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What's your sign, man?


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LOL ! Let see, I'm hotheaded, lazy and hate control freaks....does that sound like a Virgo? I'm more like my Chinese sign, the Snake...what is yours ?

If you hate control freaks then, cool. Not too Virgoish..lol.

I'm a sheep. But I despise people who are like sheep, just following blindly. So, I'm not like a sheep.

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or picking up old license plates. <_<




Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, is a masculine sign ruled by the warrior planet Mars, whose motto must be "Crash through, or crash!". A cardinal (creative and inventive) sign, Aries, the Ram, governs leadership and initiative. Aries people are bold and self-confident, although they tend to be overly impulsive.

A Determined Fighter

The emblem for Aries is the Ram, a determined fighter and a powerful adversary, with a strong urge to express himself over the widest possible field of endeavour. Is the grass greener on the other side of the hill? Of course it is, isn't it, Aries?

You have masses of energy and courage and will rush in where angels fear to tread, for the Arien ego can be rather overbearing. Undue optimism, or impatience and desire for self-aggrandisement can result in wasted effort or even severe setbacks and disappointment.

Although you can be highly-strung, your great fund of energy enables you to survive where other less exuberant folks might succumb.

Yep! :D


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A stubborn, hard-headed, pompous Aries

Early moning April 4.....Shots ring out in the Memphis sky.

1960 was the best possible year to be born in the 20th century. Sorry, but it's true. B)

I'm Aries too, and I was born in April 4th too! But in 1991. :D

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