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Your morning rituals...


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Ok,we all have our routine.

When I wake up...

1 First I look what time is it

2 Then I check who's awake in house

3 Eat some fruit

4 Put on jewelry

5 Listen to one Zep song

6 Throw my cat out (she sneaks in and out,meowing loooudly)

7 Then I go back to sleep but in living room

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Being awoken by my mum and dad.

Taking a shower.

Putting radio or CD on.


Having breakfast in bed:- ) My little guilty pleasure

Drinking coffee. A lot of it.

Make-up and hair.

Looking for the stuff I need for school and not finding it.

Leaving the house in a hurry and hoping to meet my extraordinairily good-looking neighbor;- )

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A typical morning for me goes like this.

Wake up, hit the snooze, go back to sleepx5

Get up, go pick out an outfit for the child, wake the child up.

Pee, shower, wake the child up once again, go get dressed.

Wake child up once more, try to convince him to get dresssed, eat breakfast & brush his teeth.

Brush & style my hair, brush my teeth, put on face moisturizer & deodorant.

Get on shoes & coat, wake up the child again, get him to put his shoes and coat on & head out the door.

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wake up with terrible aches from god knows what i did last night

figure out where i am (usually at my friend xi's house) (pronounced zi)

pee like there is no tomarrow

try to wake up xi

let xi's dog out

eat 2 of xi's waffles (letgo my ego)

tell xi i'm leaving

wait for xi's acknowledging grunt to know that he knows i'm leaving

walk home

wait for my mom and dad to leave for work before i go inside for fear or questioning

feed my dog

take shower and listen to the shower radio (rob erny and don in the morning)

brush my long, curly, beautiful hair

sleep some more, then go back to xi's to start all over again

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arise at 6:30-ish to three year old calling "mommy"...starts out at a fairly normal tone, then gets blood curdling if the call isn't answered on the 2nd or 3rd attempt.

6 year old usually wakes up after that - actually i think she awakes the dead, as well.

shuffle down stairs; three year old is still whining, wants me to carry her. very hard to navigate the stairs with 35 pounds of pre-schooler on your hip.

make coffee...extremely strong coffee.

turn on the news for a check of the weather before 6 yr old puts on Cartoon Network.

make bfast for kids. explain to 3 yr old that, for the 100th time, she cannot have gum for bfast.

make lunch for 6 yr old - udon noodle soup with chicken tender on the side. this order never changes.

back up stairs to wash, brush, dress.

take 6 yr old to school.

dump 3 yr old at grandma's so i can go to yoga - a 90 minute, much needed, etremely healing ritual.

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^^Yeah, it takes a while for my stomach to come online so to speak. It's usually a few hours before I realize I'm peckish. Which is totally lame because I'm diabetic, and should probably eat something immediately when I wake up.

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1. Wake up to alarm clock, swear like a sailor, turn off alarm clock

2. Pee

3. Walk around like a zombie

4. Watch a little TV

5. Take shower

6. Get dressed

7. TRY to eat something (I too cannot really eat until at least 10 am). NO coffee unless you don't want me to be good for anything the rest of the day.

8. Put in contacts, brush teeth & hair

9. Leave

I usually eat once I get to school, actually, especially if my first class isn't too early. I usually brush my hair in the car when I get to school, too...I procrastinate on everything, lol.

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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1. Wake up to alarm clock, swear like a sailor, turn off alarm clock

2. Pee

3. Walk around like a zombie

4. Watch a little TV

5. Take shower

6. Get dressed

7. TRY to eat something (I too cannot really eat until at least 10 am). NO coffee unless you don't want me to be good for anything the rest of the day.

8. Put in contacts, brush teeth & hair

9. Leave

I usually eat once I get to school, actually, especially if my first class isn't too early. I usually brush my hair in the car when I get to school, too...I procrastinate on everything, lol.

:lol: Yes indeed to that!!!

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During School Time

1. Get woken uo by mum or dad at 07:00

2. lieing in bed for 5 mins

3. Taking a shower

4. Drying my hair while listenig to Kashmir (yes everytime)

4. Watch abit of "everybody loves Raymond" (love that show)

5. Remember I have school and rush out.


1. Wake up at 08:00

2. Go back to sleep

3. Wake up at 11:00

4. Make my dad some coffee and me some tea

5. Talk about random stuff

6. Go upstairs. Have a wash

7. Check this forum, my email, and any other sites I go on.

8. Read until lunch.

9. Walk for about 3 hours in a field after lunch.*

And there you have it nothing exciting.

*ok got abit carried away :lol:

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School Life

Alarm goes off at 5:30

Fall back asleep in the middle of Layla

Wake up at 6:30. Scream "Shit!!" one good time, and roll out

Crank up Zep & light incense to stay awake.


Brush teeth

Get whatever clothes are on the floor or on the top in the drawer

Run out the door to catch my ride at 7:15-7:20


Listen to radio & practice guitar till 1 am

Call around to find anyone else awake

Talk till someone falls asleep (which can be a long time when all your friends are insomniacs)

Wake up about 7:30

Sometimes I get to go back to sleep, sometimes I actually have to get up....

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First I wake up, either on my own or by alarm clock or someone wakes me up.

I check out what's the time.

Go to bathroom to brush my teeth. I have to do this.

Make my bed and change my clothes.

Say hi to who's awaken.

Go out to see my dog.

Turn on the computer and play music.

Pick up and play a guitar.

Drink tea or coffee.


Go out.

This is how it often looks like.

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Wake up, get out of bed

Drag a comb across my head

Find my way downstairs and drink a cup

And looking up, I notice I `m late

Find my coat and grab my hat

Make the bus in seconds flat

Find my way upstairs and have a smoke

Somebody speaks and I go into a dream

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Hit snooze 3x beginning at 5:30am

Get up, take shower

Do makeup and put product in hair

Go downstairs, pack lunch while hair partially air dries

Help kids with breakfast/lunch packing (during school year)

Take allergy med

Sip coffee, check email/news

Wake kids (during school year)

Get dressed, dry hair

Say goodbye to everyone

Fly out the door

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Mrs. Dawg wakes me up. Sez " You're Late Again"

Run into Bathroom reenact Scene from Austin Powers

Brush teeth

Throw on Jeans Collared shirt

Grab Lunch

Kiss better half goodbye

Hop in Truck

Drive 75 miles/hour 'til traffic stops

Call Boss man tell him I'll be late

Stop by and see double d girls to get a coffee

Sign in at work with two minutes to spare. (was not late after all)

Read Email

Email Mrs. Dawg - "Made it on Time"

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