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I've Been Going to the...MOOOOvies


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You gave it a B? Are you crazy? that movie deserved a A as far as comic movies go. I'd say it was the second best comic adaptation since Batman Begins. The ending doesn't make much sense, as far as the comics are concerned. Tony Stark never revealed himself to be Iron Man, aside from the Civil War story line. Iron Man was always known to be Tony Starks bodyguard.

Yes. B.

My picky film major self critiques movies too much.

Your just going to have to deal with it.

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Saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall on Friday

still can't believe they actually did full frontal nudity

not that I'm complaining or anything ;)

But that dude is not the type of guy that women want to see naked is it? :o

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But that dude is not the type of guy that women want to see naked is it? :o

That's what amazed me about that film...

He wasn't particularly good looking and he wasn't particularly charismatic personality-wise, yet he kept getting the babes...

I think he was being overly optimistic about himself, becausehe also wrote the film.

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the trouble with harry. Its the funniest movie Hitch ever made

Just watched 'Vertigo' considered Hitchcock's best film.

Kim Novak is gorgeous as the redhead. :)

Watching 'The Birds' tonight.


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That's what amazed me about that film...

He wasn't particularly good looking and he wasn't particularly charismatic personality-wise, yet he kept getting the babes...

I think he was being overly optimistic about himself, becausehe also wrote the film.

yet that wouldn't happen in real life. Guys that look like him don't have women all over him. All of these movies like this and Knocked up are unrealistic. You have these schlub looking guys and they are getting all of these pretty women. Like Seth Rogen getting Katherine Heigal in Knocked Up. Not in the real world. I am getting tired of these "goofy slob hooks up with babe" movies. They don't portray men very well.

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I saw Iron Man, yaaaay! Finally. I would've been there opening day if I hadn't had the busiest week ever. Anyway, I thought it was great! Could've used just a tad more action, if you ask me, but all in all it was fabulous. My second-favorite superhero movie after Batman Begins.

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Well, a bowling alley is a bowling alley. It's not a movie, and I don't think Harold and Kumar is funny. To me, it's like the American Pie movies, aimed towards college youth.

If a bowling alley was a movie it would be a horror movie. :D I thought Harold and Kumar it was hilarious. it was better than Ironman which is incredibly overrated. And that movie is also aimed at people that haven't "grown up".

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In my opinion the movie industry has gone downhill as far as the quality of films and acting in general. They have replaced good acting with super technology and gimicks. In the old days you had to know how to act. If you go to 50 movies you might catch 2 or 3 that are good and one that is great. they are pumping out so much garbage now. And they know there are enough idiots out there that will go like lambs to the slaughter to see it. Not me.

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Baby Mama was funnier than I thought it would be. I really like Tina Fey, but it was Amy Poehler who cracked me up the most. Plus, Steve Martin does a good weirdo corporate hippie type. I generally don't like childbirth as comedy, 'cause it ain't funny when you're doing it! But I died laughing at A.P. when they got to the hospital.

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yet that wouldn't happen in real life. Guys that look like him don't have women all over him. All of these movies like this and Knocked up are unrealistic. You have these schlub looking guys and they are getting all of these pretty women. Like Seth Rogen getting Katherine Heigal in Knocked Up. Not in the real world. I am getting tired of these "goofy slob hooks up with babe" movies. They don't portray men very well.

Actually the guy who wrote and starred in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I saw him on David Letterman, and he said that the movie studio tested some advertising for the movie, and found that most people were put off going to see the film if he was in the ad...

So that's why none of the posters for the movie featured him, well not close up, anyway...

And yet, we're supposed to believe in the movie that this same guy is the one getting all these babes??

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Great action, definitely worth seeing if you're a fan of the franchise.

Last Crusade is the superior closer for the series however.

Edited to Add: I didn't want to do a full review and give anything away so I'll leave that for a further time once people have had a chance to see it.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Great action, definitely worth seeing if you're a fan of the franchise.

Last Crusade is the superior closer for the series however.

Edited to Add: I didn't want to do a full review and give anything away so I'll leave that for a further time once people have had a chance to see it.

I cant wait to see it but I have to.Wont be back on land for eleven more days.

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