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What Made You Un-Happy Today ?

The Rover

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The fact that I have to go to work in exactly 30 minutes. But really looking forward to being off this weekend. Even if I did have to request it off.

Too bad! Hope your shift goes quickly!!!


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You Guys are the best, :kiss:

I have just spoken to my son, good news he can apply for the Australian Army, but has to do so by Friday.

As hard as this would be for me to see him & Leo go, I have given him every encouragement to apply...

ooh, does that mean you may come here and visit??

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You never know Jules, but he has got to be Accepted first...

As one who had to make the adjustment from military to civilian life, I'm curious Kate, what exactly worries you about your son's ability to do the same? PM me if you'd rather keep it confidential.

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Sean, I suppose my main concern is the fact that the Military has been his life since the age of 13 when he joined the Cadets, then he left School at 16 and went straight into the Army.

What with the jobs Market the way it is there are Thousands of people all after the same jobs, he is the type of person who likes to have structure in his life. That is why he has applied for the Austrailian Army, who are taking on some of the lads who have been made Redundant, as I think NZ are as well. I am probely worrying for nothing but that is my nature where my children are concerened no matter how old they get.!!

I'm not over the moon about some of the other jobs that he has been thinking about doing either, but it is his life and would support him in any choice that he made.

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I've been to the orthopaedist because I've got a quite serious scoliosis. He discovered this problem three years ago, it's not too visible but I've got to wear a brace at night. Fuck, I hate it! Fortunately today he told me that I can take it off, but not for a happy reason, but because it's quite certain that I won't grow in height anymore...and I'm not 1,60 cm yet!! I feel terrible. Ok, I don't care too much about my appearance, but it's a bit sad that I won't change at all while my other friends will. Besides, I should have been very happy about the news, instead when I went out of the hospital I was about to cry...

Went home and listened to D'yer Mak'er (my sister was asking me to listen to it, and I agreed) and definitely felt better by then. And I thought: Lord, what if music didn't exist?

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Simple, but annoying.

Buy a fountain soda, 74 cents including tax.

I have an excess of pennies, but not exact change.

So I fork over 3 quarters (75 cents) plus 4 pennies, so I'll get a nickel change (yes, I intentionally avoided saying "nickel back").

Anyway, this idiot hands me 5 pennies back.

Meaningless in the overall scheme of things, but infuriating in the moment.

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Nice words Joe.

Julia, you're 1 inch (2 1/2 cm) shorter than me and i'm fuller grown. It's not such a bad height and i've never considered myself short, just pretty average actually. The bigger concern is your scoliosis and by the removal of your back brace, I hope that means things have improved for you.

Just think, would you rather be facing the consequences of scoliosis, or a tiny bit of shortness.

Plus there are some seriously nice heels you can wear :D

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Firstly, thank you all for your consolations and your time, when I read your answers I was relieved, believe me.

Of course you will change.......But from where people can't notice it.....From the inside.

Joe, few people can express feelings with a few words and you succeded in doing it.

Nice words Joe.

Julia, you're 1 inch (2 1/2 cm) shorter than me and i'm fuller grown. It's not such a bad height and i've never considered myself short, just pretty average actually. The bigger concern is your scoliosis and by the removal of your back brace, I hope that means things have improved for you.

Just think, would you rather be facing the consequences of scoliosis, or a tiny bit of shortness.

Plus there are some seriously nice heels you can wear :D

Jangles, you're right I'd better think about the solved problem of scoliosis, and I shouldn't have been so angry for such a problem at first. You know, I'm still young and impulsive ;)...thank you very much too.

Julia, I make that about 5 foot 3? That's a perfectly normal height for a woman! (My wife is 5'1".)

Without wishing to opine on your desire to be taller, I personally prefer women who are no taller than about 5' 4", something I know I share with many men. From my experience, the only men who like tall and/or rake-thin women are clothes designers - and most of them are gay anyway! So unless you're disappointed that you won't make it onto the catwalk, be happy with your height. Sounds perfect to me.

And like Jangles said, when you get your pair of killer 6" stilettoes, make sure you post a pic for us. In the Fetish Thread :D

MM, your post made me laugh to tears, especially your final picture request! I promise that when I'll wear them for the first time I'll immediately take a photo for you all!!

So, thank you again from the bottom of my heart, :yourock: !

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