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Led Zeppelin Reunion Show Too Heavy For Robert Plant


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I had to remind myself what the title of this thread was. No mention of bluegrass, Raising Sand Band of Joy etc in the title anywhere.

Its about Robert Plant expressing how he felt after arguably one of the biggesst shows of his career and the emotions he felt and the need to retreat from it straight after.

But once again the stuff gets turned on its head cos some people don't like what he is doing but feel its ok to attack him and anyone who respects his decisions what music he plays.

It smacks of " if it isn't Zeppelin it isnt worth listening to and if he won't do Zep with Zep then he can go to hell"

The beraters become whiners and then attack those who still support what he does then the beraters plead bullying is occurring. Grow up people!! Some of you wouldnt have coped withthe hatred whaich appeared when the 02 show and tickets lottery were announced, if you think this is nasty you thi spales into insignificance to what went on then. If people don't like what he does then fine, leave it alone no more to be said but no matter if everyone here pleaded with him to get back with Jimmy et al it wouldn't sway his decision to follow his musical interests or heritage.

If someone told me how to live my life and to forget what i want because they wanted me to just do stuff for them all the time they would get the "go fuck yourself" reply.

I choose to stay more detatched in these fuckwit arguments these days but I know if I joined in the I would be as cutting as I have been before ( which isn't pretty)and would't give a damn if some of you felt upset. But I am mellower these days. :)

So is this thread about the 02 show or what?????? :blink:<_<:slapface:

Whoa,whoa,whoa......you're making far to much sence.

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Hi All,

Now i know that the "Joke Police" are doing overtime this week, but when do the "Insulting and Trolling Police" come on duty as this member is due for a shake down real soon? :angry:

Rules you may be unaware of.

"There will be no racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discriminations."

"There will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other member, in a manner which is offensive or inflammatory."


Sam, if you need a replacement Deputy anytime, i have the time, inclination and energy to Police this forum like a Bat out of Hell. ;)

Regards, littledan

Gitchi Gitchii yaya dada

somebody pass Billy the marmalade!!! It goes good on Melba toast:lol:

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Hear that big "whoosh!" sound? That's the sound of your eloquent and well-written statement above sailing waaaaaaaaaay over the heads of the morons you're hoping to educate.

Casting pearls before swine.

These "Led Zeppelin fans" who whine like infants about Robert's career choices aren't sophisticated enough or open minded enough to listen to anything other than big dumb rock and the heavy elements of Led Zeppelin's back catalog.. And we both know they're the same nimrods who would have been yelling out for Whole Lotta Love during a 1970 or '71 acoustic set, probably would have hated Led Zep III with a passion when it was released, and would have whistled like idiots during the quiet sections of Stairway back in the day. In other words, they're morons. And again - they are proud of it. They proudly say they only like certain types of music. They should be shunned, scorned, tied to a post and lashed. They don't deserve Led Zeppelin. It's too good for them.

They also don't eat their toast in the morning unless Mommy cuts off the crusts. Everything has to be just so or they whine.



Just for the record Billy. Having been there when Led Zep III came out, I'll wager dollars for donuts that nobody liked it on first listen. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the band itself wondered if they'd gone a step too far. Why the rush to get IV out and anybody who was present at the time will well remember .There are plenty of people here ( if they're being honest ) who could verify that fact. It was an album that grew on me as well as most of the Zeppelin I & II fan base. That Jack, is a fact !

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He's gone, Ally. ;)

Thinking back, all I remember from LZIII at the time is Immigrant Song. I think the rest must have grown on me as well, but it's all lost in the mists of time!

Oh, OK

True enough Aqua. I just felt the need to complete the sentence regarding III. As it turned out, probably the most listened to Zep album in this man's collection. Well, along with the other 7 studio albums :D

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Just for the record Billy. Having been there when Led Zep III came out, I'll wager dollars for donuts that nobody liked it on first listen. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the band itself wondered if they'd gone a step too far. Why the rush to get IV out and anybody who was present at the time will well remember .There are plenty of people here ( if they're being honest ) who could verify that fact. It was an album that grew on me as well as most of the Zeppelin I & II fan base. That Jack, is a fact !

I bought on the day of it's release and obvioulsy Immigrant song hit me in the head.

It was such a diffeerent album to II and thats what surpeised many people but being a brit i had heard losts of folk music so could relate to the softer side more easily.

I loved it from the off it was so different as a concept from aother bands and albums coming out, hats off took some getting into for a while but it got there. But of course there was Since I've been loving you oh that was something special back then and still is.

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I got LZ III as soon as it came out too and loved every minute of it from the get go. I didn't even "think" about the acoustic numbers as being apart from the rockers, it just all blended in together as a kaleidoscope. One of my favorites as a 13 year old !

So is this thread about the 02 show or what?????? :blink:<_<:slapface:

Oh, I forgot ! :slapface:

Sorry :(

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Just for the record Billy. Having been there when Led Zep III came out, I'll wager dollars for donuts that nobody liked it on first listen. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the band itself wondered if they'd gone a step too far. Why the rush to get IV out and anybody who was present at the time will well remember .There are plenty of people here ( if they're being honest ) who could verify that fact. It was an album that grew on me as well as most of the Zeppelin I & II fan base. That Jack, is a fact !

Hi Ally,

You owe me mate, BIGTIME, I'm as Greedy now for Zepp III as i was the day it came out, so gimme my Donuts, the Dollars you can keep to use for arse wipes. :o;):lol:

Very Kind Regards, littledan

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Hi Ally,

You owe me mate, BIGTIME, I'm as Greedy now for Zepp III as i was the day it came out, so gimme my Donuts, the Dollars you can keep to use for arse wipes. :o;):lol:

Very Kind Regards, littledan

Ok, jelly donuts in the mail :P ! Let me correct what I said to read ...Many as opposed to nobody.

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I bought on the day of it's release and obvioulsy Immigrant song hit me in the head.

It was such a diffeerent album to II and thats what surpeised many people but being a brit i had heard losts of folk music so could relate to the softer side more easily.

I loved it from the off it was so different as a concept from aother bands and albums coming out, hats off took some getting into for a while but it got there. But of course there was Since I've been loving you oh that was something special back then and still is.

It was a suprisingly different album and I believe it caught many :D people off guard. I honestly don't know many who liked it as an album, when it first came out . My original response was based on a statement that implied only morons didn't like it and I take exception to that. Neither my friends or I were morons in Oct 1970. That came later :lol:

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pals: thanks for all the insightful responses. I have received quite a lot of praise 4 my complete photographic memory though until recently when I realized I perceived the experience as a younger person. U c those pictures in your head to fill up the time or boredom cures and bang! That was not what it was here is an example I was so convinced my old college bud's club was called H2O I sent them messages with all these fun times and it was really called oxygen or something. Well, all these moments and happy sharing was two people talking about two different places God knows when or where. As a world traveler in my teens and upon migrating all over this country for schools, jobs, blah blah I saw these clips of a city when I thought I was on the beach simply because a bridge looked the same as the scenery passes u really can't tell which place is which at one point. As I was going over this in my brain, I thought I was in the other place that beautiful sunrise.. where did I end up that day once I was over? As soon as proper perspective can possibly exist I'll update that promptly. LMAO on the sexgod thing talk about imaginary! guess thats good enough for some.

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What a fractious thread. I know what I wish would happen, but whenever I think about the seemingly unbrookable dichotomy between Robert and Jimmy's points of view, I can't help recalling an old poem by Andrew Marvell, 'To His Coy Mistress', which I think sums up the stand-off quite well. One verse in particular springs to mind. Picture, if you will, the two Zep protagonists, with Jimmy imploring Robert thusly:

But at my back I always hear

Time's winged chariot hurrying near;

And yonder all before us lie

Deserts of vast eternity.

Thy beauty shall no more be found,

Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound

My echoing song; then worms shall try

That long preserv'd virginity,

And your quaint honour turn to dust,

And into ashes all my lust.

The grave's a fine and private place,

But none I think do there embrace.

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What a fractious thread. I know what I wish would happen, but whenever I think about the seemingly unbrookable dichotomy between Robert and Jimmy's points of view, I can't help recalling an old poem by Andrew Marvell, 'To His Coy Mistress', which I think sums up the stand-off quite well. One verse in particular springs to mind. Picture, if you will, the two Zep protagonists, with Jimmy imploring Robert thusly:

But at my back I always hear

Time's winged chariot hurrying near;

And yonder all before us lie

Deserts of vast eternity.

Thy beauty shall no more be found,

Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound

My echoing song; then worms shall try

That long preserv'd virginity,

And your quaint honour turn to dust,

And into ashes all my lust.

The grave's a fine and private place,

But none I think do there embrace.

So, you'd rather see a yet another "reunion" where the artists involved don't actually have their hearts in it? I thought the Eagles would have shown everyone by now what a heartless proposition that is. Better no Zeppelin than a half-hearted one, not to mention the absence of one John Henry Bonham.

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So, you'd rather see a yet another "reunion" where the artists involved don't actually have their hearts in it? I thought the Eagles would have shown everyone by now what a heartless proposition that is. Better no Zeppelin than a half-hearted one, not to mention the absence of one John Henry Bonham.

A Ferrari without its original wheels is still a Ferrari, Jahfin.

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A Ferrari without its original wheels is still a Ferrari, Jahfin.

A Ferrari without its original engine has little value to a collector.

Bonzo was what powered them more than anything. No replacement engine will ever make them hum or purr the way he did.

Talk about love...talk about.. :P

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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Sigh, I wonder why some people never get it. Jason is not his father, it's not about their ability as drummers, they are simply different people. Robert once said he felt guilty being alive when Bonzo is dead, don't you think that's "heavy" enough for any people? It's not about music, or at least not only about music, there's a lot of emotions involved.

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Sigh, I wonder why some people never get it. Jason is not his father, it's not about their ability as drummers, they are simply different people. Robert once said he felt guilty being alive when Bonzo is dead, don't you think that's "heavy" enough for any people? It's not about music, or at least not only about music, there's a lot of emotions involved.

People just want their "Led Zeppelin" reunion, damn the feelings of the participants. Well, we finally got the long awaited reunion in 2007 and that's still not enough. They want to squeeze even more blood from the stone, at the same time continuing to lay blame at the feet of Robert Plant for not fulfilling their nostalgic needs.

Edited by Jahfin
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So, you'd rather see a yet another "reunion" where the artists involved don't actually have their hearts in it? I thought the Eagles would have shown everyone by now what a heartless proposition that is. Better no Zeppelin than a half-hearted one, not to mention the absence of one John Henry Bonham.

Completely agree. I saw the Eagles recently and it was pathetic - especially compared to when I saw them 16 years ago. Zeppelin w/o Bonzo isn't Zeppelin. As good as the reunion show was, the music was obviously missing something. It was the special drum beats that Bonzo brought to the songs as well as his musical interaction with Page and Jones. Jason did a fine job, but......it wasn't Zeppelin.

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Sigh, I wonder why some people never get it. Jason is not his father, it's not about their ability as drummers, they are simply different people. Robert once said he felt guilty being alive when Bonzo is dead, don't you think that's "heavy" enough for any people? It's not about music, or at least not only about music, there's a lot of emotions involved.

Zeppelin was a very emotional, moody band that's for sure. I love to listen to their banter in between songs to see if they were having fun, arguing or just plain messing around with the crew, audience, etc. From Knebworth on, it seemed like that was missing from the band and during the reunion show it seemed business like. I can see where Robert is coming from with his statement. They weren't like the Stones and the Who where the parts of the band where interchangeable as long as the music sounded like it was originally recorded.

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Completely agree. I saw the Eagles recently and it was pathetic - especially compared to when I saw them 16 years ago. Zeppelin w/o Bonzo isn't Zeppelin. As good as the reunion show was, the music was obviously missing something. It was the special drum beats that Bonzo brought to the songs as well as his musical interaction with Page and Jones. Jason did a fine job, but......it wasn't Zeppelin.

Of course he isnt going to be as good as Bonzo. But its the drummer!!!!! Not the lead singer or guitarist!!! Replacing Page or Plant is not possible. The acoustic sets if they did them would not miss a beat. They would be just as good. Face it!! So a reunion would still be a special and worth while and tremendous event. Since it isnt going to happen, you are kind of like using Aesops fable the fox and the grapes. You know, the fox could not reach the grapes so , well you know the rest and if you dont, go read it. its short. I am not singling you out either. I just quoted you because I dont know how to use the quote tool and pick pieces out. The Who sure had no problem with their concerts after Moon died did they? And Moon was to me the second best drummer of all time. I watched a clip of Rush the other night on that music channel and it baffles me that anyone could think he is even close to Bonham or Moon. He is not the third best drummer by any means. As for the reunion, some of us die hard Led Zeppelin fans still want it and for those that never got to see them it would be great. Put that in your cereal all of you that keep bashing a reunion, just becaue Robert doesnt want to do it. What about Jimmy? Isnt he part of this band? I think so.

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