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Celebration Day movie audiences young or old?

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To everyone who went to see the movie just wanted to know if there were a lot of older or younger people at the film? With the way music is today with the younger kids saying they wish that they saw the older bands back in the day. Were there a lot of the younger generation ages 15-25 at the movie? thanks just intrested to know.

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Both times I saw it the crowd was a good mix of young and old. Teens seeing it together, dads and moms taking their kids, older 50-and-over vets like me who saw the band in the 70s, college age kids, grandparents, even a few who were at the O2 show.

The oldest person I saw was in her 70s and the youngest was 8.

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There were some corpses in the audience and three people gave birth to a baby while watching.

(edit) I do not know if the corpses came for especially this movie or if they had been there before already.

For some reason they did not intend to move at all.

Edited by reswati
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There were teens...people that most likely saw the band (50+)....people like me that just missed out (40+)....parents and their kids...and one memorable woman that was trying navigate the steep incline to her seat wearing 6 inch stilettos :blink: ....a pretty good mix all in all...

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The theatre I was at was filled with young people under the age of 20

That's great news. Glad the youngsters out there are checking out past generations music, but not surprising considering how manufactured some of today's groups seem to be...the successful ones, anyway.

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Oct 17,mostly an over 35 crowd but on Oct 25, I was happy to see that it was a much younger crowd .It also looked as though most of the older crowd like myself , brought their share of young ones with them. :)

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We met lots of amazing people there, mostly older generation types sharing their experiences seeing the band live then seeing this movie. Like me, they were amazed at the 27 year gap between shows, sure there were appearances here and there but anyone can do a couple songs from time to time. To regroup after that long of an absence and do a complete set as well as they did, yeah, there is definitely something special there--it just "doesn't happen" for everyone.

We also saw and talked to some younger folks, some bored and "didn't see why this band was so popular", but lots of youngins who were amazed at the show, "you just don't see that camaraderie today with today's musicians", can only marvel "how good they were in their prime". My words--they fit in now, back then, they were way ahead of their time, it's taken the music world 30 years to catch up with them.

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