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Page/Edge/White Documentary


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To be honest I was a little vague , and leaning more to the anti-reunion portions so --

You got me there --- nice.

I was only trying to deflect the usual barrage of typical hypothesis.

Sometimes we need to amuse ourselves.

Seriously , your discussion is true and speaks volumes about the depth of JP's character.

Character in many regards.

A full out documentary featuring singlehandedly JP material would certainly be respected.

And I believe that Guggenheim would or could be worthy of that task.

Once again , more speculative thinking.

After contemplating your question I began deepening my wishful thoughts .

As we all do .

Oh how Jimmy does tantalize.


Thanks for clarifying, I appreciate it. The director and producers et al did a great job and Guggenheim certainly has the clout and now, as Cactus noted, the relationship with Page. Now all that's left is...well, for everything else to fall into place. There's always this after effect of 'Ok, that was great! What's next?' but if IMGL happens to be a one-off, then it stands tall and proud well enough on its own.

Edited by Patrycja
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Tip of the iceberg, that was! Yeah it was so personal, I would love it if somebody followed up with a more in-depth look at and with Pagey himself.

p.s. glad to hear you got a ticket, Roxie. It sounded for a while like you wouldn't be able to make it...

Thanks Patrycja! Yes it was very touch and go for awhile... right up until the last few minutes actually! But thanks to Zepp-For-Life and RonnieDawg - I made it there! :)

I was thinking the exact same thing after watching the movie how some sort of documentary on Page or Zeppelin would go over pretty well. I just read how Ray Manzarek is working on something similar about the Doors. The anti-Stone film. :lol: I would love if something like this on Zeppelin would come out. Would have been perfect for the 40th anniversary.

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It was a fantastic weekend for I.M.G.L. Glad some of you here were able to also experience the premiere and see the film. After assisting with the project for many months, it was such a bonus to have the film debut in T.O. and of course with Jimmy here. Hope everyone will get a chance to see it in the near future.


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From left, musicians Jack White, The Edge and Jimmy Page pose together after a press conference for the film "It Might Get Loud" during the Toronto International Film Festival on Saturday, Sept. 6, 2008 in Toronto. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/Evan Agostini

Page, Edge, White: guitar secrets revealed


TORONTO - Jimmy Page, the Edge and Jack White say they all learned a little more about the guitar when they sat down to talk about their craft in Davis Guggenheim's entertaining new documentary, "It Might Get Loud."

But the White Stripes frontman and U2 guitarist were clearly the ones being schooled in a memorable scene featuring Page in which the Led Zeppelin axeman plays the searing opening riff to his legendary band's "Whole Lotta Love."

The Edge suddenly stands up to get a better look at Page's fingers. A smile tugs at the lips of White.

"You kind of put everything else aside for a second and say: 'Look can we just enjoy the moment?"' White says as he looks back on the experience at a news conference over the weekend.

"I was looking at myself thinking, 'Oh my God, stop smiling,"' adds the Edge, seated alongside his guitar colleagues and wearing his trademark tuque. "(I have a) stupid grin as I'm staring at Jimmy's hands, thinking: 'Oh, that's how it's done."'

The documentary, which is screening at the Toronto International Film Festival, is filled with such moments of musical inspiration as the three guitar gurus discuss their creative processes and their continuing fascination with the instrument.

The film's creators say they wanted to approach three musicians of different generations and styles. They were thrilled to get who they wanted. Page says he was intrigued by the chance to share stories with a new generation of players.

"It was a fascinating prospect," said Page, his long white hair hanging loose around his shoulders. "But when I heard that Jack and the Edge were coming in (to the do movie), I thought this is going to be even more fascinating to see how this unravels."

The film unravels in layers. Guggenheim, a director who won an Academy Award for the Al Gore climate change documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," brings the three musicians together to jam and trade stories. That interplay is interspersed with the threads of personal journeys. The Edge goes back to the Dublin high school where he first got together with Bono, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr. to form U2.

Page, in London, pulls out the albums that inspired him as a session musician before joining his revered rock band. And White recalls his days growing up in Detroit in the hip-hop-crazed 1980s, when playing guitar was anything but cool.

The Edge says he's counted the guitar out many times, but that it keeps resurrecting itself.

"It is an instrument that seems to be so versatile and it seems to be able to make the jump to the next generation and where music needs to go to," he says.

"I think it's fair to say that hip-hop and that movement has kicked rock 'n' roll's ass for many years in terms of innovation and in terms of the quality of records that are being made."

"It's so great when you see a resurgence happening and a guitar player comes through that's saying something with the instrument that you've never heard before."

Edited by The Pagemeister
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Thanks Patrycja! Yes it was very touch and go for awhile... right up until the last few minutes actually! But thanks to Zepp-For-Life and RonnieDawg - I made it there! :)

I was thinking the exact same thing after watching the movie how some sort of documentary on Page or Zeppelin would go over pretty well. I just read how Ray Manzarek is working on something similar about the Doors. The anti-Stone film. :lol: I would love if something like this on Zeppelin would come out. Would have been perfect for the 40th anniversary.

Don't know if you knew these two before, but if not, you made some instant friends there! One of the great things about TIFF is the people you meet because of the common excitement shared at the events. I met some nice people too in the line and in the seats. I hope we don't have to wait till the 50th anniversary (!) for something new. Hint hint, the powers that be B)

It was a fantastic weekend for I.M.G.L. Glad some of you here were able to also experience the premiere and see the film. After assisting with the project for many months, it was such a bonus to have the film debut in T.O. and of course with Jimmy here. Hope everyone will get a chance to see it in the near future.


Congrats, Sam, it must be so gratifying after all this time to get to this place, and now to have your name on the credits, too :thumbsup: !

Sooo...with sooo much more material in the vaults...there must be somebody who would want to put that together for a JP/Zep doc...just putting out the obvious that the interest is there :D

Looking forward to seeing IMGL again, hopefully it'll get a dvd release, too



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It was a fantastic weekend for I.M.G.L. Glad some of you here were able to also experience the premiere and see the film. After assisting with the project for many months, it was such a bonus to have the film debut in T.O. and of course with Jimmy here. Hope everyone will get a chance to see it in the near future.


Congrats on the success of the film and the recognition of your contribution!

Am I reading you right that you run this board out of Toronto?! Had No idea... Nice!

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Don't know if you knew these two before, but if not, you made some instant friends there! One of the great things about TIFF is the people you meet because of the common excitement shared at the events. I met some nice people too in the line and in the seats.

Nope, didn't know them, so it made it extra cool. You're right, it's nice to have that common bond. :)

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It was a fantastic weekend for I.M.G.L. Glad some of you here were able to also experience the premiere and see the film. After assisting with the project for many months, it was such a bonus to have the film debut in T.O. and of course with Jimmy here. Hope everyone will get a chance to see it in the near future.


I would also like to personally congratulate you Sam for your efforts and contribution.

It's quite an honor to be involved in the legacy of our beloved JP. Well done.

I tip my hat to you sir.

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It was a fantastic weekend for I.M.G.L. Glad some of you here were able to also experience the premiere and see the film. After assisting with the project for many months, it was such a bonus to have the film debut in T.O. and of course with Jimmy here. Hope everyone will get a chance to see it in the near future.



Congratulations Sam!!!!

Now....when do we get to see your pic? :D

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I would also like to personally congratulate you Sam for your efforts and contribution.

It's quite an honor to be involved in the legacy of our beloved JP. Well done.

I tip my hat to you sir.

Absolutely, well done Sam. I look forward to seeing this B)

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It was a fantastic weekend for I.M.G.L. Glad some of you here were able to also experience the premiere and see the film. After assisting with the project for many months, it was such a bonus to have the film debut in T.O. and of course with Jimmy here. Hope everyone will get a chance to see it in the near future.



Give us a thrill.

Many in here would love to know how your weekend went with Page and company. I know I sure would. I can only imagine what the "electric magic" would be like having dinner and hanging with Jimmy in our beautiful city.

Can you give us some details please? Thanks in advance




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What a wonderful night.

The audience was electric, and very responsive to both the film and of course the musicians in the theatre.

The documentary was not only really enjoyable (I don't think I stopped smiling throughout the whole thing), it couldn't be more necessary. At a time of fly-by-night counterfeit fame and cynicism, this film was so refreshing because it showed how unabashed their love for music and their instruments is. You really appreciate the sacrifices each has made, and the struggles they went through to get to where they are. Most importantly, they tap into deep pools of creativity and continue to hone their craft, and that's why they each have a unique sound. Oh, and they come across as really cool people.

The structure of the film is fairly simple, with essentially a series of questions being answered by each of them, interspersed with the round table discussions and jams. While that may not sound too exciting, is actually works very well. Because it is not over stylized, it does not get in the way of what everyone came to see - three musicians discussing their instrument and their craft. It does not have the too fast audio and video editing cuts that seem to creep into films from MTV videos, and so what you get is a finely spaced and paced film with plenty of room and respect for these great explanations and musical treats. As they were talking, some rare photos and footage were shown, so while many Zep fans will be familiar with Pagey's story, seeing these is a treat. But best of all, nothing beats watching Pagey being so excited, animated and accessible. Yes, he really is THAT awesome, and like Plant said long ago, he plays a little left of heaven. You can really see that he's always got a foot in some mysterious creative force and one in ours. Lucky for us, he channels it so very well.

And because the three of them had pretty much equal air time, I'm sure fans of Jack White and the Edge felt the same excitement (side note - I didn't know much about White but became a fan after watching this). It was a cool contrast between White who is about the stripped down pure sound and the Edge who loves to experiment with all that technology has to offer. He even joked about how lame one of his riffs can sound without the techie add-ons. That said, I gained some appreciation about his process. I really loved too the different approaches each of them has to sculpt their respective sounds.

The Q&A afterward was a delight to fans and was itself worth the price of the ticket and the wait in line. Everyone seemed loose and almost playful, definitely giving the vibe like they wanted to be there, and grateful for the warm and deserving reception they received. I would've liked for the Q&A to be longer, and for the audience to have been able to ask some questions (like when is touring again??? With or without 'the others', he's simply got to come and play!). But somehow I ended up in the third row, and feel very lucky and happy to have been there and experienced it all so close.

Music fans will love this.

Zep fans will love it even more.

Pagey fans (especially all you ladies), will be in rapture. You may need a cigarette after :D

So genuine. And like all great experiences, you really enjoy it and yet it leaves you wanting more. Raaaargh!

Just want to say, what a lovely post! You've gotten my curiosity to fever pitch! The filmmakers should hire you to do publicity!

Fingers crossed this makes it to theaters, first!

(edited to say, my high school english teacher must be spinning in her grave, four exclamation points in a row! !!!) (Oh, and congratulations Sam! Most excellent!) (Hah - a personal best for !!)

Edited by SunChild
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Just want to say, what a lovely post! You've gotten my curiosity to fever pitch! The filmmakers should hire you to do publicity!

Fingers crossed this makes it to theaters, first!

(edited to say, my high school english teacher must be spinning in her grave, four exclamation points in a row! !!!) (Oh, and congratulations Sam! Most excellent!) (Hah - a personal best for !!)

Thanks very much, SunChild, from your mouth to God's ears :D

Glad it went some way to conveying the documentary's appeal.

Here's hoping you won't have to wait too long and we all get to see it (again) soon!



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Okay, I'm sure I'm a day late and a dollar short, but this looks like it was just added on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTm3lmoCWVY-

Jimmy , Edge and Jack doing stand up at Toronto, 3 min. long.

ps- Jimmy looks like the White Haired Grand Wizard, or something Snape-like, with the long black flowing jacket ensamble; very respectable indeed! :D

(Snape- best character in the whole damn H.Potter series...)

At 2:39 into Q&A #1 Jimmy grabs his crotch... :D

*sorry, I just notice things like that :bagoverhead:*

Love Jimmy's hair.

edited to wonder.....Will this get a Park City Film Festival showing too???? :cheer:

Edited by Hotplant
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  • 3 weeks later...
At 2:39 into Q&A #1 Jimmy grabs his crotch... :D

*sorry, I just notice things like that :bagoverhead:*

Love Jimmy's hair.

edited to wonder.....Will this get a Park City Film Festival showing too???? :cheer:

oh admit it, you were starring at Jimmy the whole time!

Can someone refer me to when/if this is being released? I checked the main website and found no such information. I scanned through pages and pages of this thread but was also without luck.

If you can point me to the right thread page, that would be good enough.

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Can someone refer me to when/if this is being released? I checked the main website and found no such information. I scanned through pages and pages of this thread but was also without luck.

If you can point me to the right thread page, that would be good enough.

no release date yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all!

I've been following a lot of the press reviews on this and they've been mostly positive. But this one really had my attention. This is the last line of the article: I found out that Page can’t really sing but I enjoyed watching them play each other’s music and have a good time.

Does this mean he actually sang in the film, just not very well, or he doesn't sing at all? If the people who've happened to see it can let me know, I'd appreciate it.


By the by, I'm freakin' dying to see this!

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I can't wait to see this as well. Who knows if it will get a theatrical release or just go straight to dvd and cable. We'll see. One of the reasons for those showings in Toronto may have been for Academy Awards nominations for the film. To increase the familiarity of the film and get it some press to make the media aware of it. To be eligible for the Academy Awards all a film has to do is to have one theatre showing by 11:59 pm on December 31, 2008 to be eligible for a nomination. I believe this is the case.

Can anyone supply more detailed information on this?

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Hey all!

I've been following a lot of the press reviews on this and they've been mostly positive. But this one really had my attention. This is the last line of the article: I found out that Page can't really sing but I enjoyed watching them play each other's music and have a good time.

Does this mean he actually sang in the film, just not very well, or he doesn't sing at all? If the people who've happened to see it can let me know, I'd appreciate it.


By the by, I'm freakin' dying to see this!

There was a point in the film where The Edge and Jack White were singing and wanted Jimmy to join in. Jimmy said something like "But I can't sing!". It was so funny. I think either Dandu or Zepp-For-Life posted the exact quote from the movie in one of their reviews.

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