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Happy Birthday


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Happy B-Day Mr Page! Many happy returns.

When you are older, losing your hair

Kind of like right now

I will still be sending you a valentine

Birthday greetings, this heart of mine

If you’ve been out till quarter to three

who would be surprised?

It’s still true, your music still feeds me

Now you’re sixty-four

I am older too

And if you say the word

I could stay with you.

I could be handy, I won’t say how

When your lights have gone

you can write a new riff by the fireside

On your birthday, love a new song

Walking the garden, not falling down

Who could ask for more

It’s still true, your music still feeds me

Now you’re sixty-four

Come this summer I hope you go out on tour

Stop in San Francisco and we all will cheer

We shall dance and wave

Grandchild on your knee

Call you Grandpa James

Give us a glimmer, send us a sign

We all would like to know

We know you’ll be precise in what you will say

We hope before we all waste away

Give us your answer, if you don’t mind

Ours for evermore

We all still need you, and we’ll still feed you

Now you’re sixty-four


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Happy Birthday to the ONE man who can still wow the world with his riffs AND chew gum at the same time... I was lucky enough to watch you do it about a month ago.... so thank you for all the memories AND for the best christmas/new years present ever. Happy Birthday

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