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Warners To Remove Videos And Music From YouTube


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I don't believe the ole WB has any say over bootleg videos. Items from TSRTS or DVD, Yes.

Bootlegs No. That would be under control of the artist I believe. Unless perhaps its a bootleg recording from the same concert as TSRTS or one of the shows from DVD, but that would be ify.

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Wanker Bros. are the same wipes who release Harry Potter videos, and they have the nerve to cut and paste the original theatre version for their own domestic video sales. Essential scenes are lost- basically the victims of WB suicide- but do they care? NO. So don't buy HP videos if you expect to see what you saw in the theatre.

Oh don't get me started on this WB topic...


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Well, we still have the OFFICIAL LZ Youtube site....81 vids.


Besides, people will put them back up as fast as WB can pull them. Pretty soon WB won't have the money to pay someone to surf YouTube for LZ vids anyway B)

Wow! I could watch the LZ Youtube all day. I hope it is not removed, too.

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I have a particular hatred for those scum: right from their beginning, they've always been the most notorious Hollywood outfit when it comes to masking propaganda as "entertainment" - and now THIS..... :mad:


Warner Bros, the Bastards got me banned off eBay for 12 months.

I was selling off most of my Zeppelin collection, due to Health & ££££ problems,(Credit Crunch) :thumbdown: , & i put alot of it on eBay as trying to get a good price for some of it. I unknowingly put on a 4xcd set called the "Studio Works 1970",which I bought in a "Big Named Place" & there was only one copy left so I bought it. Anyway when I was selling the said Zep collection, I got this warning from eBay to remove this item, before i could do anything, eBay suspended me, then the Bastards Banned me for 12 months, due to the "Request of Warner Bros", as I didn't have the Copy-Rights......Wa#kers :mad:. What chance has the normal man in the street got against the likes of Warner Bros & there $$$$$$, NONE. The good thing about this is, I still have my copy & love to listen to it loud, as one should.

All the best,

hang-man :ph34r:

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Warner Bros, the Bastards got me banned off eBay for 12 months.

I was selling off most of my Zeppelin collection, due to Health & ££££ problems,(Credit Crunch) :thumbdown: , & i put alot of it on eBay as trying to get a good price for some of it. I unknowingly put on a 4xcd set called the "Studio Works 1970",which I bought in a "Big Named Place" & there was only one copy left so I bought it. Anyway when I was selling the said Zep collection, I got this warning from eBay to remove this item, before i could do anything, eBay suspended me, then the Bastards Banned me for 12 months, due to the "Request of Warner Bros", as I didn't have the Copy-Rights......Wa#kers :mad: . What chance has the normal man in the street got against the likes of Warner Bros & there $$$$$$, NONE. The good thing about this is, I still have my copy & love to listen to it loud, as one should.

All the best,

hang-man :ph34r:

Is that the one that begins with the drums and meletron tuning and Bonzo talking alot? And Robert's singing like Elvis? I love that CD!

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Fucking typical, isn't it? These sites always come out as some rogue "screw the establishment" type site to get everyone on board and buzzing about it, then they buckle under corporate pressure and become the usual pablum that they were originally against. Just like Napster and even Ebay. They need to fight back, tell the corporate slimebags to piss, sod, bugger, AND fuck off and keep the videos posted!

What they don't realize is that there will be another upstart "rogue" to take their place soon enough just like with the music file sharing.

On another note if I may claim utter ignorance here is why is Warner interested in anything beyond what they put out like TSRTS, etc?

They don't own bootleg videos so what gives them right to ban/pull any? Especially if THIS official site has them on Youtube. It's obviously been run past the band prior to them being put up. I'd be more concerned about Jimmy and Co. not wanting them up.

Again, I apologize if I'm asking a silly question or am uninformed. No firehoses please! LOL

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I have had my 6 Jason/Supergroup Outtake videos deleted off my Youtube account overnight. There must be a blitzs going on. I'm not a happy bunny :angry:

Sorry to hear that MissHD.

You can probably thank Viacom/VH1/MTV Networks for your videos being removed....

Also, currently, Google, owns Youtube, so they are also responsible...


It's not like they play actual music anymore on their stations (only a bunch of "reality shows"). This was the only "reality" show I watched on VH1 and VH1 Classic (since it actually pertained to musicians)...

Why would they remove content that is not made available to the public???

Isn't that the purpose of these places??? To show content that's rare, unavailable, to help promote the people (for the true fans)???

Isn't that what this is supposed to be as the attraction to these type of sites (to be the alternative to and/or compliment tv or other media sources to build an extension of their brands)???

Right!!! That makes real sense. (rolling eyes) Let's remove all content relating to the Biggest Band over the last 40 years and make their fan-base really upset (so we lose all of them as viewers)...

It's not like the outtakes were available on a DVD boxed set or anything...

If they were, that would be a different story (as it's not competing against "officially" licensed material).


R B)

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already working on that... ;)


This whole thing has frustrated me as well. I lost all my videos on my iPod and FIGURES it had to happen this week, so I was trying to find everything again on YT. There was one particular "Going To California" from Earls Court that I can't find at all anymore. :angry:

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This whole thing has frustrated me as well. I lost all my videos on my iPod and FIGURES it had to happen this week, so I was trying to find everything again on YT. There was one particular "Going To California" from Earls Court that I can't find at all anymore. :angry:

Hi Roxie,

if you want that one I can send it to you, i have it in the flv. format.

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