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y'know you're a zep-freak when....

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y'know you're a zep-freak when...

...you've actually listened to stairway to heaven backwards.

...you're pretty sure y'know what the symbols mean. (lol)

okay, now you think up some.

  • You wear Led Zeppelin lounge pants and tank to bed
  • You wear a Led Zeppelin Tee under your blazer to work
  • You make everyone stop talking when Jimmy comes on the Q and says "Hi, this is Jimmy Page and you're listening to Q104"
  • Your favorite Christmas present is a special Led Zeppelin Tee and you're a 47 year old woman
  • You're on this board every day
  • Your husband calls you "Mrs. Page"

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Huh? Was happened to the old one? Was it deleted???

I like the "Mrs. Page" one!

To continue:

-if your best friend should know everything about Led Zep because you tell her the whole history during a boring school day.

-Blisters on every finger of your left hand can't keep you from playing BIGLY on a steel string acoustic

-People who are called Jimmy seem automaticely more attractive to you than other men.

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you know you're a zep freak when...

-you have jimmy page's symbol tattooed on both knees.

(so that it looks like you are a coven whenever you drop the kids off at the pool)

-you fly the zeppelin flag on flag day.

-the breakfaxt cereal you eat is called "presence puffs".

-you play "in my time of dying" extremely loud outside whenever a pet dies.

-you've been arrested 16 times for punching everyone who has ever said "plant can't hit the notes anymore, man" to your face.

-you burned a pile of kingdom come albums in david coverdales' driveway.

-you write jaunty, smug, smartass stuff on dumb threads like this.....

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You Quote passages from Zepp songs as though they were from a Shakespear novel.

"That's The Way It's Gonna Be" mate.

"How Many More Times" do I have to tell you that.

"And As We Wind On Down The Road" to where you live.

"It's Been A Long Time Since I Rock And Rolled" down the disco.

"In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to be a man" son.

"Baby, baby, I don't wanna leave you", but I am you bitch.

"And I know that one day baby, it's really gonna grow, yes it is" when I get some more Viagra!!!

"Been Dazed and Confused for so long it's not true", ever since I bumpted in to you.

And many many more, maybe we could start another thread on this?

Regards, Danny

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You Quote passages from Zepp songs as though they were from a Shakespear novel.

"That's The Way It's Gonna Be" mate.

"How Many More Times" do I have to tell you that.

"And As We Wind On Down The Road" to where you live.

"It's Been A Long Time Since I Rock And Rolled" down the disco.

"In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to be a man" son.

"Baby, baby, I don't wanna leave you", but I am you bitch.

"And I know that one day baby, it's really gonna grow, yes it is" when I get some more Viagra!!!

"Been Dazed and Confused for so long it's not true", ever since I bumpted in to you.

And many many more, maybe we could start another thread on this?

Regards, Danny

gosh, I do the same things whoLe day, and nobody gets what the heLL I'm taLkin'bout! :D:D:D

-if someone says something starts with "J" you'd turn to them and "WHAT?! WHO SAID JIMMY?!"

-when someone says something bad about LZ, you kick their ass. A Least you try. (I hit some guy once cos of saying something bad about Jimmy)

-you decide not to taLk with peopLe who says "what is Led ZeppeLin?" tiL eternity

Edited by oyq
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You read every single post on the board pertaining to the hundreds of tour rumor and vague interview threads with the band doing whatever you can to turn their inconclusive comments into a full blown Led Zeppelin Reunion World Tour.

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I thought it was "It's really gonna go".

Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You

(Trad. Arr. Jimmy Page)

Babe, baby, baby, I'm Gonna Leave You.

I said baby, you know I'm gonna leave you.

I'll leave you when the summertime,

Leave you when the summer comes a-rollin'

Leave you when the summer comes along.

Baby, baby, I don't wanna leave you,

I ain't jokin' woman, I got to ramble.

Oh, yeah, baby, baby, I believin',

We really got to ramble.

I can hear it callin' me the way it used to do,

I can hear it callin' me back home!

Babe...I'm gonna leave you

Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you

Oh I can hear it callin 'me

I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?

I know I never never never gonna leave your babe

But I got to go away from this place,

I've got to quit you, yeah

Baby, ooh don't you hear it callin' me?

Woman, woman, I know, I know

It feels good to have you back again

And I know that one day baby, it's really gonna grow, yes it is.

We gonna go walkin' through the park every day.

Come what may, every day

It was really, really good.

You made me happy every single day.

But now... I've got to go away!

Baby, baby, baby, baby

That's when it's callin' me

I said that's when it's callin' me back home....

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You read every single post on the board pertaining to the hundreds of tour rumor and vague interview threads with the band doing whatever you can to turn their inconclusive comments into a full blown Led Zeppelin Reunion World Tour.

Oh man. Yeah. :D

. You're always saying "a whole lotta" this and "a whole lotta" that...

. You pre-order TSRTS on vinyl even though you don't have a turntable (yet)

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You turn up the radio when ever you hear Zeppelin - even when its not your radio.

You can hear a Zeppelin song from farther away than your Black Lab.

You sit in a hot car in your garage because you pulled in while a Zeppelin song was on the radio and you cant leave until its over.

You spend WAY too much time making DVDs and CDs to try and get your friends/family to see the light.

You get goose pimples in anticipation everytime you hear Jimmy say" Its time to get the Led out" every night at 7:00PM on WMGK 102.9.

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The things posted so far that I do:

Turn it up

Wait til the song is over before I get out of the car

Correct self-designated" music snobs" on their limited perception of Zep ( 50 thousand times and counting)....I figure that could qualify as kicking someone's ass, in a way.

Say "whole lotta" a whole lot.

And some others things I do:

Get videos/images in my mind for every song

Still dream about them sometimes (last time was a hum dinger!)

Get one of their songs stuck in my head/under my skin all day and fall asleep with it still in my head. Sometimes I even wake up with it still playing in my head. Years ago I used to wake up with unusual versions of their songs in my head; it was like the song morphed into something else that was almost formless.

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I've posted these (and others) before:

By the time your children are toddlers, they know who Percy, Pagey, Jonesy, and Bonzo are.

You’re at a business meeting and when someone says, “It appears that there was a communication breakdown between the two departments”, you inadvertently smile and, as you glance across the table at your friend, he gives you a knowing wink.

Your new boyfriend (who will later become your husband) husband invites you to join him and a friend at lunch. As they’re chatting, you’re daydreaming until you hear the friend say, “Jimmy Page” . Your boyfriend looks across the table at you and asks, “Why are you blushing?”

When your husband’s brother-in-law, ten years your senior, has had a few too many and starts to tell, for the 100th time how, “In ’69, when I saw Zep at the Fillmore…” and everyone’s eyes glaze over, you’re the only one sitting in rapt attention, lest he include some minor tidbit that you missed during the other 99 times he told the story.

When you and one of your friends, who you’ve known since the age of 13, reminisce about your teen-age years and talk about the lives you’re living now, you somehow always end up talking about the Zep concerts you attended as if you were recalling old friends: “And Robert said…” “And then Jimmy said…”

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When you name you're first born Patrick James and it had nothing to do with zeppelin, just a coincidence :o and both of the fathers just happen to be mechanics :blink: (twilight zone music plays in background)

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~Your first dance at your wedding was "Thank You."

~Your first child was conceived after a Zoso concert (cover bands are the best you can do when you yourself weren't even born the last time Zeppelin played in the States).

~You'd be willing and eager to use the money you've been saving for a down payment on a house to buy tickets to a reunion show.

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The things posted so far that I do:

Turn it up

Wait til the song is over before I get out of the car

Correct self-designated" music snobs" on their limited perception of Zep ( 50 thousand times and counting)....I figure that could qualify as kicking someone's ass, in a way.

Say "whole lotta" a whole lot.

And some others things I do:

Get videos/images in my mind for every song

Still dream about them sometimes (last time was a hum dinger!)

Get one of their songs stuck in my head/under my skin all day and fall asleep with it still in my head. Sometimes I even wake up with it still playing in my head. Years ago I used to wake up with unusual versions of their songs in my head; it was like the song morphed into something else that was almost formless.

Wow, this happens to me too! Sometimes before I've even opened my eyes, my brain is playing little snippets of something and it's like I have to identify where it morphed from (always Zeppelin or solo stuff) before I can do anything else.

Until I became a big fan of this music, this had never happened before. I had no idea how deeply music can become entwined with your life!

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You know there isn't a new album out but you still check the Zeppelin cd/dvd selection in every music store you go to to see if there is any new treausres you can find.

You look in the index of every book about a classic rock musician to see if there is any mentions of Zep or the members of the band.

You say "Cool Shirt" to a complete stranger that walks by with a Zeppelin T-shirt on. (esp. if it's one you have never seen).

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I posted these elsewhere before:

... you won't convert concert bootlegs to MP3 even if they were very lo-fi recordings in the first place, but you'll download MP3s to get the bootlegs faster.

... you constantly think of how awesome a tour would be, and voice these thoughts to others.

... you name your computer and iPod after Led Zeppelin (Zoso and The Starship!).

... you were depressed because you couldn't get O2 tickets, but you watched all those YouTube videos on December 11th anyway.

... you laugh for a long time when your train passes the Edgewater going into Seattle.

... your music tastes share more in common with your teachers than other students.

... you give buskers more money if they play Zeppelin.

... you are already thinking of excuses to get out of work/school/life for a Zeppelin show.

... you know what "For Badgeholders Only" means (both meanings!).

... you know the birthdays of all four Zeppelin members.

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I've posted these (and others) before:

You’re at a business meeting and when someone says, “It appears that there was a communication breakdown between the two departments”, you inadvertently smile and, as you glance across the table at your friend, he gives you a knowing wink.

MSG yours were all great but this one was my favorite :) Here's my list:

- you start a Zeppelin scrapbook at age 12 and when all of the talk about the reunion starts, you pull it out and start putting more of the pictures into it that you've had since the 70's.

- you are on this site as much as possible during the day and night, and when you wake up in the morning you check to see what you might have missed when you were sleeping.

- a friend of yours from work showed you how to convert youtube videos to your ipod, so now you have a huge collection of Zeppelin/Page & Plant/Page solo etc videos on your ipod - plus you go to sleep with the ipod playing Zeppelin tunes in your ear :lol:

- you have a screen saver on your computer that is all Zeppelin photos (which is now almost to 1,000 pictures, and counting...) your kids laugh when the speedo pictures of Jimmy come up :bagoverhead: luckily they are adults so it's ok :blush:

- you e-mail all of your friends at work that know you are absolutely crazy over Jimmy Page pictures of him all day long (and they of course put up with it because of that)

- your kids are definitely familiar with Led Zeppelin and (as MSG said) know all of their names and nicknames

- when you can get away with it at work, you listen to Zeppelin from your ipod through the headphones while looking simultaneously at the website and look at youtube for videos.

enough said? :lol:

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You stick around the arena long after the Led Zeppelin concert ends just to hear the continuing reverberations of the show. Like a really good movie, you don't want it to end.

Or, on the flipside, you leave the concert early so you can go back to the hotel that they are staying at, just so you can watch them all walk through the lobby (all hot and sweaty after playing their ASSES off!!!) :blush::bagoverhead:;)

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Re-post from the other thread:

You listen to them (or a Zeppelin-related song) 24/7 for the last 7 months. And when you listen to another song by another band it just doesn't seem "right".

When you're not listening to them, you're watching them on DVD or on your iPod, and when you're not doing that, you're reading about them in any sort of biography that mentions Zeppelin.

You buy Zeppelin shirts that prominently display the band members faces or name and purposely don't wear a jacket outside so you can show off.

You spend a small fortune on concert tickets to get the best possible seats just so there's a chance a certain band member may look at you.

In more than one conversation during your day you mention the words "Led Zeppelin" or "Robert Plant".

I uh... know someone like that. :blush:

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