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Del Zeppnile

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I'll start out with one by one of Led Zeppelin's favorite singers - Joni Mitchell:


They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

With a pink hotel, a boutique

And a swinging hot spot

Dont it always seem to go

That you dont know what youve got

Till its gone

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

They took all the trees

Put em in a tree museum

And they charged the people

A dollar and a half just to see em

Dont it always seem to go

That you dont know what youve got

Till its gone

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

Hey farmer farmer

Put away that d.d.t. now

Give me spots on my apples

But leave me the birds and the bees


Dont it always seem to go

That you dont know what youve got

Till its gone

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

Late last night

I heard the screen door slam

And a big yellow taxi

Took away my old man

Dont it always seem to go

That you dont know what youve got

Till its gone

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot


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One I find to be more relevant every day:

My City Was Gone

My pretty countryside had been paved down the middle

By a government that had no pride

(Fucking developers)


Good one Red!

The developers are only interested in their commercial interests. Cow towing to the marketing yes men in suits wearing pin stripes and power ties, they embark on a mission to remove everything in their paths.

Just look at what happens to anything as soon as there is few extra buck to made from a thing. Suddenly everthing that made that place nice is no longer appreciated or needed. People need to take more notice of what is going on that's for sure.

FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH - Buffalo Springfield

There's something happening here

What it is ain't exactly clear

There's a man with a gun over there

Telling me I got to beware

I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down

There's battle lines being drawn

Nobody's right if everybody's wrong

Young people speaking their minds

Getting so much resistance from behind

I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down

What a field-day for the heat

A thousand people in the street

Singing songs and carrying signs

Mostly say, hooray for our side

It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down

Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

You step out of line, the man come and take you away

We better stop, hey, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down

Stop, hey, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down

Stop, now, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down

Stop, children, what's that sound

Everybody look what's going down

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"John Sinclair" - John Lennon

It ain't fair, John Sinclair

In the stir for breathing air

Won't you care for John Sinclair?

In the stir for breathing air

Let him be, set him free

Let him be like you and me

They gave him ten for two

What else can the judges do?

Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta set him free

If he'd been a soldier man

Shooting gooks in Vietnam

If he was the CIA

Selling dope and making hay

He'd be free, they'd let him be

Breathing air, like you and me

They gave him ten for two

What else can the judges do?

Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta set him free

They gave him ten for two

They got Ali Otis too.

Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta set him free

Was he jailed for what he done?

Or representing everyone

Free John now, if we can

From the clutches of the man

Let him be, lift the lid

Bring him to his wife and kids

They gave him ten for two

What else can the bastards do?

Gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta set him free

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Sunday Bloody Sunday

I can't believe the news today

I can't close my eyes and make it go away.

How long, how long must we sing this song?

How long, how long?

'Cos tonight

We can be as one, tonight.

Broken bottles under children's feet

Bodies strewn across the dead-end street.

But I won't heed the battle call

It puts my back up, puts my back up against the wall.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Oh, let's go.

And the battle's just begun

There's many lost, but tell me who has won?

The trenches dug within our hearts

And mothers, children, brothers, sisters

Torn apart.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

How long, how long must we sing this song?

How long, how long?

'Cos tonight

We can be as one, tonight.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Wipe the tears from your eyes

Wipe your tears away.

I'll wipe your tears away.

I'll wipe your tears away.

I'll wipe your bloodshot eyes.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

And it's true we are immune

When fact is fiction and TV reality.

And today the millions cry

We eat and drink while tomorrow they die.

The real battle just begun

To claim the victory Jesus won


Sunday, bloody Sunday

Sunday, bloody Sunday..

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Bob Marley

Get Up, Stand Up

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!

Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight!

Preacherman, dont tell me,

Heaven is under the earth.

I know you dont know

What life is really worth.

Its not all that glitters is gold;

alf the story has never been told:

So now you see the light, eh!

Stand up for your rights. come on!

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!

Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight!

Get up, stand up: stand up for your rights!

Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight!

Most people think,

Great God will come from the skies,

Take away everything

And make everybody feel high.

But if you know what life is worth,

You will look for yours on earth:

And now you see the light,

You stand up for your rights. jah!

Get up, stand up! (jah, jah!)

Stand up for your rights! (oh-hoo!)

Get up, stand up! (get up, stand up!)

Dont give up the fight! (life is your right!)

Get up, stand up! (so we cant give up the fight!)

Stand up for your rights! (lord, lord!)

Get up, stand up! (keep on struggling on!)

Dont give up the fight! (yeah!)

We sick an tired of-a your ism-skism game -

Dyin n goin to heaven in-a jesus name, lord.

We know when we understand:

Almighty God is a living man.

You can fool some people sometimes,

But you cant fool all the people all the time.

So now we see the light (what you gonna do? ),

We gonna stand up for our rights! (yeah, yeah, yeah!)

So you better:

Get up, stand up! (in the morning! git it up!)

Stand up for your rights! (stand up for our rights!)

Get up, stand up!

Dont give up the fight! (dont give it up, dont give it up!)

Get up, stand up! (get up, stand up!)

Stand up for your rights! (get up, stand up!)

Get up, stand up! ( ... )

Dont give up the fight! (get up, stand up!)

Get up, stand up! ( ... )

Stand up for your rights!

Get up, stand up!

Dont give up the fight!

It's tragic the consequences that some face when they do as the song suggests.

Edited by Sunray782
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Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die Rag (Next Stop Vietnam)

Country Joe & the Fish

Come on all of you big strong men

Uncle Sam needs your help again

he's got himself in a terrible jam

way down yonder in Viet Nam so

put down your books and pick up a gun we're

gonna have a whole lotta fun


And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for

don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop is Viet Nam

And it's five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates

ain't no time to wonder why, whoopee we're all gonna die

Come on generals, let's move fast

your big chance has come at last

now you can go out and get those reds

cos the only good commie is the one that's dead and

you know that peace can only be won when we've

blown 'em all to kingdom come

Come on wall street don't be slow

why man this war is a go-go

there's plenty good money to be made by

supplying the army with the tools of its trade

let's hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,

they drop it on the Viet Cong

Come on mothers throughout the land

pack your boys off to Viet Nam

come on fathers don't hesitate

send your sons off before it's too late

and you can be the first ones on your block

to have your boy come home in a box

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Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die Rag (Next Stop Vietnam)

Country Joe & the Fish

Come on all of you big strong men

Uncle Sam needs your help again

he's got himself in a terrible jam

way down yonder in Viet Nam so

put down your books and pick up a gun we're

gonna have a whole lotta fun


And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for

don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop is Viet Nam

And it's five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates

ain't no time to wonder why, whoopee we're all gonna die

Come on generals, let's move fast

your big chance has come at last

now you can go out and get those reds

cos the only good commie is the one that's dead and

you know that peace can only be won when we've

blown 'em all to kingdom come

Come on wall street don't be slow

why man this war is a go-go

there's plenty good money to be made by

supplying the army with the tools of its trade

let's hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,

they drop it on the Viet Cong

Come on mothers throughout the land

pack your boys off to Viet Nam

come on fathers don't hesitate

send your sons off before it's too late

and you can be the first ones on your block

to have your boy come home in a box

This one and Ohio by CSNY are my favorites.

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Gotta give a nod to Edwin Starr...


War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing


War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again, y'all

War, huh, good God

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

Ohhh, war, I despise

Because it means destruction

Of innocent lives

War means tears

To thousands of mothers eyes

When their sons go to fight

And lose their lives

I said, war, huh

Good God, y'all

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again

War, whoa, Lord

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

War, it ain't nothing

But a heartbreaker

War, friend only to the undertaker

Ooooh, war

It's an enemy to all mankind

The point of war blows my mind

War has caused unrest

Within the younger generation

Induction then destruction

Who wants to die

Aaaaah, war-huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it, say it, say it

War, huh

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing


War, huh, yeah

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again y'all

War, huh, good God

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker

War, it's got one friend

That's the undertaker

Ooooh, war, has shattered

Many a young mans dreams

Made him disabled, bitter and mean

Life is much to short and precious

To spend fighting wars these days

War can't give life

It can only take it away

Ooooh, war, huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again

War, whoa, Lord

What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Listen to me

War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker

War, friend only to the undertaker

Peace, love and understanding

Tell me, is there no place for them today

They say we must fight to keep our freedom

But Lord knows there's got to be a better way

Ooooooh, war, huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

You tell me

Say it, say it, say it, say it

War, huh

Good God y'all

What is it good for

Stand up and shout it


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Bob Dylan - Masters of War

Come you masters of war

You that build all the guns

You that build the death planes

You that build the big bombs

You that hide behind walls

You that hide behind desks

I just want you to know

I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin'

But build to destroy

You play with my world

Like it's your little toy

You put a gun in my hand

And you hide from my eyes

And you turn and run farther

When the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old

You lie and deceive

A world war can be won

You want me to believe

But I see through your eyes

And I see through your brain

Like I see through the water

That runs down my drain

You fasten the triggers

For the others to fire

Then you set back and watch

When the death count gets higher

You hide in your mansion

As young people's blood

Flows out of their bodies

And is buried in the mud

You've thrown the worst fear

That can ever be hurled

Fear to bring children

Into the world

For threatening my baby

Unborn and unnamed

You ain't worth the blood

That runs in your veins

How much do I know

To talk out of turn

You might say that I'm young

You might say I'm unlearned

But there's one thing I know

Though I'm younger than you

Even Jesus would never

Forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question

Is your money that good

Will it buy you forgiveness

Do you think that it could

I think you will find

When your death takes its toll

All the money you made

Will never buy back your soul

And I hope that you die

And your death'll come soon

I will follow your casket

In the pale afternoon

And I'll watch while you're lowered

Down to your deathbed

And I'll stand o'er your grave

'Til I'm sure that you're dead

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Dead on thread.....thanx :)

My fave:

Where have all the flowers gone?


words and music by Pete Seeger

performed by Pete Seeger and Tao Rodriguez-Seeger

Where have all the flowers gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the flowers gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the flowers gone?

Girls have picked them every one

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the young girls gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the young girls gone?

Taken husbands every one

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the young men gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the young men gone?

Gone for soldiers every one

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the soldiers gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the soldiers gone?

Gone to graveyards every one

When will they ever learn?

When will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the graveyards gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the graveyards gone?

Covered with flowers every one

When will we ever learn?

When will we ever learn?

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Maggies Farm by Bob Dylan

He hands you a nickel

He hands you a dime

He asks you with a grin

if you're having a good time

and he fines you every time you slam the door

I ain't gonna work for Maggies brother no more

Sounds like my brother.

The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll

She never done nothin' to William Zanzinger

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Marvin Gaye

What's Going On

Mother, mother

There's too many of you crying

Brother, brother, brother

There's far too many of you dying

You know we've got to find a way

To bring some lovin' here today

Father, father

We don't need to escalate

War is not the answer

For only love can conquer hate

You know you've got to find a way

To bring some understanding yeah today

Aw, picket lines, picket signs

Don't punish me with brutality

Talk to me so you can see

Oh what's going on,

Tell me what's going on

Mother, mother

Ev'ry body thinks we're wrong

Baby who are they to judge us

'Cause our hair is long

You know we've got to find a way

To bring some understanding here today

Good God

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Won't Get Fooled Again by the Who

We'll be fighting in the streets

With our children at our feet

And the morals that they worship will be gone

And the men who spurred us on

Sit in judgement of all wrong

They decide and the shotgun sings the song

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around me

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

The change, it had to come

We knew it all along

We were liberated from the foe, that' all

And the world looks just the same

And history ain't changed

'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around me

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

No, no!

I'll move myself and my family aside

If we happen to be left half alive

I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky

For I know that the hypnotized never lie

Do ya?


There's nothing in the street

Looks any different to me

And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye

And the parting on the left

Is now the parting on the right

And the beards have all grown longer overnight

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around me

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Don't get fooled again

No, no!


Meet the new boss

Same as the old boss

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Charlie Don't Surf

(The Clash)

Charlie don't surf and we think he should

Charlie don't surf and you know that it ain't no good

Charlie don't surf for his hamburger Momma

Charlie's gonna be a napalm star

Everybody wants to rule the world

Must be something we get from birth

One truth is we never learn

Satellites will make space burn

We've been told to keep the strangers out

We don't like them starting to hang around

We don't like them all over town

Across the world we are going to blow them down


The reign of the super powers must be over

So many armies can't free the earth

Soon the rock will roll over

Africa is choking on their Coca Cola

It's a one a way street in a one horse town

One way people starting to brag around

You can laugh, put them down

These one way people gonna blow us down


Charlie don't surf he'll never learn

Charlie don't surf though he's got a gun

Charlie don't surf think that he should

Charlie don't surf we really think he should

Charlie don't surf

Charlie don't surf and we think he should

Charlie don't surf and you know that it ain't no good

Charlie don't surf for his hamburger Momma

Charlie don't surf

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John Lennon (with George Harrison on guitar :) )- Gimme Some Truth

I'm sick and tired of hearing things

From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

I've had enough of reading things

By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of hope

Money for dope

Money for rope

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of hope

Money for dope

Money for rope

I'm sick to death of seeing things

From tight-lipped, condescending, mama's little chauvinists

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth now

I've had enough of watching scenes

Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky

Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me

With just a pocketful of hope

It's money for dope

Money for rope

Ah, I'm sick to death of hearing things

from uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now

I've had enough of reading things

by neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now

All I want is the truth now

Just gimme some truth now

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

All I want is the truth

Just gimme some truth

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Barry McGuire

The eastern world it is explodin',

violence flarin', bullets loadin',

you're old enough to kill but not for votin',

you don't believe in war, what's that gun you're totin',

and even the Jordan river has bodies floatin',

but you tell me over and over and over again my friend,

ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.

Don't you understand, what I'm trying to say?

Can't you see the fear that I'm feeling today?

If the button is pushed, there's no running away,

There'll be none to save with the world in a grave,

take a look around you, boy, it's bound to scare you, boy,

but you tell me over and over and over again my friend,

ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.

Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin',

I'm sittin' here, just contemplatin',

I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation,

handful of Senators don't pass legislation,

and marches alone can't bring integration,

when human respect is disintegratin',

this whole crazy world is just too frustratin',

and you tell me over and over and over again my friend,

ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.

Think of all the hate there is in Red China!

Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama!

Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space,

but when you return, it's the same old place,

the poundin' of the drums, the pride and disgrace,

you can bury your dead, but don't leave a trace,

hate your next-door-neighbour, but don't forget to say grace,

and you tell me over and over and over and over again my friend,

ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.

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Won't Get Fooled Again by the Who

We'll be fighting in the streets

With our children at our feet

And the morals that they worship will be gone

And the men who spurred us on

Sit in judgement of all wrong

They decide and the shotgun sings the song

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around me

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

The change, it had to come

We knew it all along

We were liberated from the foe, that' all

And the world looks just the same

And history ain't changed

'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around me

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

No, no!

I'll move myself and my family aside

If we happen to be left half alive

I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky

For I know that the hypnotized never lie

Do ya?


There's nothing in the street

Looks any different to me

And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye

And the parting on the left

Is now the parting on the right

And the beards have all grown longer overnight

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around me

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Don't get fooled again

No, no!


Meet the new boss

Same as the old boss


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Bob Dylan - With God on Our Side

Oh my name it is nothin'

My age it means less

The country I come from

Is called the Midwest

I's taught and brought up there

The laws to abide

And that land that I live in

Has God on its side.

Oh the history books tell it

They tell it so well

The cavalries charged

The Indians fell

The cavalries charged

The Indians died

Oh the country was young

With God on its side.

Oh the Spanish-American

War had its day

And the Civil War too

Was soon laid away

And the names of the heroes

I's made to memorize

With guns in their hands

And God on their side.

Oh the First World War, boys

It closed out its fate

The reason for fighting

I never got straight

But I learned to accept it

Accept it with pride

For you don't count the dead

When God's on your side.

When the Second World War

Came to an end

We forgave the Germans

And we were friends

Though they murdered six million

In the ovens they fried

The Germans now too

Have God on their side.

I've learned to hate Russians

All through my whole life

If another war starts

It's them we must fight

To hate them and fear them

To run and to hide

And accept it all bravely

With God on my side.

But now we got weapons

Of the chemical dust

If fire them we're forced to

Then fire them we must

One push of the button

And a shot the world wide

And you never ask questions

When God's on your side.

In a many dark hour

I've been thinkin' about this

That Jesus Christ

Was betrayed by a kiss

But I can't think for you

You'll have to decide

Whether Judas Iscariot

Had God on his side.

So now as I'm leavin'

I'm weary as Hell

The confusion I'm feelin'

Ain't no tongue can tell

The words fill my head

And fall to the floor

If God's on our side

He'll stop the next war.

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