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What was the very first Zeppelin song you ever heard?

Jimmy's A Legend

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It was STH for me too- and I hated it. :o Thought it was so long & boring.

Of course, I wasn't into rock yet, only Top 40 . The station was called 99X, and it was a popular Top 40 station in New York City in the mid 70s.

One time 99X had a charity rock star auction where you could bid on stuff from your favorite artists: they had stuff from Kiss, Stevie Nicks, Foreigner, Rod Stewart, and yes, a pair of Bic lighters signed by Jimmy & Robert. I wasn't in the least bit interested in bidding for them, because I didn't like this Led Zeppelin band & their horrible song.

2 years later I ditched 99X for a rock station. I heard Kashmir, and fell in love with Led Zeppelin...forever

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At at time when I was into hair-bands and glam rock, one of my best friends put on Led Zeppelin IV and blasted Rock And Roll one night at a college party after most everyone had left for the clubs. It blew my mind and turned musical world upside down. Thousands of CDs, hundreds of bands, and numerous music genres later, no other band comes close to the musical genus of Zeppelin.

After being at the O2 last December, I have not been to another concert since. Partially because I am still paying that one off and partly because I know nothing else will come close when you see a kick-ass show by your musical idols.


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Aww...It was like an electro shock when I first heard it!!

That brutal and ferocious metallic guitar riff, the powerful drumming, the "in your face" sensuality, the climactic mid section with Roberts' screaming, well..it was too much. I felt "raped" by that song :blush::bagoverhead:

Still my number one along D&C..


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In terms of sitting down and listening with the conscious knowledge that it was Led Zeppelin: Trampled Underfoot.

When it came to subconsciously hearing them (as was the case every Friday on Top of the Pops): Whole Lotta Love.

I also remember we had a quiz show (more like piss take) that would play Black Dog as in intro every time.

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A mate lent me LZ II who he had borrowed off another mate, he said it was ok lol....I will give him ok !!! I heard track one Whole lotta Love and that was it, I was in the living room of my parents house listening on a record stereo system, It was a musical life changing moment, by the time I had got to Bring it on Home my love affair with Led Zeppelin had started :) I remember getting to so into WLL that I fell off the chair air guitaring to the solo on it ;)

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I got my Dad mothership christmas just gone. He put it on. Good times bad times. What a great album opener. Since then I been going into town to go to buy all the albums and have recently been looking for some boots....... :D:D:D:D

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  • 3 weeks later...

mine was WHOLE LOTTA LOVE.. and i fell in love instantly with the explosive riff, sexy lyrics and the anazing vocal appeariance by Robert (my favourite part is the you need love scream right in the end of it..).

it was and still is one of the greatest rock songs of all times (and i think one of the sexiest as well...) so i fell in love with Led Zeppelin immidiatley after hearing this song...

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Ah, like many, mine was Stairway To Heaven. I loved the way it provokes you to loose yourself in a tranquil field, and then it rocks you into a vortex of heavy rock back to reality, only to begin longing to hear the journey again. With Jimmy's legendary guitar playing, Robert's shrill but unmatched voice, Bonzo's thunderous drums, and Jonesy's rythmic bass all brought it together at the end when it completely sweeps you off your feet. It's as if, you had no idea what has happened.

Once I heard it for the first time, I had no idea what the name of the song was. I also felt as though it was so great, I didn't expect how epic the feel of it was, so I just needed to hear it again, expecting it all. And boy, that first time was just a journey.

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