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Question For The Young 'uns

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I've been a avid rabid LZ fan for years. I guess I would consider myself a 2nd generation fan (I'm 45 years old). I started into LZ back in the mid 70's and saw my only LZ concert in '77 at the Los Angeles Forum.

I can't really pinpoint what it is about them, their music, or what that makes me appreciate them so much (could be Bonzo since I'm a drummer and he's one of my biggest influences).

Here's my question and it's directed to the younger fans here (teens to early 30's). What is it, for you, that you like about LZ?

I think it's amazing all the younger fans that they have nowadays. Not that I don't like the music of today(some of it good some of it toilet fodder), but what is it about LZ that you like?

Edited by Bonzoholic
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I think I make the cut-off age for your inquiry...I'm 31. I was introduced to LZ in 1990 by my first boyfriend when I was 14. I was coming out my "Beatles Phase" (I still love 'em, btw), but I needed something else. The contemporary music at that time was abysmal (think Mariah Carey and New Kids on the Block). My boyfriend said, "The Beatles are great, but try this..." and he handed me a mix tape of Zep tunes (which I still have), and I was blown away! My little 14 year old mind just wanted to absorb the sounds that I was hearing. The words were catchy at times, mysterious at others. And that guitar...oh baby, that guitar...fun and playful, creepy, loud, sweet.

Now, through the years there have been other bands that I've been into as well, and maybe the LZ cds didn't get played as much. But when buzz about them started up again in '07, I fell in love again. Even harder this time. Not only did I renew my vows of Zeppdom, but I became a full-fledged Pagette! Megods! That hair, the thin bod, the wobbly youtube vids of him flingin' that low-slung guitar around the 02, this picture: n2jrs4.jpg

I love him.

So that's my little story. Thanks for indulging me :wave:

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Before I was introduced to Zeppelin, I was a huge Aerosmith fan. I heard the Wanton Song on my uncle's tape player and was blown away. Soonafter I sold all my Aerosmith cds and invested in the Zeppelin catalogue. Also, I was lucky enought to get to see Page/Plant at the Forum that same year in 95. At the time, I was 9 years old, and I was totally in awe at what I saw outside the venue and inside. I saw two of the greatest musicians on the planet that day and seen em many times after that experience. To me, the main reason as to why they are so popular today with the young crowd is because they are still relevant. At 23, I still listen to em every day. I guess for my experience, it is the nostalgia as well as the uniqueness and power of the group. Zeppelin breaks down musical barriers and you can still hear their sound mimicked with the newer rock/pop groups of today. It is fun, honest, and powerful music.

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well.. I think I've know all the BIG Zeppelin songs almost all my life. at least ever since I've started paying attention to music. but I never had any tapes or anything.

a few years ago I became a huuuuge fan of Pearl Jam and one of my best PJ friends (haha, he's like a big bro to me) is a big Zeppelin fan. also, the Zeps are quite widely "accepted" and very much appreciated among Pearl Jam fans, so started hearing the bands name and seeing stuff written about them more and more.

then, a few months back (so, I'm a pretty recent fan, doesn't mean I don't luuurrrrve them) I decided to go for it and got Mothership. mainly cause it had a lot of songs I knew on it so it couldn't be complete shite, eh? ;) and also cause I think a compilation is a good thing to have when you're not entirely sure if you'll like the band.

anyway, I took the album home, gave it a listen. wow! I stuck the DVD in the player. WOW!

so, I fell in love.

but what's the thing that makes me love Zeppelin so much? the unmistakeable joy they had playing together, the amazing riffs. the charisma Robert Plant had and still has.. the way some songs make you want to move around and dance until dawn and some songs send you to places beyond your imagination..

it's a funny I get inside when listening to LZ. all the different emotions but the music, it makes me feel at ease, calm, happy.

when I'm happy, LZ is the perfect soundtrack. when I'm angry, when I'm sad, frustrated, you name it, LZ either picks me up or makes me even happier. :D

haha. a bit of rambling there, hope it makes sense. :D

(oh yeah, and I'm 21)

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People say Pearl jam and Led-zeppelin do not relate? I think otherwise. when I seen Page and Plant in Chicago in 95. every, and I mean every older Zeppelin fan I talked to that seen Zeppelin live said to me "well you guys got Pearl Jam". that sealled it for me :D

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i'll soon be 30 this july, my dad started me on the classic rock since day 1. Couldn't tell you exactly what the 1st song i heard was, but growing up there was always this prescene of mystery everytime they would come on the radio, who are they, what do they look like? The rythm of the drums, the movement of the piano, the sound of the guitar, and that voice. the 4 become 1. I treasure my 10 disc box set and dvd set. I will never get to see them live in concert, but at least i can see the emotions by the videos, and each member now the way it might have been, thank you jason for wanting drum like dad!!!!!and thanks to ZOSO: the ultimate led zeppelin experience.

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I am 15.

Jimmy's unique bluesy riffs and solos interested me.

Robert's wailing vocals captivated me.

JPJ's bass-playing and keyboard skill made me sit down and listen for the rest of the song

and Bonham's machine gun playing made me want to go out and buy Early Days and Latter Days.

The song I was listening to was Travelling Riverside Blues and I first heard it when I was 12. I've loved Led Zeppelin ever since.

Zeppelin has also been a gateway that exposed me to many other musicians that either inspired Zep or were inspired by Zep, such as Howlin' Wolf, Van Halen and Muse.

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People say Pearl jam and Led-zeppelin do not relate? I think otherwise. when I seen Page and Plant in Chicago in 95. every, and I mean every older Zeppelin fan I talked to that seen Zeppelin live said to me "well you guys got Pearl Jam". that sealled it for me :D

i have said in the past (on this board) that if Zep were to ever tour again and wanted an opening band, i think that Pearl Jam would be an amazing choice. no one ever agreed with me...so I am gald to see your post....maybe I wasnt crazy after all..? :rolleyes:

and to reply to the question in this thread...iam 37 and maybe too "old" to answer, but since I was never able to see them live due to the fact that i was a mere child, i think i will reply anyway)... what makes Zep so intoxicating is everything that they are....sound, lyrics, melody, technique...they are like the perfect storm of rock n roll.

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I'm 24 I've been addicted to the band since I was about 11 and saw them in the R&R HOF. Looking back at that they Jimmy was fucked up and Robert wasn't as good as he was in the 70s, and they weren't really prepared for that show. But they still were mindblowing to an 11 year old. Years later I started really liking their music and their live stuff when I got the internet is what really got me hooked.

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Well I'm 15 been a fan for about 3 years but a MAJOR fan about 1 year the thing that got me was when I listened to Led Zeppelin 2 and then I indulged myself further and realized that all there songs were awesome that there was something for every mood and well...girls my age love it when you play a song like Whole Lotta Love or Trampled Underfoot, as well as the slower songs like The Rain Song, Stairway To Heaven. So basically it was almost like God created this band for me in every way.

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As I read the replies to this post, I have come to one conclusion that is the mother answer to this question:

Every single note Percy has sang, every single note that Pagey has plucked, every single note that Jonesy has played on any instrument he plays, and lastly the greatest drummer who ever lived; who has changed the way that all drummers play.

In conclusion everything about Zeppelin is what makes me want to wake up to them with the blaring of my radio clock, listen to their music 24/7, wearing Led Zeppelin shirts, playing their songs in my band, showing others their amazing music. The list goes on and on...

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Ok what got me into 'zep...I went through my step-dad's cds and started playing zep and pink floyd..love them..very different to early 90's FM rock..but very good..even better at times except for bands like NIN, Cure, Zombie, etc. etc...

Then a light bulb hit...my mom's ex boyfriend had left his LP's..so I listened to the first album on the LP player with headphones at 14..amazed..and even today it does not compare! So i lost my virginity to zep on a old GE (that's general electric) LP player with a pair of sony headphones..that's when it really sunk it.. even the song remains the same sounded good on that LP player!! which it does anyways! i prob. spent half a summer between work and hanging out listeing to Zep!

To break it all down...It's their music and their character. One song can be completely good and blues (You shook Me) and the next can be completely country (Hot Dog) and it still sounds so good!! And it still sounds like the same damn band!!

Pop in Friends and then The Rover. Wow. Completely different tracks. But both very good. Yeah shame the bombay versions of Friends/Four Sticks remains unreleased!

Some bands always sound the same. Zep always had their sound, but they never did sound The Same!

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i have said in the past (on this board) that if Zep were to ever tour again and wanted an opening band, i think that Pearl Jam would be an amazing choice. no one ever agreed with me...so I am gald to see your post....maybe I wasnt crazy after all..? :rolleyes:

Pearl Jam opening for Led Zeppelin would be.. (to lend a few words from a friend) AWESOMENESS ENCAPSULATED!! :D

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I'm 18 and I started listening to zeppelin last year. All I can say is that they just sound better than anything else out there. Also, Plant's kawwali like singing style and bonham's sledgehammer drumming appeal to my oriental side. After zeppelin was gone hard rock and heavy metal became something else entirely. I don't think anybody comes close to sounding as good as zeppelin. And that's all- they just sound better.

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I'm 15 years old and LZ addicted since more than one year.

I think, most of the current bands have not the magic and the genius of LZ, if you know what I mean. They try to copy the old gods and feel so cool but they are just boring copycats.

LZ did everything I can imagine in 12 years (Rolling Stones sucks) and made the best music I know....

OK, calm down, lucy, calm down...

And-last but not least- Jimmy is soooooooo hot! (I'm only a girl, can't help it...)

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I only very reacently have got into LZ but the first time i heard stairway to heaven i thought "shit, now that is a song" the thing with LZ is that i feel that that band had alot of magic in them and no other band will ever reach their standard, they have presence when they are on stage, they care about their music they are passionate about it, where as music today i feel has lost the magic and the spirit of music.

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I'm at the tail end of the spectrum at 39 but I never saw them live as I was only 9 in 1977 and didn't really know who they were until I was in high school - used to get them confused with Def Leppard LOL

I think some friends had played a few songs for me in high school but don't remember for sure. I bought the double cassette of The Song Remains The Same in 1986 and it was just unbelievable and there was no turning back. I used to listen to a local Zep radio show out of Akron, Ohio in the late 80s just to record whatever bootlegs he might play that night. Then the Internet came along and now I have a copy of every show ever recorded and listen to Zep everyday.

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I've been a avid rabid LZ fan for years. I guess I would consider myself a 2nd generation fan (I'm 45 years old). I started into LZ back in the mid 70's and saw my only LZ concert in '77 at the Los Angeles Forum.

I can't really pinpoint what it is about them, their music, or what that makes me appreciate them so much (could be Bonzo since I'm a drummer and he's one of my biggest influences).

Here's my question and it's directed to the younger fans here (teens to early 30's). What is it, for you, that you like about LZ?

I think it's amazing all the younger fans that they have nowadays. Not that I don't like the music of today(some of it good some of it toilet fodder), but what is it about LZ that you like?

If you're 45 and a second generation fan then at 14 I'm probably 5 or something. Anyway, I've been a fan for my entire life. My dad says that I really got into it at 4, but I remember being younger than that and watching TSRTS, and listening to them with him. I don't know what it is about them, I just love the music. I like more music from the 60s, earlier than Zep, but Zep is my favourite. I guess it's just in the blood.

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I'm 33 now, but I knew a couple of their songs from radio and I knew who they were/ and who Jimmy was since I was at least 3 or 4. I remember thinking how dark they were. My uncal is a guitarist and at the near the end of the 70's had his own band and he I remember talking about them and Jimmy. I was 5 in 1980. I thought "Kashmir" was a brand new song and I loved it! "Stroll On" was my favorite scene in Blow Up. Via the Bonzo Dog Band, who opened for them in LA in November of 1969, and I already loved the Yardbirds, and reading how Pamela said how fragile Jimmy was, really got me curious about them. Then I bought the first album with a gift card my friend gave me for my birthday in spring of 2006, and bang, it just went from there. I still love Jimmy the most. I have to listen to them every and have a Jimmy fix everyday.

Edited by aen27
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Being 21, I just kinda fell into I guess. For me, first there was SRV, then ZZ Top and Clapton, and hten the older blues gents like BB, Buddy Guy, Muddy Waters, ect. Then, sometime after that came Led Zeppelin. I don't know why, they're just badass. The same reason why I like SRV and Clapton I guess: THE POWER. It's in different forms, different styles, but THE POWER is still there regardless.

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I'm 17 and have been a Zeppelin fan since I was 12, when I began to play guitar. Stairway To Heaven was the first song I heard and from then I began to listen to Zeppelin all the time. For me, its the variety of the music that they played. They were so unique and the music was like nothing else at the time. Jimmy was/is my biggest inspiration for playing the guitar and that is also a reason as to why they're my favorite band.

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