppose this is partly the source of Robert's pathos, no?

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But I wouldnt want them to do Stairway to Heaven. That song has such a special place in my heart. I just cant imagine anyone but Plant doint it. I wish he would give it one last run.

I'm afaid he did give it one last run: December 10th, 2007.

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Why not just get the Weiland idiot from Stone Temple Pilots whom Slash fired from Velvet Revolver? He'd certainly be much better than the guy from Creed who is a pale imitation of the Weiland idiot from Stone Temple Pilots whom Slash fired from Velvet Revolver.

Oh Lord no; that guy is a nightmare :( That would be like having Amy Winehouse be the singer.

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What's really interesting in all this is that Plant immediately denied, officially on his web site, that he would not be part of any new project.

And now, with this Myles Kennedy announcement through Dee Snyder, there's no denials from any of the camps.

I would suspect it will be like Queen with Paul Rogers.

Led Zeppelin with Myles Kennedy.

It's the only way this could be billed properly methinks.

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This is way above average for a Zep cover. The singing is pitch perfect, although missing that wonderfulness that is owned by Robert Plant's dna. The guitar is dead on, I mean he's really got it (on the solo). I like the birds eye view of the drums. If only Zeppelin did that, it would've cleared up a lot of snare hit mysteries.

I still would prefer old Robert with lowered pitch over a young imitator (more than just a little bit). Why can't I have my way? Me me me.

Edited by rokarolla
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Likes and dislikes aside, reasonable people can express the "why" of their position.

Lets look at it as a musical stew and what flavor it will have good or bad, rather than a "I hate pot roast! I want ice cream" discussion.

Given a set of players ie. 3J's plus "X" not including Robert Plant what will their new music be?

It won't be Zep even if it is billed that way for promotion.

ANY RP replacement will never meet expectations. Even if it's close like that guy from virtual.

For the sake of rational discussion, lets get over the emotional "I feel ripped off" mentality. RP will do as he will. You have no control over that. You're pissed or harbor resentments.

"Why can't I have my way? Me me me." Good point ROKAROLLA.

We all get it. Lets try to elevate the discussion.

I for one, want FURTHER music, rather than a re-capturing of past glory.

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Likes and dislikes aside, reasonable people can express the "why" of their position.

Lets look at it as a musical stew and what flavor it will have good or bad, rather than a "I hate pot roast! I want ice cream" discussion.

Given a set of players ie. 3J's plus "X" not including Robert Plant what will their new music be?

It won't be Zep even if it is billed that way for promotion.

ANY RP replacement will never meet expectations. Even if it's close like that guy from virtual.

For the sake of rational discussion, lets get over the emotional "I feel ripped off" mentality. RP will do as he will. You have no control over that. You're pissed or harbor resentments.

"Why can't I have my way? Me me me." Good point ROKAROLLA.

We all get it. Lets try to elevate the discussion.

I for one, want FURTHER music, rather than a re-capturing of past glory.

Couldn't agree more BUK. All the bitching that's been going on is just that, bitching !

Let's move forward and enjoy what comes, no matter who the singer turns out to be. Like BUK, I don't want to recapture past glory. That's gone, gone ,gone... really gone

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My sister said she just saw an interview with Katy Courik and Plant and he said something to the effect he has seperated himself from Zeppelin and "doesnt remember who that guy was", referring to himself. What the hell is wrong with him? That is going to far. Its one thing to chose his own projects but to degrade in any way what made him a big star and Page and the rest is BS. He is losing it.

I don't think he meant it in the literal sense but more the fact that who he was in Zep was where he was many years ago. He's in a different place now and he can't see himself going back to that person. He followed the statement with saying that music is about change and the idea of "new". Don't think he's losing it at all or disrespecting the past.

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What's really interesting in all this is that Plant immediately denied, officially on his web site, that he would not be part of any new project.

And now, with this Myles Kennedy announcement through Dee Snyder, there's no denials from any of the camps.

I would suspect it will be like Queen with Paul Rogers.

Led Zeppelin with Myles Kennedy.

It's the only way this could be billed properly methinks.

You do have a point there Iden, but wasn't there another singer 6 months ago(or so) were the same rumour was going around and that was never denied. Jimmy doesn't seem to speak up to much when it comes to stuff like this. I just wish he would say something soon.

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Well, if Jimmy and Jonesy want to do anything, and I wish they'd get on with it, they'll have to do it without Robert. But preferably not as "Led Zeppelin and . . ", there being only two of Zeppelin involved.

That comment in the interview, btw, I didn't take as remotely dissing Zeppelin, simply saying that was an earlier incarnation of himself.

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i disagree, he has been touring way before 02 was thought of, and i mean his post zeppelin music is awesome. A band does not make the artist, the guy isnt 20 anymore. he isnt going to do these chained tours. I dont expect anything but i mean yeah a few one offs wouldnt be bad.

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My sister said she just saw an interview with Katy Courik and Plant and he said something to the effect he has seperated himself from Zeppelin and "doesnt remember who that guy was", referring to himself. What the hell is wrong with him?

Maybe he was struck by lightning. He's been through a lot of changes. Everyone has them. He still does Battle of Evermore, Black Country Woman, and Black Dog. At least he remembers part of who he was.

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There could be up to a Billion dollars at stake here, the fans want to see these guys tour before they kick the bucket, Plant I am a great fan of, but

Big 'but' here

he has given us all a line of bullshit so long that it is time to say "so long" to him.

I, like a lot of Zeppelin fans, said 'so long' to him as the singer of Led Zeppelin 28 years ago.

Much of his solo work sucked and he has wasted time taking fans of Zeppelin to sub par solo gigs for years, then he has become a "country star" and most fans have Zero interest in Blue Grass BS.

Funny how it's OK for JPJ to dabble in bluegrass yet Robert gets lambasted for it. Had Raising Sand come out 4 years ago I don't think he'd have had the criticism he's recently had from a (frankly small) percentage of Zeppelin Fans. It's just unfortunate that it came out at the same time as O2 and the associated fever, expectation and the inevitable disappointment of tour anticipation. I think it's great he's following his muse rather than rattling out the same old stuff year-in year-out, I loved the show I saw and it's great to see him obviously enoying himself.

Screw the tributes to Plant, it is time to rock, if Plant wants to sit at home while the fans have a pent up demand to see the band, then leave him stay home for the next "2 years", let him tell his Blue Grass mates about it all, Zeppelin fans are fed up with BS and want to see live music.

I think Robert has every right to 'stay at home' for the next 2 years should he wish. He's toured plenty over a number of years, unlike some other ex-members of Led Zeppelin. Whilst it would be a dream to see Zeppelin on stage again, most fans realise that a tour won't happen - we have no right to demand a tour. There's no BS from Robert as he's been consistant in his feelings for 28 years. I too look forward to Jimmy & John's project.

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I'm looking forward to seeing whatever they do. It has been much too long since JP was out there.

I agree. I think all the bashing activity is simply from extreme disappointment. I really don't care if anyone disagrees with me on that, it's simply my opinion.

Whatever projects occur should be interesting. B)

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My sister said she just saw an interview with Katy Courik and Plant and he said something to the effect he has seperated himself from Zeppelin and "doesnt remember who that guy was", referring to himself. What the hell is wrong with him? That is going to far. Its one thing to chose his own projects but to degrade in any way what made him a big star and Page and the rest is BS. He is losing it.

Not sure if it matters at all, but that interview was postponed from an earlier date. It was taped back in the middle of June in NYC, while they were doing the gigs at Madison Square Garden's Wamu Theatre. So things can change as time passes. Who knows?

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