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"Candy Store Rock"


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Whose opinion would I be posting, other than my own? I don't think I'd ask my neighbor what he thinks and then post it here. So why preface a post in a thread asking for people's opinions with "In my opinion"? Isn't that a tad redundant? Shouldn't it be blatantly obvious to people that I am indeed, posting my opinion on the song? If I was posting what someone else thought of the song, I would say so.

My word.

Wow. Argumentative this morning, aren't we Elizabeth? :huh:

Jeez. Be nice. I was just making a point.

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I'd love to hear just the backing track without the lyrics, not because of the repetition of "Oh, baby, baby", but cos the guitar is too damn good and....funky to have Robert's bloody voice over the top. (Normally nothing against his voice...most of the time.) Dum-dum-brrrrrrr-da-da-da-da-da. :D Sexy.

Edited by Mrs. Wisty
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There isn't a song on Presence I don't like.

Almost every song has incredible solos/guitar work and the entire album is a study in syncopation.

I won the album from a radio station when it came out, and while I listened to it every night with headphones pressed to my ears at threshold volumes, it took the rest of my friends almost 6 months to warm up to it.

Initially, Tea For One pushed the limits of my tolerance, but finally settled into place with the rest of the album.

Candy Store Rock was one of the secondary songs I warmed to, after the obvious ALS and NFBM.

When it breaks down at 1:53 and again at 3:00 I am incapable of avoiding the squinty-eyed/pursed-lipped head-bobbing groove I dissolve into.


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Candy Store Rock

C'mon Ya'll - great tune with "soft" sexual innuendo.Made me feel I was a mature man of 24, when my "head" was swollin' at 17.Lyrics are spicy,yet not too hot.

Highlight to me is Page's chord progression ,leading into his short solo.

This is a concise song ,that ripps ass from beginning to end.

Naysayers about this tune should be minimal.

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the thing about zep is that you can take 100 people and exclude stairway and a few others and you will get everyone with a different favorite song.I dont think they have a bad song and they have a whole lotta good ones change that to excellent ones.I like it all and that includes candy store rock

my favorite songs from thta lp are royal orleans,crs,nobodys fault ,achilles last stand but understand

i like them all.

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  • 1 year later...

Not a fan of Candy Store Rock at all. Personally, I only find a couple of songs off Presence, ITTOD and Coda that I do actually like. :(

Like the old saying goes, one mans' meat is another mans' poison....

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I really like it. Not one of my top favourites, but nothing against it. I simply love the whole of Presence.

As a footnote, it's probably been mentioned somewhere on here before, but CSR was done in the O2 rehearsals but obviously never made the final cut. :)

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I really like it. Not one of my top favourites, but nothing against it. I simply love the whole of Presence.

As a footnote, it's probably been mentioned somewhere on here before, but CSR was done in the O2 rehearsals but obviously never made the final cut. :)

I actually didn't know that. :slapface: I think that's pretty cool considering that Fool in the Rain and Carouselambra were also rehearsed but weren't played either. :D

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You have a masters degree in what's crap? I'm sorry, but while it's perfectly okay to say something doesn't appeal to you, denouncing it as "crap" is well, crap! I love the song. Does that make my opinion crap, or those of the other fans of the song? Qualify your opinion with an "IMO". Cause that's all it could ever be. An opinion. One person's crap is another's treasure.

Of course, you're right.....

Crap is a very strong statement......

I have my dislikes for several Zeppelin songs that others in the Forum drool about, and the media and press drool about.... but that's okay, I have NEVER based my Zeppelin likings on what the press or the media, or what any one person... has to say.....

I just haven't used such an inflamatory descritpion as "crap".

That just begs the issue of throwing crap, or shit, or feces, or whatever you'd like to call it; back in the persons's face, about something that they like, that you don't.

A shit fight.....

But I don't need to do that. Some fights are better not having, especially the fecal kind !

I think that all of the following are songs that I would skip playing from the official Zeppelin studio recordings.....Every Time..without Exception !!! :P

D'Yer Mak'er

Tea For One

Royal Orleans

Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman)

Hey, Hey, What Can I Do?

Traveling Riverside Blues

Over The Hills And Far Away

Poor Tom

Sick Again

No Quarter



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That's an astonishing list, Rover, coming from a Zeppelin fan, especially the last few--but to each his own, I guess.

Btw, did you notice you're replying to a post made in January 2008?

Yes, I knew about the date..... A comment... is a comment worth commenting on....

No Matter The Date !!

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