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7 hours ago, porgie66 said:

There was a thread on this here a while ago. Aug 12 1968 is the alleged date of the first jam which took place in a rehearsal room above the old Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club at 39 Gerrard St. The building is still there. Hallowed ground for us Zep fans. 

Rather than being above it, the rehearsal room was the old site of Ronnie Scott's, before it moved (in 1965) to its current site in Frith St. The building above at street level is now a Chinese restaurant called Ykkusan.



ETA: I know they rehearsed Train Kept a Rollin, and apparently As Long as I have You, but does anyone know what the other songs rehearsed were? I wonder did Page introduce the others to Dazed & Confused this early, or was that at the rehearsals at Pangbourne before going off to the Scandinavian dates?

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6 hours ago, 76229 said:

Rather than being above it, the rehearsal room was the old site of Ronnie Scott's, before it moved (in 1965) to its current site in Frith St. The building above at street level is now a Chinese restaurant called Ykkusan.



ETA: I know they rehearsed Train Kept a Rollin, and apparently As Long as I have You, but does anyone know what the other songs rehearsed were? I wonder did Page introduce the others to Dazed & Confused this early, or was that at the rehearsals at Pangbourne before going off to the Scandinavian dates?

Ok, I thought I read it was a space above the club that was rented out for rehearsals. I remember seeing a copy of an ad for it in the paper. I didn't realize it had moved to Frith St so long ago. I've played there several times. Really great jazz club, though it's changed a lot since being renovated in 2006. 

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47 minutes ago, porgie66 said:

Ok, I thought I read it was a space above the club that was rented out for rehearsals. I remember seeing a copy of an ad for it in the paper. I didn't realize it had moved to Frith St so long ago. I've played there several times. Really great jazz club, though it's changed a lot since being renovated in 2006. 

Yep, they rented the space out after moving while they stilll had the lease, presumably purely to make extra cash. The first pic at this link


is Ronnie Scott's as was pre-65. (Londonist.com has quoted 19th Aug '68 but I've seen both dates given in various sources)

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The Glastonbury festival is due to take a 'fallow year' in 2018, a break that occurs every six years to allow the land to recover, although founder Michael Eavis suggested he would revoke that plan if a certain band agreed to perform. He said that he is 'already regretting' the decision to take a year out and, while he didn't reveal who the band is that could change his mind, he did add: 'It's not One Direction.'

Go ahead and speculate

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Glastonbury is a corporate, shit, sell out of a festival. Full of glittery wannabes who really don't give a shit who is actually performing as long as they are "seen" to be there. Waving their flags and singing along to some nobody, whilst screaming when some old dodder takes the stage and sings songs written before even their parents were born. They really think this is "far out man" but to be truthful it is like London but in the countryside. Glastonbury ceased to be a cool festival in the (early) 1990's.They trudge it out every year and the BBC put hours of wasted air space, and my license money, on it. It is all I hate in a festival

These, cough cough, "festival goers" think it's all hippy dippy, love for all peace man. They put on their weekend bo-ho stuff and strut about looking "cool". In reality it's an overblown, over subscribed rip off at £238.00 even before you have had a beer at 4 quid and the oh so organic bean stew at 8 quid. A joint - forget that. It's all about staring into an i-phone and phoning Mumsy to let her know they are still living. Of course it all depends on the weather - too hot and you burn like a slice of toast, too wet and it's a mud city. 

So after 4 days of the odd band, famous or unheard of, it's back to the office in London or Bristol with tales of how they saw The Foo Fighters from a mile back and how bad the toilets were. But it was "like yah,you know, really cool"

If Eavis really thinks Led Zeppelin will play this hell on earth then I bet no one here would get a ticket and you would have to put up with 3 days of shit before you see them - then you won't because some twat would be their friends shoulders waving their arms to Stairway to Heaven

One Big Yawn

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36 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

Glastonbury is a corporate, shit, sell out of a festival. Full of glittery wannabes who really don't give a shit who is actually performing as long as they are "seen" to be there. Waving their flags and singing along to some nobody, whilst screaming when some old dodder takes the stage and sings songs written before even their parents were born. They really think this is "far out man" but to be truthful it is like London but in the countryside. Glastonbury ceased to be a cool festival in the (early) 1990's.They trudge it out every year and the BBC put hours of wasted air space, and my license money, on it. It is all I hate in a festival

These, cough cough, "festival goers" think it's all hippy dippy, love for all peace man. They put on their weekend bo-ho stuff and strut about looking "cool". In reality it's an overblown, over subscribed rip off at £238.00 even before you have had a beer at 4 quid and the oh so organic bean stew at 8 quid. A joint - forget that. It's all about staring into an i-phone and phoning Mumsy to let her know they are still living. Of course it all depends on the weather - too hot and you burn like a slice of toast, too wet and it's a mud city. 

So after 4 days of the odd band, famous or unheard of, it's back to the office in London or Bristol with tales of how they saw The Foo Fighters from a mile back and how bad the toilets were. But it was "like yah,you know, really cool"

If Eavis really thinks Led Zeppelin will play this hell on earth then I bet no one here would get a ticket and you would have to put up with 3 days of shit before you see them - then you won't because some twat would be their friends shoulders waving their arms to Stairway to Heaven

One Big Yawn

Unlike you to pour scorn on London and Londoners. Glad to see you haven't lost your touch bud 

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38 minutes ago, Brigante said:

As the Manics' Nicky Wire said from the stage at Glastonbury in 1994: 'It's full of jugglers and cunts on stilts - build a by-pass over this shithole!' :lol:

Didn't stop them playing in the future though?

My experience was in 1982 (i think). I dropped some Acid, smoked a lot of bongs, sat down a lot, watched a few bands - on the one stage which was there, Black Uhuru for one, laughed loads, lost my tent on more than one occasion, met loads of freaks and hippies. Didn't feel the need for a Reiki healing session from "Sapphire from Highgate" in a Tepee or a Tibetan massage ( in a Yurt) from " India" who has travelled all the way from Camden - that's right it didn't exist! Oh the days of Hawkwind @ Stonehenge !

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Agree (mostly) with chillumpuffer on this. For me the real jump the shark moment was late 90s when the ticket prices were jacked up to pay for the wall. It went into the realms of only being affordable by Joshs & Jemimas who like, really want to get in touch with the countryside (while living in Islington & driving 4x4s).


It's the patronisation of the festival by similar upper middle class wankers that's led to the appearances by Katy Perry & Kanye West. To these Hoxton twats it's all like ironic, yah?

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30 minutes ago, 76229 said:

Agree (mostly) with chillumpuffer on this. For me the real jump the shark moment was late 90s when the ticket prices were jacked up to pay for the wall. It went into the realms of only being affordable by Joshs & Jemimas who like, really want to get in touch with the countryside (while living in Islington & driving 4x4s).


It's the patronisation of the festival by similar upper middle class wankers that's led to the appearances by Katy Perry & Kanye West. To these Hoxton twats it's all like ironic, yah?

And the banning of (some) travellers who thought it was a good idea to park their vehicles on his land for a few weeks and refused to leave. Rightly or wrongly

It was all like that in those days. I mean there will always be some freeloaders - always was in the 70's - Woodstock and the Isle of White come to mind. There were great free festivals in those days, Windsor and Deeply Vale where hippies put on the festivals. But of course the authorities couldn't handle it and sent the filth in to crack some heads

But when you build a fuck off wall and pay heavies to patrol it - then you are in the realms of can and can't. The introduction of an ATM was the final straw or even worse Rolf Harris doing Stairway. Bet he wandered around afterwards and slipped into a few tents - if you get me drift ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to every Glastonbury between '86 and '04 bar one. I always thought that what really changed it was putting on TV. I can understand why they did but the changes in people started around then with more and more people seeming intent just to get on TV while sitting on someone's shoulders and acting like everyone else they seen on tv the year before. with more years of tv then we got the hairdressers, secretaries, chavs, Jemimas and Tarquins moving in and taking over. however it still is the greatest place for me. I wouldn't go again but those that do still probably have the time of their lives, but its unlikely to involve scrumpy, opium balls, naked people, hippies, rastas and travellers, but then nothing stays the same and not should it.

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On 6/26/2017 at 6:30 PM, Xolo1974 said:

Sorry to disappoint. It's going to be Slade

At least it's not Status Quo. ?

On 6/27/2017 at 0:31 AM, chillumpuffer said:

Glastonbury is a corporate, shit, sell out of a festival. Full of glittery wannabes who really don't give a shit who is actually performing as long as they are "seen" to be there. Waving their flags and singing along to some nobody, whilst screaming when some old dodder takes the stage and sings songs written before even their parents were born. They really think this is "far out man" but to be truthful it is like London but in the countryside. Glastonbury ceased to be a cool festival in the (early) 1990's.They trudge it out every year and the BBC put hours of wasted air space, and my license money, on it. It is all I hate in a festival

These, cough cough, "festival goers" think it's all hippy dippy, love for all peace man. They put on their weekend bo-ho stuff and strut about looking "cool". In reality it's an overblown, over subscribed rip off at £238.00 even before you have had a beer at 4 quid and the oh so organic bean stew at 8 quid. A joint - forget that. It's all about staring into an i-phone and phoning Mumsy to let her know they are still living. Of course it all depends on the weather - too hot and you burn like a slice of toast, too wet and it's a mud city. 

So after 4 days of the odd band, famous or unheard of, it's back to the office in London or Bristol with tales of how they saw The Foo Fighters from a mile back and how bad the toilets were. But it was "like yah,you know, really cool"

If Eavis really thinks Led Zeppelin will play this hell on earth then I bet no one here would get a ticket and you would have to put up with 3 days of shit before you see them - then you won't because some twat would be their friends shoulders waving their arms to Stairway to Heaven

One Big Yawn

Substitute "Coachella" for "Glastonbury" and you've nailed it, too.

Glastonbury '84 and '95.✌

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  • 2 months later...

Well us fans have heard all the bootlegs of shows that could be officially released, but perhaps Page could release a full Earls court show, but to finally please the fans, it should be only one full show from start to finish, although some would want their favourite versions of each song, but that will never please everybody, so one Earl's court show from start to finish, would still be really good with a really good mix(especially drums, even if it was more about Bonham's sound being a bit different on those shows and his 75 performances perhaps a little bit lethargic) and picture that is better visually edited.

As another reunion will rightfully never happen(as there is only one John Bonham and Jason was just there as the only rightful replacement for one night show, that was to correct the reunion legacy and do it for Ahmet Ertegun and maybe also show that Page, Plant and Jones are still really good musicians, even at playing Led Zeppelin at their age) and everything else was already released, releasing a bit more live stuff is the only option, besides various celebrations and events, but in these days of lower album sales and internet and fans already having all that in really good bootleg quality, it's unlikely! But he might do it, as with how acclaimed Zeppelin is now, Page might go pass imperfections and just look at the overall performance.

But let the celebrations begin and make it with a lot of  Led Zeppelin music!

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