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Pet Peeves


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Its not the money. I could never leave my practice that I built from scratch. My oldest son is studying to be an Optometrist, and until he graduates (it takes 8 yrs of college and he is in his third year) and takes over for me :lol: I can't move. My husband's job would be a little more flexible as he is a Hospitalist and could work at any hospital.

We are thinking about taking a cruise in a couple of weeks, provided I can find someone to take care of our dog.

Edited to say that I just got the "stuck" joke! :lol::lol::lol:

:o Wow! I made a joke and didn't even realize it! I am good! :lol:

I was thinking along the lines of the economy, that no one can sell their house right now. :(

What port are you thinking of sailing from? I've had friends use this place right next to the airport but I think it's a little much for a dog :lol:http://www.petparadiseresort.com/pet_parad...ans_airport.php

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:o Wow! I made a joke and didn't even realize it! I am good! :lol:

I was thinking along the lines of the economy, that no one can sell their house right now. :(

What port are you thinking of sailing from? I've had friends use this place right next to the airport but I think it's a little much for a dog :lol:http://www.petparadiseresort.com/pet_parad...ans_airport.php

We are looking at a curise out of Fr. Lauderdale.

I am going to ask my receptionist to look after my dog at my house. But my receptionist is going to have hand surgery soon. It was scheduled for the day of the big snow storm and had to be cancelled as everything was shut down that day. So she may not be able to take care of my dog after her surgery.

My dog doesn't do well at a kennel. She barks the entire time, doesn't eat or sleep, and is usually sick when we pick her up. Last time she had trouble seeing out of one eye when we picked her up. It took a couple of months for her to get her sight back. Don't know what happened to her there.

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Someone tells you to come in and sign some papers when you aren't meant to be working and so you get someone to look after your baby only to go in and find that the CEO hasn't signed them yet and you can't sign until he has...

So you have to go in the next day and look unprofessional because no one can look after the baby on the short notice!! arg!

Can't wait to get back out bush so I don't have to deal with the bureaucracy in town!

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Someone tells you to come in and sign some papers when you aren't meant to be working and so you get someone to look after your baby only to go in and find that the CEO hasn't signed them yet and you can't sign until he has...

So you have to go in the next day and look unprofessional because no one can look after the baby on the short notice!! arg!

Can't wait to get back out bush so I don't have to deal with the bureaucracy in town!

Man, I look horrible. I wish I would have gotten out of bed 20 minutes earlier. It's going to be a long day.


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nose hairs...once you see them in middle age thats one thing, but grey ones...atleast you can see them easier, but still, wtf, how do nose hairs get grey? all i have to say is if the hair ever starts impeding my listenability of music in my ears...which i wont think it will, but if it does, then i give up.

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When I ask someone a question and before they give me an answer, they need to know why I need to know what I'm asking. (As if that makes a difference as to what the answer to my question is.)

When this happens, I like to say something like; "If I told you that, it could throw a bias into the answer to my question".

Or worse yet! Someone asks you a question seemingly looking for a serious answer,

then when you tell them they say "Naw aw!" :slapface: makes me want to crotch kick them! :angry:

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When I ask someone a question and before they give me an answer, they need to know why I need to know what I'm asking. (As if that makes a difference as to what the answer to my question is.)

When this happens, I like to say something like; "If I told you that, it could throw a bias into the answer to my question".

Sometimes I ask that when I feel like the questioner asked me something that's really none of their business. Perhaps that is why?

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Do you know that Neanthertals had a bigger brain and their EQ was much higer than ours (in average)?

I don't care how big his brain is.., the whole house falls apart when this dude tromps around. It's like everything is amplified or pronounced... he will come in the house at like 2 am when everyone else is sleeping and slam the door to the point of it falling off, kick his shoes around, and stomp around flat-footed yelling into his stupid cellphone... Not enough attention as a child? I don't know. I feel like I should buy him a club for his birthday or something.

He's inconsiderate to the point that it makes me sick.

P.S., it's not often you type like sh1t... wtf?

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My laptop crashed last night. So now I have to wait for the recovery disk and drivers disk to get here so that tech support can call me tomorrow and talk me through reinstalling everything. Fortunately I didn't lose much in the way of music, as I had most of it transferred to my iPod when I got it. I can just take it off my iPod and put it back on my hard drive at a later date.

It's just so infuriating. <_<

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I went to the doctor yesterday. They drew blood to run labs on me. They put a large cotton ball and medical tape on my new "wound." When I got home, I threw on my sweatshirt and wore it until bed time.

Then I realized I still had a cotton ball taped to my arm. I pulled it of and behold: disgusting looking "track marks." It actually looks like I gave myself a hicky on the inside of my left elbow more than anything. :rolleyes:

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Then I realized I still had a cotton ball taped to my arm. I pulled it of and behold: disgusting looking "track marks." It actually looks like I gave myself a hicky on the inside of my left elbow more than anything. :rolleyes:

The needle must have hit the wall of the vein to cause bruising.

Edited by PennyLane
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