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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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The man who killed his wife and daughter and nearly killed his other two children? Forgive me if I don't think he should complimentary to this man.

Time for you to go bye-bye.

She killed herself, her daughter and injured her two son.

Did you not read this:

"Mrs. Biden pulled away from a stop sign that stood at the corner. According to the State Police investigation, she pulled out into the intersection and didn't see a tractor trailer coming down the highway."

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The man who killed his wife and daughter and nearly killed his other two children? Forgive me if I don't think he should complimentary to this man.

Time for you to go bye-bye.


I'm in no way qualified to be on this thread as I am not American, but the fact that he (the poster) was holding this man's pain against him, seems to be too vile for me to keep quiet.

Who wouldn't be the teeniest bit bitter if they'd lost their wife and child to someone, who, although may not have been charged with drink driving, certainly may not have been completely innocent?

You don't forget things like that. You don't always move on. And you're saying he's a bad person for not doing so?

Oh, and I want Obama for President. That Palin seems too vile for words. With the coverage we've been getting in the UK on her, I'm sick of her already.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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Are you so sure?

Have you contacted ALL 18 million voters that voted for Hitlery during the primaries?

First thing one of my co-works said to me this morning, his wife was impressed with her and now is leading towards McCain/Palin.

ANYONE who was going to vote for H-Rod is a complete idiot to even consider voting for McCain because of Palin.

America will stand up and say'

"Enough, we are better than this to elect an empty suit like Obama. We will rise above the liberal bullshit, we will fight the terrorist, we will win Iraq, and we will make government work for us. We will not allow the god haters to win, we will not allow the unborn to be slaughter, we will not let Obama win. "

Is there even such a thing as a "god hater"? Satanists, perhaps, but I don't think Obama is one of those. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that's a very common religion.

If you're referring to athiests, fuck you. Way to insult millions of free thinkers who are brave enough to question the norm and follow their own head. Excuse me for using my right to believe in what I want to believe, asshole.

What the hell does religion have to do with this election anyways? Nothing.

This woman has had one week's exposure outside of Moose Turd, Alaska.

I do see your point, but please understand that there are Alaskans on this forum. B)

"Moose Turd" is actually a pretty nice place.

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I'm just looking forward to the Biden/Palin debate, let's see how she fares when it comes to 'real' issues.... :rolleyes: Her sacastic wit isn't going to do a lot of good in that setting.

Hey Medhb, i'm glad we agree on this!!! If we didn't, i wouldn't be talking in this thread, lol

Biden just has to treat her like an opponent, and not be worried about her being a woman...just speak the truth, and he will expose her for the poor pick she is.

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Has he not smeared the good name, of Curtis Dunn for the last 36 years!!!

In response to your horrific finding (sarcasm) of Biden's plagerism, here is what happened:

Biden has the experience of having run for President before, even if that experience was by no means a good one. Running in a crowded field in 1988, it was leaked to reporters (by a Dukakis staffer) that Biden plagiarized significant portions of his stump speech from then-British Labour Party Leader Neil Kinnock, and that he also plagiarized work in his first-year writing class in law school.

While Biden has since been vindicated of blame in these incidents (it was determined that he had merely forgetten to credit a passage he’d cited many times before in the speech, and Syracuse law school cleared him of any hint of plagiarism—incidentally, Dukakis fired the aide responsible for the leak), in politics, perception is everything, and Biden may become the subject of more than a little right-wing talk show ridicule for the incidents.


As for your above comment, Curtis Dunn killed Biden's wife and daughter, whether or not he was "at fault" and i'm sure he was, because a tractor trailer is pretty hard to "not see"...still the FACT IS HE KILLED THEM IN THE "ACCIDENT". He should feel bad as most people with emotions would. Biden smeared, his name, yeah right. Boohoo.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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So what? Did he not stand up there and soak in the glory for several minutes? Thats all I said he did.

The point was that he had earned the right to soak in the glory. All Palin did was show up. The people applauding her didn't have a clue who she was a few days ago, or any idea of what she's accomplished.

Believe me, Palin's chickens are on their way home to roost.

Yeah, because those far-lefties are just so knowledgable right?

Yes. Got it in one.

Anyways, what was she supposed to do? Say "Stop applauding" ? Gimme a berak, why ]

does this even matter?

Yes, again. Did you notice how Clinton stopped the roll call vote at the Dem's convention in order to deflect attention from herself? That's how such things are done.

It matters because Palin showed herself to be an egotist, then opened her mouth and showed herself to be both ignorant, and a bald faced liar.

And you Repubs are pissing yourselves with joy over her? WTF?

Doesn't matter who's elected, we're screwed for the next 4 years anyways

Probably for a lot longer than that. But no need to bend over and grab your ankles for it, which is the position Big Oil representatives McCain and Palin will have you doing.

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Palin raises $8 million - for Obama

Obama's coffers have been filling since Sarah Palin attacked him repeatedly in St. Paul last night.

An Obama aide confirms Drudge's report that Obama has raised about $8 million from more than 130,000 donors and is on pace to raise $10 million by the time McCain reaches the stage tonight.

UPDATE: Obama spokesman Bill Burton says, "Sarah Palin's attacks have rallied our supporters in ways we never expected. And we fully expect John McCain's attacks tonight to help us make our grass-roots organization even stronger."


I do see your point, but please understand that there are Alaskans on this forum. B)

"Moose Turd" is actually a pretty nice place.

My apologies. I would love to visit the state some time. Glad you saw the point behind the cheap shot!

I hear it's beautiful, but they need to do something about the smell :)


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I couldn't agree more. Well said.

Thanks :)

Thank you for a couple of really great posts

This is what makes me sick to my stomach about the George W Bush-era Republican Party, that it is so bereft of substance that the main focus of its election campaigns is negatvity, shit-dumping, smearing the other candidate. They get into office through name-calling and ridicule.

And it's a very sad state of affairs that the Republicans have to cover the Democratic candidate in so much shit, just so the GOP comes out looking like the better option.

And their tried and tested weapons are, as usual, fear, patriotism and anti-americanism. They threaten Americans with 'National security concerns' if they vote democrat, they disguise their militarism and refusal to change as patriotism, and, as you said, suggest that "if you are not with us, you are against America"

Thanks, and what's disconcerting is that some of that rhetoric has wafted its way north of the border. I know at yesterday's Republican convention one of the speakers mocked BO for trying to garner support in Europe ('because they're not the ones voting' *cheers*) but they make it seem as if BO's trying to garner support from some irrelevant nether region, like he's looking for support from life on other planets or something. Hellloooo??? The EU, constitutional transitions notwithstanding, is a growing power house. I suspect that U.S. as the overall leading powerhouse of the last century is coming to an end, with the EU taking over. And that's just the EU....

The Euro is consistently stronger (1.00UEURO=$1.4357USD) even though the EU is in relative infancy. I don't want to get into the merits or problems of the EU itself (I have many concerns about its efficacy to serve nation members well and about its potential to become a big brother monster), and I'm not saying the transition to it becoming the next main global power will happen tomorrow (it may not happen at all, though there's historical precedent, of course, for the rise and fall and rise of nations and empires), but the US has to get better at engaging with all the other nations that are now catching up to its might. You can't credibly argue that establishing good relationships with other countries is somehow tantamount to being tainted by their ways. Establishing and maintaining good relations isn't tarnishing your pure laws, it's the basis for f o r e i g n

p o l i c y. To act like BO was simply going for a cosmetic foreign love fest is incredibly myopic and manipulative; it skews the purpose of the trip, and on a broader scale, blatantly disregards the importance of better relations with other nations.

I do not doubt that Democrats want what's best for their nation, and I do not doubt that there are many who probably disagree with at least some of the party's policies. But one tell tale sign to me about which party can lead your country in the necessary direction in the coming years is by what it expects of its supporters. There was little if any expectation of change or challenge to the Republican supporters. It's almost as if the more condensed and familiar the message, the bigger the cheers. All great leaders, ALL - Jesus, ML King Jr., Gandhi - to name but the most prominent, really brought their supporters out of their comfort zone. Now I'm NOT equating BO with any of those mentioned, but he's certainly not hiding the fact that change sometimes hurts and takes sacrifice. That's the kind of talk I'd love to hear from our next NEW PM.

That said, BO has been awfully nice, almost too above board, if there's such a thing, which brings me to the next post...

I don't understand why the Dems always sit back and take it. Just like here, when i spoke my mind, i get a Repub giving me mouth about using the word bitch (as far as i can tell was true about her) and broad (man, that's a dirty word). So this person thinks it's just fine to call me a nasty name. They think it's their place to tell us what to think and feel. Sorry Freedom of Speech is more important to me than the right to bear arms (which is also important).

Point is, the Dems are too nice and always back down to these bullies. Then we all lose out. Stand up and fight Obama and Biden. Obama was so courteous to Palin when the news of her family values (or lack there of) hit the public. What does she do in return, trash him, over and over. I didn't read the story yet, but apparently she continued trashing Obama today in an independent speech she gave. What a joke Palin and McCain are.

Well the example is set, that's the precedent for engaging in debate. Like you pointed out, BO was gallant about Palin's daughter being off limits, and she uses that as a weakness and goes after him fire and brimstone. Her daughter may be off limits, but the consequences of Palin's policies are there for all to see. I agree with you that BO and Biden have been too nice. Sometimes you have to show some incisors. But there's something satisfying in being tough while not having to go 'there' as far as the mud slinging is concerned. Ultimately truth is the sharpest sword, hopefully BO will unsheathe it

Edited by Patrycja
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I liked when Palin said that parents of special needs kids would have a friend in Washington. I was waiting for her to elaborate on how friendly she'd be and in what way, but I guess she had more important things to touch on.....like being a hockey mom :rolleyes:

The woman's a genius. She didn't even know that "under God" wasn't put into the Pledge until the 50's. She said, "If it was good enough for the founding fathers, it's good enough for me." :blink:

I wonder if she'll let her beard grow for the playoffs :D

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jon's been on fire all week... i particularly enjoyed watching newt duck and weave in the usual repub fashion when he asked the question about palin applauding her daughters decision while at the same time trying to take that decision from others...he pointed out it's good enough for her family but not for the rest of america...go jon!!! :cheer:

...the daily show... where the sane go for their news

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jon's been on fire all week... i particularly enjoyed watching newt duck and weave in the usual repub fashion when he asked the question about palin applauding her daughters decision while at the same time trying to take that decision from others...he pointed out it's good enough for her family but not for the rest of america...go jon!!! :cheer:

...the daily show... where the sane go for their news

All I can say is God bless Jon Stewart (and his staff ;) )

He said a great thing about Sarah Palin and the whole teen pregnancy thing:

"The reason why I think it's fair game is Sarah Palin is on record as saying she would veto abortions for women even in the event of being raped. So what she, in essence, is saying is 'respect my family's ability to make this decision, and elect me so that I can keep your family from having the same opportunity'"

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The point was that he had earned the right to soak in the glory. All Palin did was show up. The people applauding her didn't have a clue who she was a few days ago, or any idea of what she's accomplished.

Oh please, he deserved to stand there and soak in the glory?

As far as not knowing Palin, thats a joke right? Hell, even i knew who she was over a year ago. I'm sure most of the freaking delegates knew who she was, even if you did not.

Yes. Got it in one.

Yeah, Mao and Lenin weren't arrogant at all. Thank goodness

Yes, again. Did you notice how Clinton stopped the roll call vote at the Dem's convention in order to deflect attention from herself? That's how such things are done.

It matters because Palin showed herself to be an egotist, then opened her mouth and showed herself to be both ignorant, and a bald faced liar.

Thats a crock. Palin went up to accept the nomination of VP, Hilary went up to speak about the nomination of President. She had to deflect attention. In Palin's case, she was the attention.

She's no mproe an egoist than Obama (I consider neither one of them egoist, but you clearly have double standards, so I'm just pointing that out for ya ;) )

And you Repubs are pissing yourselves with joy over her? WTF?

Where did I say I'm Republican? I'm probably as Republican as you are

Probably for a lot longer than that. But no need to bend over and grab your ankles for it, which is the position Big Oil representatives McCain and Palin will have you doing.
Bend over and take it? You make it sound like the next election will be affecting me personally. Believe me, I'll be doing just fine in 10 years, regardless of who wins the presidency.

My vote won't count anyways. My party's not even gonna win a single states for a couple of more elections

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