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I found this out the hard way, that you cannot get out of your car when pulled over - unless the cop tells you to. He pulled out his gun, screamed at me to get back in the car, and claimed this was a rule everyone knows. I would think they'd prefer people to be out in the open, where their hands could be seen?

Wow! That's scary. It's a rule I have never heard of either. I'll try to remember that one.

I still think he was ignorant though. A handshake and a warning would have made five young people have a lot more respect for the police tonight.

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Wow! That's scary. It's a rule I have never heard of either. I'll try to remember that one.

I still think he was ignorant though. A handshake and a warning would have made five young people have a lot more respect for the police tonight.

I don't think they give warnings anymore, unless you have a special card. They have quotas to meet, and no time to even explain what you did wrong...

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:console: I don't understand that sort of behavior at all :(

Funny but not, recently I've experience just what your saying and it cost me my job! My supervisor(a dry etoh abuser) put the word out to her minions to write up everything negative they could to create a paper trail which was then held up as reason to terminate my position. Personally, I've always been live and let live in my interactions and have detested the use of organizational structures to harm my fellows preferring to address problems directly with those concerned. However, such is not the case for others. I firmly believe that some folks are so miserable in their personal lives or so powerless that much of their motivation to be at work is to massage their egos by sucking up to the boss against their fellows to feel a misguided and false sense of power at the expense of others. It's deplorable and sick and I feel a result of a failed social system. Sane people must always be on guard and unfortunately I have let my guard down wanting to believe that those around me were better or at least had some thickness to their skins. :(

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Funny but not, recently I've experience just what your saying and it cost me my job! My supervisor(a dry etoh abuser) put the word out to her minions to write up everything negative they could to create a paper trail which was then held up as reason to terminate my position. Personally, I've always been live and let live in my interactions and have detested the use of organizational structures to harm my fellows preferring to address problems directly with those concerned. However, such is not the case for others. I firmly believe that some folks are so miserable in their personal lives or so powerless that much of their motivation to be at work is to massage their egos by sucking up to the boss against their fellows to feel a misguided and false sense of power at the expense of others. It's deplorable and sick and I feel a result of a failed social system. Sane people must always be on guard and unfortunately I have let my guard down wanting to believe that those around me were better or at least had some thickness to their skins. :(

I'm putting you up for post of the day, maybe even post of the year !!!

I am sorry to hear about your job loss. Just show's you how far this kind of thing can go and how blind some people can be when they are enabled or led down the garden path. I must admit that my way of doing things professionally and socially involves trust and teamwork. IMHO, you can't have one without the other. As you say, if there is a problem, let's at least have enough respect for each other to try and sort it out. If I'm at fault, then I will be the first to admit it and apologize for my actions. Just taking someones elses word about a person however, just show's a total lack of respect.

In some cases, like yours, it leads to very damaging results. I've never really been a follower and have alway's tried to make my own judgements when it comes to other people. Most of my long term friends are the same. Regretably, I am beginning to realize that my way of doing things is becoming a thing of the past. Having said that, I won't be changing anytime soon :beer::lol:

Again, great post Karuna !

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People who deliberately use bad grammar.

You've known it all your life to have been a particular word, so why do you change it to suite your liking? I know a teenager who spells 'like' as 'lyk' - I mean, what the fuck is that?! Since when has 'been' ever been 'bin'? You may pronouce it that way, but it doesn't mean that that is the correct spelling. Seriously. These people are months - nay, weeks - away from doing major exams in school. How can you get away with spelling shite like that?

Another annoyance that I have includes the local teenagers around my way using an ever-increasing amount of Americanisms. Please note that I'm not xenophobic, have nothing against the U.S, and if you use such terms and phrases yourself, it's perfectly fine by me. But, I'm from a small English village, since when have we ever used the word 'ass' over 'arse'? When have we ever said so-and-so 'sucks'? Why am I suddenly known as 'man' when you're speaking to me (don't answer that one :P)? I don't get it. That's never been how we speak, so why are they speaking so now?

It's lost on me.

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People who deliberately use bad grammar.

You've known it all your life to have been a particular word, so why do you change it to suite your liking? I know a teenager who spells 'like' as 'lyk' - I mean, what the fuck is that?! Since when has 'been' ever been 'bin'? You may pronouce it that way, but it doesn't mean that that is the correct spelling. Seriously. These people are months - nay, weeks - away from doing major exams in school. How can you get away with spelling shite like that?

It doesn't appear to be the exact thing you're talking about but ever since the advent of the internet and more recently, texting, people (but teens particularly) are writing in shorthand. No harm in that but it's actually caught on and is spilling over into other forms of communication. I posted this in another thread recently but it's worth posting again, it's from an installment from On Point that airs on NPR called Digital Youth.

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It doesn't appear to be the exact thing you're talking about but ever since the advent of the internet and more recently, texting, people (but teens particularly) are writing in shorthand. No harm in that but it's actually caught on and is spilling over into other forms of communication. I posted this in another thread recently but it's worth posting again, it's from an installment from On Point that airs on NPR called Digital Youth.

I was actually thinking about that one as well.

There is nothing worse than having to spend time trying to 'decipher' words that people have spelt incorrectly (ala text 'speech'), simply because they cannot be bothered to spell it correctly. Ironically, the point of text speech is to save time, yet you end up taking more time trying to work out the bloody thing.

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People misunderstanding something and letting those apprehensive thoughts spill over into other things in life. People don't ask enough questions I think.

I don't think there's enough love in the world today. That's another peeve.

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Today I got stuck behind a bicyclist *and* a garbage truck *and* a rickety old pickup truck (for Farm Use). :blink:

Tomorrow it'll likely be a logging truck, school bus and a tractor. Maybe a dump truck too...

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I'm putting you up for post of the day, maybe even post of the year !!!

I am sorry to hear about your job loss. Just show's you how far this kind of thing can go and how blind some people can be when they are enabled or led down the garden path. I must admit that my way of doing things professionally and socially involves trust and teamwork. IMHO, you can't have one without the other. As you say, if there is a problem, let's at least have enough respect for each other to try and sort it out. If I'm at fault, then I will be the first to admit it and apologize for my actions. Just taking someones elses word about a person however, just show's a total lack of respect.

In some cases, like yours, it leads to very damaging results. I've never really been a follower and have alway's tried to make my own judgements when it comes to other people. Most of my long term friends are the same. Regretably, I am beginning to realize that my way of doing things is becoming a thing of the past. Having said that, I won't be changing anytime soon :beer::lol:

Again, great post Karuna !

Don't go changing Ally! I know it's tough that the way of doing things in the workforce doesn't seem to work and often "shit floats" is more and more prevalent, you have to face yourself at the end of the day and I'd rather do the right thing and live with myself than succumb to playing below the belt as it were.

People who deliberately use bad grammar.

You've known it all your life to have been a particular word, so why do you change it to suite your liking? I know a teenager who spells 'like' as 'lyk' - I mean, what the fuck is that?! Since when has 'been' ever been 'bin'? You may pronouce it that way, but it doesn't mean that that is the correct spelling. Seriously. These people are months - nay, weeks - away from doing major exams in school. How can you get away with spelling shite like that?

I don't like bad grammar or spelling either either but text type outside of texting, drives me nuts. You can type ur - how hard is it to type you are???

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Well I live right here in Kodak country. Id have to look into it.

Now there's a pet peeve for me. Kodak has a bad habit of discontinuing great films that some of us really loved, the fucking bean counters!


4x5 Infrared

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Today I got stuck behind a bicyclist *and* a garbage truck *and* a rickety old pickup truck (for Farm Use). :blink:

Tomorrow it'll likely be a logging truck, school bus and a tractor. Maybe a dump truck too...

We have lots of tractors on the roads around here. :D

Today I was behind a Jeep Cherokee and the prick threw a lit cigarette out his window.

Granted, it's been pretty wet around here of late but I'll bet the asswipe does it all the time.


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We have lots of tractors on the roads around here. :D

Today I was behind a Jeep Cherokee and the prick threw a lit cigarette out his window.

Granted, it's been pretty wet around here of late but I'll bet the asswipe does it all the time.


I went a driving school meeting, and somebody there made this same complaint. Other complaints had to do with cell phones, eating and drinking (soft drinks), working the radio, putting in a CD...

The guy running the meeting (don't recall the name) basically said "deal with it. There's isn't much we can do about it. They can make laws about drunk driving, but they can't do anything else mainly because it would never pass, and it would never pass because the ones responsible for voting on it do these things all the time and wouldn't want to be forced to not do these things themselves."

Pretty sad, but true, unfortunately.

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2 things:

1 - when my husband leaves half a tray of baked ziti out on the stove and goes up to bed as if he thinks the little kitchen fairy is going to fly in, wrap it up and put in the fridge.

2 - when some nit wit checks their cell phone for messages during yoga class. duh!!?!??!

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1 - when my husband leaves half a tray of baked ziti out on the stove and goes up to bed as if he thinks the little kitchen fairy is going to fly in, wrap it up and put in the fridge.

here i thought i was the only one whose family believe in "kitchen fairies"... :lol:

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People who deliberately use bad grammar.

You've known it all your life to have been a particular word, so why do you change it to suite your liking? I know a teenager who spells 'like' as 'lyk' - I mean, what the fuck is that?! Since when has 'been' ever been 'bin'? You may pronouce it that way, but it doesn't mean that that is the correct spelling. Seriously. These people are months - nay, weeks - away from doing major exams in school. How can you get away with spelling shite like that?

Another annoyance that I have includes the local teenagers around my way using an ever-increasing amount of Americanisms. Please note that I'm not xenophobic, have nothing against the U.S, and if you use such terms and phrases yourself, it's perfectly fine by me. But, I'm from a small English village, since when have we ever used the word 'ass' over 'arse'? When have we ever said so-and-so 'sucks'? Why am I suddenly known as 'man' when you're speaking to me (don't answer that one :P)? I don't get it. That's never been how we speak, so why are they speaking so now?

It's lost on me.

Well I partly agree with you, but I have to argue that "man" was used in the UK all the time in the 60s and 70s as part of the "youth" and particularly "hippy" scene - in my experience the term never went away.

My bug-bear is black people (I'm still allowed to use that term, right? As a white person?) who deliberateley pronnounce "ask" as "axe" - not because of the area they have grown up in and therefore their real accent, but because for some reason black people are "supposed to say it that way" (genuine quote from a black teenager on TV). :huh:

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Well I partly agree with you, but I have to argue that "man" was used in the UK all the time in the 60s and 70s as part of the "youth" and particularly "hippy" scene - in my experience the term never went away.

My bug-bear is black people (I'm still allowed to use that term, right? As a white person?) who deliberateley pronnounce "ask" as "axe" - not because of the area they have grown up in and therefore their real accent, but because for some reason black people are "supposed to say it that way" (genuine quote from a black teenager on TV). :huh:

I hear that ALL the time "axe". Drives me batty!!!!

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Well I partly agree with you, but I have to argue that "man" was used in the UK all the time in the 60s and 70s as part of the "youth" and particularly "hippy" scene - in my experience the term never went away.

My bug-bear is black people (I'm still allowed to use that term, right? As a white person?) who deliberateley pronnounce "ask" as "axe" - not because of the area they have grown up in and therefore their real accent, but because for some reason black people are "supposed to say it that way" (genuine quote from a black teenager on TV). :huh:

Yeah, you're probably right with that one, though I'm still not used to hearing it first-hand.

It annoys me when the white kids start mimicking black/asian youths, and start sporting that Anglo-Bangla/Caribbean accent. They sound utterly ridiculous and half the time I can't make out what they're saying. I mean, I can completely understand why the minority would use it - particularly if they're raised by immigrants - but why do the white kids have to talk like that? Is it only acceptable to talk like that on the street? Would they talk like that at home? I'm at a complete loss as to why you'd want to sound like you're from a completely different country.

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They have come up with a proper term for black slang and talk so that they can do it all they wish to to look uneducated all they like. So I think that makes it official.

It's onics something or another.

I spoke with a woman who lived in Augusta GA many years ago and she had a huge problem with this BLACKonics too. She said it made them all look stupid and she wanted to kick her little grand kids butts over it.

Talk like you have no education and people will treat you thusly.


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It's called "ebonics" but I don't think it's a sign of being uneducated, it seems to be an inherent thing. One of my fellow students in broadcasting school (who was a black guy) had a very hard time pronouncing words with the letter "r" in them. After much speech training and a very patient instructor, he was finally able to tackle it. Some of with Southern accents also had a hard time losing them as part of our speech class.

One of my current web design instructors (who is also black) also has a very hard time pronouncing words with the letter "r" in them which makes it very hard to understand her when she tries to say words like "scroll", especially when one of the files we've been working with is called "stroll". She also seems to get tongue-tied when she says "Firefox" which comes out sounding like "Fire Farts".

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It's called "ebonics" but I don't think it's a sign of being uneducated, it seems to be an inherent thing. One of my fellow students in broadcasting school (who was a black guy) had a very hard time pronouncing words with the letter "r" in them. After much speech training and a very patient instructor, he was finally able to tackle it. Some of with Southern accents also had a hard time losing them as part of our speech class.

One of my current web design instructors (who is also black) also has a very hard time pronouncing words with the letter "r" in them which makes it very hard to understand her when she tries to say words like "scroll", especially when one of the files we've been working with is called "stroll". She also seems to get tongue-tied when she says "Firefox" which comes out sounding like "Fire Farts".

eBonics, that's it.... :blink: Car is often hard for people who grew up in the south. I did not grow up in the South and I think the grandmothers and Bill Cosby's point is we have people literally destroying the English language on purpose.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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I hear that ALL the time "axe". Drives me batty!!!!

Ditto, even some professional journalists say that. Mandy could probably remember what it is called. There is a term used for some of the black dialect in the south that at one point, they were going to

teach this...language, I think it was in Florida. Slips my mind.

But then again, listening to any southern dialect can drive me crazy. For instance, the word LIKE...they say Yike, and THAT...at. "Yike at." Or OIL...oal.


I'm so glad I got out of the south. :)

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I love the South, and Southern accents. :huh: Is it just me?

I know Southerners tend to be stereotyped as less smart or sophisticated (the way northerners sometimes are in the UK) (and not saying anybody here is doing that) but I love all variations of the language down here, it's so colorful and interesting.

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I love the South, and Southern accents. :huh: Is it just me?

I know Southerners tend to be stereotyped as less smart or sophisticated (the way northerners sometimes are in the UK) (and not saying anybody here is doing that) but I love all variations of the language down here, it's so colorful and interesting.

I've always been a fan of southern accents :)

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I love the South, and Southern accents. :huh: Is it just me?

I know Southerners tend to be stereotyped as less smart or sophisticated (the way northerners sometimes are in the UK) (and not saying anybody here is doing that) but I love all variations of the language down here, it's so colorful and interesting.

I was born in Virginia, but my parents are from up North, so I don't have much of a southern accent (maybe just a little); my children don't really either. :) My husband is highly southern though, lol.

There are quite a few accent variations within Virginia; if you're familiar you can tell which part of the state someone is from (Tidewater, Southwest, Richmond especially; I'm not as familiar with the North Eastern/North Western areas).

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