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Tiger Woods in car accident


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Well double standards abound, for sure, but I didn't mean it in the literal sense that I condone violence towards the person, but I meant that I'm glad she didn't just sit there and take it just because he's Tiger Woods and all that that entails. It's a reaction that seems emotionally indicative of the extent of betrayal.

Jesper Parnevik (who introduced them) suggested for her to have used the driver instead :D

This guy also said that Tiger was the "best athlete in the world"... Seriously? A golfer? What a joke that is. Just like some moron on inside edition or one of those talk shows referring to the music that Adam Lambert makes "Rock 'n' Roll"...

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As long as that "principle" is upheld,there will never be true equality.

There's other ways to not just "sit there and take it".

Hi Les,

Yea, she could have popped a cap in his arse for sure mate. ;)

Still for Tiger it was par for the course. :lol:

Regards, Danny

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I think his wife's anger is perfectly understandable, but the violent reaction is a problem. That is why I suggested throwing a pillow at the wall next time. Apparently someone did some damage to his face, which was not necessary merely to vent anger.

The pillow and the wall recover more easily from violence than a person's face.

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My question would be why a 27 year old college graduate is "not making any money"?

Probably the same reason why a 29-year old college graduate is making no money: no jobs.

It's not lack of skills in my field either, therefore, I don't that's Electo's issue either, Del. :rolleyes:

Most people wouldn't. I can't speak for her, but I'd be comfortable in saying that a good majority of people look upon women beating the crap out of cheating men as "Good for her, he deserves it!" but if the guy finds out she's sleeping around and he beats her up, he's an abusing scumbag who should get locked up for life. If she attacked him, she should suffer the same penalty that he would if she cheated on him and he attacked her. You wanna talk about the double standard re: celebrities vs. regular folk, how about the double standard re: men vs.women?

Here's an even better example: 35 year old teacher sleeps with 16 year old student. If the teacher is female and the student is male, the student gets a few pats on the back for "being a man" and the teacher gets a slap on the wrist. If the teacher is male and the student is female, the teacher gets put on a sex offender registry and the student gets counseling. Consent isn't even debated. It's always non-consensual when the teacher is male and consensual when the teacher is female.

Not necessarily. There are quite a few female teachers in my area who are now in prison because of the stupid decisions they've made lately...

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My question would be why a 27 year old college graduate is "not making any money"?

When I was 27 I was married; had no bills; paid CASH for two new cars; had just bought a home (putting 20%) down, and still had money left over to invest in the stock market.

...and I only had a high school diploma and was working at a supermarket chain.

This is the worst job market since the Depression. The younger grads can't find jobs because experienced professionals who have been laid off from executive/management level positions and can't find those types of jobs are having to take the entry level positions (if they can find them). Employers have more experienced people to choose from for the few available positions. (In other words, it's the market; it's not for their lack of trying).

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Okay... I'm sorry, but...

Why do we care? What the hell does it matter? He's a golf player. Done. Period. End of story.

I don't recall him publically speaking about the evils of cheating or the wonders of a wife or abstinence or any shit like that, so... so what?

Granted, if I could meet Tiger right now, I'd smack him and say "you fucking idiot. You actually released a public apology?"

This is what pisses me off about all "famous" character who cheat. They issue a public apology.

Um... it ain't the public you cheated on, dumb shit. We aren't the ones you married. So we aren't the ones who need an apology. Keep the "I'm so sorry for what I did" to your wife. We aren't the ones you need to worry about forgiving you.

I am, honestly, sick and tired of the public apology, especially when it comes from some douchebag who cheated on his wife.

As far as men who cheat, Eddie Murphy, in "Raw" explained it quite well, IMO:

I think Tiger Woods thought he got some Ritz and eventually realized he just Saltines. Although... I'll be honest... his wife is fuckin' HOT! Which might prove what Eddie's sayin', 'cause even I'm trying to figure out how any guy could cheat on a woman like that... maybe she wouldn't put out? Men need sex.

Ladies, if your man wants some, give it to him. 'Cause if he don't get it from you... :D

(Note: I am being facetious.)

Edited by Nathan
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I been reading this column and I can say first hand cause I been there that if I was Elin I would have beat his ass then left him.

My husband did the same thing I was pregnant he hooked up with someone at work. It went on through my pregnancy and for 2 years after my son was born. They would meet before and after work I thought he was working overtime.

One night he came home after swing shift and he called her cause he thought I was asleep. I hid behind the door and listened and then I confronted him when he was on the phone he tried to lie, I grabbed the phone and the dumb bitch answers me when I ask who it was.

I have never hit anyone in my life before or after but I smacked him so hard his glasses flew off his face. Until you have walked this path and hopefully not, you can't begin to fathom the betrayal.

I took good care of my husband in all ways. We tried to work it out for the kids but he kept cheating on the sly. I never could trust him or get out of my head he f*cked around and exposed me to what ever since who knows if she was doing anyone else besides my husband. All while I trusted him when he said he was working overtime. or they would hook up while I was at work nice huh my baby is sleeping at home while his daddy brings his bitch home and mommy's at work.

I left him and didn't look back I was married 14 years.

It's easy to say oh she wasn't right to do that but here she has two kids under 3 one born this year and he's out screwing bimbo's what about exposing her to STD's. Anyone think about that?

I hope she leaves him and he loses his endorsements.

Only thing he should represent is manure cause he is a big bag of shit!

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Dang, this is a story that keeps on keeping on. Did you here the latest?

Ambulance called to his house last night taking a blonde away ...?

Didn't hear the details yet, just that little bit.

His cash may be gone by the time he pays off all his lovers.

Men! :slapface:

Tsk tsk,not all of us...<_<


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Dang, this is a story that keeps on keeping on. Did you here the latest?

Ambulance called to his house last night taking a blonde away ...?

Didn't hear the details yet, just that little bit.

His cash may be gone by the time he pays off all his lovers.

Men! :slapface:

Ummmm, it was his mother-in-law, who was apparently suffering from severe stomach pains.


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Tsk tsk,not all of us...<_<


Oh, I know '59, not ALL. :)

Ummmm, it was his mother-in-law, who was apparently suffering from severe stomach pains.


Ummmm, ok...I wasn't implying he had a mistress AT his house if that's what you're umm-ing about. I just hadn't heard if it was his wife or not.

But...ummm thanks for the clarification. ;)

And I meant every day new mistresses seem to be popping out of the woodwork, and if he pays all of them off it could get costly.

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