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The Ten Most Annoying Singers


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  • 7 months later...

Annoying singers to me are:

Michael Stipe (rem)

Bono (u2)

I did not bother to capitalize the band names because that is how annoying I think they are as singers and as groups. It also doesn't help that these two singers are too overtly political in their views and (alot) of their songs. My OPINION

Edited by lzzoso
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That dude from Maroon 5. So obnoxious.

No! :o (I know Maroon 5 and Zeppelin are at polar opposites but I love them!)

In addition to the Supertramp guy, I would add Mark Knopfler (sp?), Bonnie Tyler and Leann Womack. Those are the voices that make me quickly change the dial.

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The comment that was made about John Mayer is so true. It seems like so many male vocalists these days sing the same way that he does. It's an annoying style of sinning and it needs to end.

By the way, is it me, or are there not any great singers in Rock music these days? (from contemporary bands).

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Annoying singers to me are:

Michael Stipe (rem)

Bono (u2)

I did not bother to capitalize the band names because that is how annoying I think they are as singers and as groups. It also doesn't help that these two singers are too overtly political in their views and (alot) of their songs. My OPINION

How about Dylan and Neil Young?

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I like the voices of Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston, but there are times when they grate.

Yep, especially when they attempt songs that are nothing more than vocal exercises. I've heard cow's mooo better ohmy.gif

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by Rob O'Connor

It's stunning to learn that others don't share our tastes. Then again, how did an entire generation embrace faux wood paneling, shag carpets and putting thick plastic on their furniture? Well, someone thought it was a great idea!

Hey, I like Bob Dylan's voice and kept him off this list because I could! Instead, I found the ten singers most likely to make you drive off the road.

Now that's a terrible fate. Not only are you stranded in some ditch, but you're stuck listening to one of these ten singers, who it would seem are singing that way just to mock you. Oh, the injustice.

Click here for the list.

I agree with the list except for the few that I don't even know. I think Tiny Tim was comical rather than annoying. Michael Bolton has been on my hit list forever. Even Axl gets on my nerves every once in a while.5859Plymouth2.jpgFILE0011.jpg

Edited by sailor86
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Yep, especially when they attempt songs that are nothing more than vocal exercises. I've heard cow's mooo better ohmy.gif

I agree ally, when you hear that screeching it makes you want to holler "My god somebody get it off of her!ohmy.gif "laugh.gif

And the guy from rush just makes me want to stick my fingers in my ears and go lalalalalalala!rolleyes.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Annoying? definitely the singer from Journey and Paul Rodgers, their voices are so irritatingly clean, and their some of the cheesiest singers ever. Not to mention every singer from post-grunge cliche bands like nickelback and creed.

oh yea and conor oberst, he just sounds like he's crying all the time

Edited by EddieShouldHaveListened
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Annoying? definitely the singer from Journey and Paul Rodgers, their voices are so irritatingly clean, and their some of the cheesiest singers ever. Not to mention every singer from post-grunge cliche bands like nickelback and creed.

oh yea and conor oberst, he just sounds like he's crying all the time

I know your entitled to your opinion but Paul Rodgers IMHO is one of the best singers ever!! I still wished he and Jimmy would do something again. :D

Annoying to me is RAP singers or is it talking instead of singing :P

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There were some strange voices on the new We Are the World :unsure: Folks I did not recognize.

Another one I really do not care for (vocally; she seems like a very good person) is Reba McIntire. My husband's entire family loves her, but she is waaayy too country for me.

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I don't keep track of their names, but there is a current wave of black female singers that all sing in the same style and they have a horrible way changing their pitch, bending notes, doing vibratos, etc.

You're referring to what is known as melissma. Melisma is the singing of a single syllable of text while moving between several notes in succession. It's what I call the Mariah Carey school of singing. She started that style when no one else was really doing it, Whitney Houston to a lesser extent but Mariah Carey really popularized that style. She actually does have a good voice, I can't take that away from her, but I can't listen to her & I especially can't listen to the whole crop of singers that came after her who are just a watered down versions of her. Christina Aguilera, Pink, Shakira, various namelss one named R&B singers, American Idol contestants ... the only one I can listen to is Beyonce but even she starts to grate after a while.

For myself the list is to long. I'll just keep it to genres. As someone else mentioned, I particularly hate the post grunge singers. I just can't take them. Anyone with a psuedo Eddie Vedder voice outside of Eddie Vedder himself, forget about it. Done, over, drive an ice pick into my eardrum first before making me listen to that crap. On the other side of the coin is the almost 70's style easy listening stylings of guys like John Mayer, he annoys the shit out of me on so many levels, Dave Matthews & that jackass from the Counting Crows. Any of the Rap/Metal douchebags like Fred Durst are beyond horrible, the wuss rocker Rap/Metal guys like Staind & Unckle Kracker are even worse, Kid Rock... will somebody please shoot that guy already, & no emo... ever.

Two weeks ago on Facebook I joined a fan page called "I bet this pickle can get more fans than Nickleback". The pickle is winning by a landslide. That says it all.

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