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I've known about this for some time, but respected the wishes that I not let the cat out of the bag. I for one am not gloating. Not at all. I'm just excited to be able to talk about it now. I don't think anyone else was trying to boast either, but rather reinforce that this is in fact happening.

Agreed. It's all zeros and ones here; sometimes intent is not easily discerned.

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it's posts like this that make evster a treasure to read......

to you, pal!


Right back atcha brother! :beer:

BTW, did I ever say your sig reminds me of Nigel having to lifted back up by a roadie in Spinal Tap? :lol:

Edited by Evster2012
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Right back atcha brother! :beer:

BTW, did I ever say your sig reminds me of Nigel having to lifted back up by a roadie in Spinal Tap? :lol:

that's funny, right there.....

i might pop that in this week. been awhile. i got to watch the 1st british season of "the office" first, though....

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"My time with Foreigner is coming to an end. This is the first time I've talked about it. I leave at the end of this month so, I mean, I'm looking forward to taking some time out to be with the family really. Since I moved to America I've been on the road, so my first priority is to go and watch my kids grow up, because they've grown up way to fast in the last four years." -- Jason Bonham during radio interview earlier this week

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I've known about this for some time, but respected the wishes that I not let the cat out of the bag. I for one am not gloating. Not at all. I'm just excited to be able to talk about it now. I don't think anyone else was trying to boast either, but rather reinforce that this is in fact happening.

Well said Ev!! How relieved was I when I heard that Jason had announced this on Friday??!! ^_^

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Well said Ev!! How relieved was I when I heard that Jason had announced this on Friday??!! ^_^


This was on Blabbermouth this morning. Intresting additional info about jamming with JP and JPJ. Wonder if its true?

According to Fargo, North Dakota radio station 107.9 The Fox, drummer Jason Bonham revealed this past Friday morning (August 22) on a Detroit radio station that he is leaving FOREIGNER at the end of this month.

Since Jason filled the seat once occupied by his late father John Bonham at the LED ZEPPELIN show in London last December, does this raise the likelihood of a full-fledged LED ZEPPELIN reunion?

Jason, who was born in England and now lives in Florida, said, "I've been over [to England] a couple of times. I've been working with Jimmy

and John Paul [Jones] and trying to do just do some new material and some writing. I don't know what it will be, but it will be something."

Jason said, "My time with FOREIGNER is coming to an end. This is the first time I've talked about it. I leave at the end of this month so, I mean, I'm looking forward to taking some time out to be with the family really. Since I moved to America I've been on the road, so my first priority is to go and watch my kids grow up, because they've grown up way to fast in the last four years."

There has been no word yet from FOREIGNER on who will replace Jason.

Cheers, B)

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Good news, anyway--sorry, Foreigner, but Jason deserves better! :D

I guess Jason wants to know what love is !! and he wants them (JP JPJ ) to show him :)

Will have to wait for speakers to be fixed so I can hear the interview :) been out the loop for a while !

Sorry for the ignorance but is Robert involved ??

Edited by leddy
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I've known about this for some time, but respected the wishes that I not let the cat out of the bag. I for one am not gloating. Not at all. I'm just excited to be able to talk about it now. I don't think anyone else was trying to boast either, but rather reinforce that this is in fact happening.

Well if you know anything about Robert joining them when his tour with Allison is over, feel free to get it off your chest now, you'll feel better! :lol:

Just kidding...

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Sorry for the ignorance but is Robert involved ??

I don't know but Jason did say 'Jimmy and John Paul' so it seems that Robert may not be involved. I'm expecting this collaboration to be similar to what the Doors did in recent years.

Edited by Hand_Of_Omega_91
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I don't know but Jason did say 'Jimmy and John Paul' so it seems that Robert may not be involved. I'm expecting this collaboration to be similar to what the Doors did in recent years.

Cheers, Yeh but I hope they wouldn't call it Zep without RP as they just got away with it with Jason . Exciting though :)

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If Robert chooses not to join in, and a vocalist needs to be chosen, wonder how Logan Plant would fit the bill.

I've heard his stuff and I think he could pull it off vocally, while still being different enough to take the new stuff in a whole new direction.

It sounds kinda over the top picking Logan Plant, but if your going to be getting a new vocalist Logan appears to be available ( at least in terms of his current success) so why not?

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If Robert chooses not to join in, and a vocalist needs to be chosen, wonder how Logan Plant would fit the bill.

I've heard his stuff and I think he could pull it off vocally, while still being different enough to take the new stuff in a whole new direction.

It sounds kinda over the top picking Logan Plant, but if your going to be getting a new vocalist Logan appears to be available ( at least in terms of his current success) so why not?

At this rate they will need to call the band Son of Zeppelin or Zep Juniors :)

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If Robert chooses not to join in, and a vocalist needs to be chosen, wonder how Logan Plant would fit the bill.

I've heard his stuff and I think he could pull it off vocally, while still being different enough to take the new stuff in a whole new direction.

It sounds kinda over the top picking Logan Plant, but if your going to be getting a new vocalist Logan appears to be available ( at least in terms of his current success) so why not?

Logan isn't available. He has a band Sons of Albion he's been with for a while now and they've been actively recording and touring the UK and Europe.

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Gibson did a little diddy on it this morning as well ... they have a little more of Jason's quotes from the radio show.

As for Logan joining in, i just don't see it. I've always seen as Robert just being nice and polite to the people he's currently involved with. I just saw the show in Nashville and he was so genuinely appreciative of the town and the people he's met. I think he knows deep down that he's going to do the LZ thing again, but he wants to be true to his previous commitments. Believe me, give it time and it will happen. Robert finishes out his commitment, and the Jimmy, John Paul and Jason are ready with some

GREAT new material for him to write some stuff to. You read it here first!!!!


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I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves, guys. As much as I'd like to say "to the contrary...", Jason Bonham leaving Foreigner does not necessarily equal Zeppelin Mk. 2 Mod. 1. Collaboration with at least two of his late father's bandmates, yes. New gig with same people as described elsewhere, maybe. Zeppelin re-born and touring under a new album? To me, that's a reach, as much as I wish it were so.

As always, I think the brakes on this will be applied by Robert Plant. I just don't think he's into anything Zeppelin-like except perhaps a few more one-offs. Maybe I've got that wrong. Maybe he'll bring Allison Krauss along for a modified Zeppelin, where she sings the stuff Sandy Denny accompanied with. Who knows? Could you see five talented musicians (two from a different generation than the other three) getting along, producing and performing coherent music together given the pressures of hype machines, tour schedules and logisitics?

That said, speculation and hype are dangerous together, but they're also kind of fun, aren't they?

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The spin begins.

Some is repeat info.

Nice pic of Jason!

From: mtv.ca


Here's the MTV headline from the link above: New Led Zeppelin On The Way? Jason Bonham Hints At 'Jam' Sessions With Jimmy Page -- But Not Robert Plant.

Chrissake, I hope this doesn't open up that proverbial Pandora's Box we've been predicting for months now...

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I doubt Allison would be interested in playing with the Zeppelin boys, it's not really her style or fan base. What would be interesting is Jimmy, John and Jason working as a trio. I have heard it said that Jason is a terrific singer. I wonder if this is the direction they are heading.

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Here's the MTV headline from the link above: New Led Zeppelin On The Way? Jason Bonham Hints At 'Jam' Sessions With Jimmy Page -- But Not Robert Plant.

Chrissake, I hope this doesn't open up that proverbial Pandora's Box we've been predicting for months now...

Hasn't that box been open for months? :huh:

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