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What conspiracy theories do you think are real or are ridiculous?


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2 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

What would stop you is when your dead fathers ballot was received it would be flagged and you would get a not so friendly knock on your door that's what would happen. Why? Because the secretary of state has the deceased listed in a database which cross-references with all ballots cast. Most people are not aware of it but dead people cannot vote even if a ballot is mailed to them. Ironically it is literally one hand not knowing what the other is doing until the counting begins. Stupid yes bust seriously, if you or anyone else tries this you will get in serious trouble. I know this because I was joking with a friend at dinner who works for the sec of state in my state and told me about this.

Believe me, they have more info on you, me, the dead, etc. than we think. Unless a machine is hacked or, there is an inside job at the highest levels in a state, voter fraud is pretty much impossible. The fact people still think this is a thing in an era where your whereabouts are known 24/7, where they know every little thing you do (for the most part) through your purchasing habits. Then you have cameras everywhere, toll booths which use tracking, etc. The privacy ship sailed a LONG time ago.

I tell ya, its hard to be a pimp these days

You're right, and of course I would never do that, although each year some people do try. What happens more often is "ballot harvesting" which may not be illegal, but does make you wonder about some of the ethics around that.  Before my father passed he was in care facility, and a group offered "to help" residents with their ballots and then turn them in for them. Many of these people like my father were cognitive care, so anything put on that ballot would be whoever filled it out wanted to put on it. 

Voting is right, but it should be required that people make the effort to go and vote on ONE day in person, as much as that can be done. It makes sense to me to have ID too.... we have ID for everything else.  And then after that, for people who cannot be present, then a sensible way for those who qualify to not be in there in person (for example people serving in the military), then I am fine with that.  But we are at a point now where there is a loss in confidence in the system. Whether that perception is actual or imagined, may not matter.

In a world where everything can be hacked now, even top secret FBI files and servers by outside nations. Do we really want people to be able to vote using a smart phone? One made in China?

Election day should be  national holiday so everyone has the time to go vote. Just my 2 cents.

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11 hours ago, kipper said:

There is ALWAYS fraud. How much and to what extent is a matter of debate. But always fraud at some level and to some degree.

I'm not going to make a political debate here, not the place for it. But it is important that these things have the confidence of the people, a situation the same in your nation.

I live in Los Angeles county. Most populated county in America. A few years back there was a question of whether or not the voter polls needed to be audited and people purged from the list. The County election board said it wasn't necessary. Others disagreed, believed with number of people who die or move away, it should be audited. County government said no, but eventually a judge ruled that is should happen, so the county begrudgingly agreed to an audit...

1.5 million names ended up being purged from the list. No small number even for a population as large as this county.  Why would the government NOT want to update the polls?  Bias or incompetence, maybe both?

Now, were those used fraudulently, or were they changing the results?  I'm not saying they were, but the system needs have our confidence, after all it ONLY works with 'the consent of the governed.

BTW, my father has been dead several years. His death was recorded as customary and by law with the county hall of records. Yet still, every election a ballot is still mailed to the house, plus he still gets jury duty summonses. So, what would stop me from sending out his ballot and me having "two votes"?  I would never do that, but some do. And in a close election determined by a few thousand votes... well, maybe it could change a result.


We here in UK have to annually re register to vote, no re-registration, no vote. We don't need ID either, just turn up at your polling station give your name and address, check your slip, done.

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21 hours ago, kipper said:


Election day should be  national holiday so everyone has the time to go vote. Just my 2 cents.

Indeed, and it should be voting over a three day period with the actual ballot totals not announced until all ballots are counted. No news crawl say this state is reporting this, that state is reporting that. Nope. There is no reason we need to know the day of, or the morning after the election. Why rush when inauguration is 2 1/2 months after the election? Like JTM said, every year we should re-register to vote and then just show up or mail in your ballot. 

For those like your dad, if they do not have the capacity to vote themselves, then someone cannot vote for them, even a spouse. Better safe than sorry. Regarding ballot harvesting, that should only be allowed by state workers of the Sec. of States office to collect and there should be plenty of people hired by the state to do that if not enough are available. But I agree, ballot harvesting should not be done by a 3rd party but only the state. Hell, we pay our taxes, they can hire some folk to collect the ballots if necessary.

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2 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Indeed, and it should be voting over a three day period with the actual ballot totals not announced until all ballots are counted. No news crawl say this state is reporting this, that state is reporting that. Nope. There is no reason we need to know the day of, or the morning after the election. Why rush when inauguration is 2 1/2 months after the election? Like JTM said, every year we should re-register to vote and then just show up or mail in your ballot. 

Go one step further and tie it into the deadline for filing federal income taxes. Have it fresh in people's minds how badly they're getting screwed over by the system.

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1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

Go one step further and tie it into the deadline for filing federal income taxes. Have it fresh in people's minds how badly they're getting screwed over by the system.

You know, that's a damn good idea Steve. Actually, if it were up to me I would go one step further and require anyone who wants to register to vote to pass a basic civics test...that goes for the dopes running for office as well.

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On 1/30/2021 at 7:30 PM, SteveAJones said:

Go one step further and tie it into the deadline for filing federal income taxes. Have it fresh in people's minds how badly they're getting screwed over by the system.

God I dread this years tax's. I ask this guy a question and he acts like Mr Magoo.  He is Mr Magoo.  But I have nobody else in mind that can trust to fuck me harder.  Last year I got amended and have no idea why?  I finally received the federal return in the middle of July.  Paid in a ton of medical.  Mr Magoo wont give a rats ass.  So, there. I believe in Mr Magoo

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4 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

God I dread this years tax's. I ask this guy a question and he acts like Mr Magoo.  He is Mr Magoo.  But I have nobody else in mind that can trust to fuck me harder.  Last year I got amended and have no idea why?  I finally received the federal return in the middle of July.  Paid in a ton of medical.  Mr Magoo wont give a rats ass.  So, there. I believe in Mr Magoo

I always do my own taxes because it is hard as hell to get someone to cheat, I mean, stretch a few reporting. I had a gal for years but she retired about 10 years ago when she turned 88 and been doing it ever since. What you need to know are what the IRS looks for and flags as every itemization has a cut-off amount depending on income. If you exceed that amount you may get audited, if you do not it will not get flagged and go right through. Biggest mistake people make is not entering their investment info which is a HUGE red flag. I did not do it one year (my first year doing them of course) because I did not cash anything out. Turns out they don't care, they still want to know so I got audited but just on that. I forwarded the info to my audit person and she was great, walked me through what I need to do going forward and told me if I wound up owing no worries, they could put me on a payment plan if necessary. I did not owe so all was good but she was very nice.

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On 2/5/2021 at 10:43 AM, BobDobbs said:

I always do my own taxes because it is hard as hell to get someone to cheat, I mean, stretch a few reporting. I had a gal for years but she retired about 10 years ago when she turned 88 and been doing it ever since. What you need to know are what the IRS looks for and flags as every itemization has a cut-off amount depending on income. If you exceed that amount you may get audited, if you do not it will not get flagged and go right through. Biggest mistake people make is not entering their investment info which is a HUGE red flag. I did not do it one year (my first year doing them of course) because I did not cash anything out. Turns out they don't care, they still want to know so I got audited but just on that. I forwarded the info to my audit person and she was great, walked me through what I need to do going forward and told me if I wound up owing no worries, they could put me on a payment plan if necessary. I did not owe so all was good but she was very nice.

I  dont play the stock market game so that is no issue.  Paid in a ton of medical and made many donations

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On 1/30/2021 at 3:33 AM, JTM said:

We here in UK have to annually re register to vote, no re-registration, no vote. We don't need ID either, just turn up at your polling station give your name and address, check your slip, done.

Re registration makes sense. But I do like the idea of also having IDs. We provide IDs for everything else, why not for voting?

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On 1/30/2021 at 2:12 PM, BobDobbs said:

Indeed, and it should be voting over a three day period with the actual ballot totals not announced until all ballots are counted. No news crawl say this state is reporting this, that state is reporting that. Nope. There is no reason we need to know the day of, or the morning after the election. Why rush when inauguration is 2 1/2 months after the election? Like JTM said, every year we should re-register to vote and then just show up or mail in your ballot. 

For those like your dad, if they do not have the capacity to vote themselves, then someone cannot vote for them, even a spouse. Better safe than sorry. Regarding ballot harvesting, that should only be allowed by state workers of the Sec. of States office to collect and there should be plenty of people hired by the state to do that if not enough are available. But I agree, ballot harvesting should not be done by a 3rd party but only the state. Hell, we pay our taxes, they can hire some folk to collect the ballots if necessary.

You make some good points. But on the competency thing for voters it would be hard enforce unless you required a medical doctor to report cognitive impairment to the registrar of voters. Here in California there already exists that mechanism for drivers licenses. If a medical doctor diagnosis cognitive impairment, he then must notify the Department of motor vehicles, and then a hold is placed on that person's license.

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5 hours ago, kipper said:

Re registration makes sense. But I do like the idea of also having IDs. We provide IDs for everything else, why not for voting?

Carrying ID would make me feel like I was living  in some sort of "oppressive regime ?" for want of a better term. I agree though some sort of ID for voting would make sense, a utility bill maybe. It'll be a dark day if carrying ID ever becomes mandatory, I'm glad we have never have to. 

Edited by JTM
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7 hours ago, JTM said:

Carrying ID would make me feel like I was living  in some sort of "oppressive regime ?" for want of a better term. I agree though some sort of ID for voting would make sense, a utility bill maybe. It'll be a dark day if carrying ID ever becomes mandatory, I'm glad we have never have to. 

Meh, don't worry, the COVID vaccines all contain microchips to track us. Its so they can primarily track our kids (but they have to make it look legit ya know) so they can round them up, shuttle them to certain "Pizza Places" for processing before they are shipped out for satanic sex and eventual sacrifice.

C'mon man, get with the program. Get on the Q train :hysterical:

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Its so easy here due to voting being compulsory. Turn up, check your name off the roll, and vote. No ID needed. Voting is on a Saturday, and there are voting stations at practically every school so lines are never an issue. I don't think we've ever had to wait more than 24hrs for a result even when it's close or a hung parliament (neither major party has a majority). Like everything in the US, you seem to find ways to complicate the shit out of something that can be super easy.

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11 hours ago, rm2551 said:

Its so easy here due to voting being compulsory. Turn up, check your name off the roll, and vote. No ID needed. Voting is on a Saturday, and there are voting stations at practically every school so lines are never an issue. I don't think we've ever had to wait more than 24hrs for a result even when it's close or a hung parliament (neither major party has a majority). Like everything in the US, you seem to find ways to complicate the shit out of something that can be super easy.

The most true statement I have heard in quite some time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

That windsor family. Parasites the lot of them. These people are not real.

Of course they are real, they are just not people. I thought everyone knew the Royals were actually reptilian overlords from some distant solar system. Remember the movie V (the original from 82', not the shitty remake). That was actually semi-true accept in "real life" they never revealed themselves to the general public, only the governments.

This is why these silly commoners are in for the shock of their lives when they marry into this nest of sentient Komodo Dragons. Think its a coincidence that first Wallis Simpson, then Diana, now Meghan all shit the bed as soon as they got involved with those inbred frogs?

I say my good man, David Icke is right!!!! Agendas 21 is on the way and the Royal Family is leading it. KNOW YOUR ENEMY!!!!


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  • 2 months later...
8 hours ago, LedZep123 said:

I find the one about 9/11 being staged interesting... and to me it seems pretty logical. 


Sometimes shit really does just happen. However, there sure is a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to the possibility of it being staged. For one the towers were made with sub-standard building materials and was due for both inspections and insurance renewal. Supposedly the owner knew this and knew what the inspections would find. It does make sense that a building which was supposedly designed to handle the impact from a fully loaded, fully fueled 707, pancaked and collapsed. Once the truth about the sub-standard steel came out some of the reasoning for the collapse begins to make sense.

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3 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Sometimes shit really does just happen. However, there sure is a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing to the possibility of it being staged. For one the towers were made with sub-standard building materials and was due for both inspections and insurance renewal. Supposedly the owner knew this and knew what the inspections would find. It does make sense that a building which was supposedly designed to handle the impact from a fully loaded, fully fueled 707, pancaked and collapsed. Once the truth about the sub-standard steel came out some of the reasoning for the collapse begins to make sense.


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How about, the idea that Covid-19 is man-made?  Oh wait, that's no longer a "conspiracy theory" because the MSM now takes the possibility seriously (after Pope Fauci got cornered and couldn't bullshit his way out of it, even with the media covering for him).  The intellectual dishonesty of these people is just appalling.  

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3 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

How about, the idea that Covid-19 is man-made?  Oh wait, that's no longer a "conspiracy theory" because the MSM now takes the possibility seriously (after Pope Fauci got cornered and couldn't bullshit his way out of it, even with the media covering for him).  The intellectual dishonesty of these people is just appalling.  

That could be it or it could be a typical reaction to typical human behaviors. I find most humans to be selfish, ignorant, scared, demanding, and entitled to a degree. As a result our elected leaders do need to keep certain things from the public otherwise a public outcry, or even uprising (see Jan 6th) is very possible. Kinda like how they pretty much refuse to disclose anything about the possibility of alien life. There are some things which are so, unpredictable or "alien" for want of a better term that releasing such info could be more damaging then withholding it. Just like the JFK & MLK assassinations, the truth could lead to god knows what among the citizenry. Now I personally don't think that is 100% the case here, in this instance I believe first and foremost they simply do not know and thus do not want to jump to conclusions like a group of idiot reactionaries. Second, if it was an accidental release from a lab they really don't want that known again due to human nature, assaults against Asians would go through the roof, just like what happened in 79' with the Iran Hostage situation and again on 9-11. As I mentioned, most people are really stupid and cannot differentiate between some random Asian walking down the street and the Chinese government official who was supervising the lab.


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3 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

How about, the idea that Covid-19 is man-made?  Oh wait, that's no longer a "conspiracy theory" because the MSM now takes the possibility seriously (after Pope Fauci got cornered and couldn't bullshit his way out of it, even with the media covering for him).  The intellectual dishonesty of these people is just appalling.  


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5 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

How about, the idea that Covid-19 is man-made?  Oh wait, that's no longer a "conspiracy theory" because the MSM now takes the possibility seriously (after Pope Fauci got cornered and couldn't bullshit his way out of it, even with the media covering for him).  The intellectual dishonesty of these people is just appalling.  

I was posting here in February 2020 that it came from the Wuhan bio lab, complete with maps, and taking nothing but heat for it from skeptics. The main reason we (US) aren't holding the Communist Chinese responsible for it is because that Fauci son of a bitch not only knew what they were doing he was funding it.

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Not only do I believe Covid-19 is man-made, I could see it being *accidentally released* because Trump was not the pussy China was used to dealing with.
I hate to think this, but...

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