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postive thoughts and prayers are requested please


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hey everyone, it's jessica/redhairedqueen22, my 21 year old brother, justin is having surgery to remove a cyst on his tailbone tomorrow at noon so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that he pulls through with flying colors and makes a smooth recovery. i'll keep everyone updated on how he's doing

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hey everyone, it's jessica/redhairedqueen22, my 21 year old brother, justin is having surgery to remove a cyst on his tailbone tomorrow at noon so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that he pulls through with flying colors and makes a smooth recovery. i'll keep everyone updated on how he's doing

I wish him the best. I would not worry based on the details you gave. Unless their is a biopsy planned? Do they think its just a benign cyst? I would certainly think so based on the location. Prayers with you.

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I don't mean to be rude, but the title of your thread suggested something serious. Removal of a cyst from a tailbone is minor surgery that should be done under local anasthetic. I don't do prayer, but good luck to your brother. I just hope he does'nt suffer too much discomfort in sitting down for too long after his procedure.

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Here's hoping he flies through surgery and is back to kicking ass and taking names in no time flat.

Best wishes for a fast recovery with your brother, but kicking tailbones in celebration would be just plain wrong...

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Also, if anyone reads this, feel free to send some cozmic energy and lots of love to my former neighbor Leonie who is just having a skull operation after the doctors found an abscess in her brain ( the abscess got removed but they have to redo it since there were some blunders made, and she didn't wake from the artificial coma). Chances are that she might lose her live on her birthday tomorrow.

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