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A short diddy to let everyone know that Dzldoc has looked Gustav in the eye and won. I recieved a text message from him a few minutes ago and as he is still having power problems I am posting this on his behalf.

Good to here my man. Your parents have one hell of a son :)

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A short diddy to let everyone know that Dzldoc has looked Gustav in the eye and won. I recieved a text message from him a few minutes ago and as he is still having power problems I am posting this on his behalf.

Good to here my man. Your parents have one hell of a son :)

WoooHoooo!! Wonderful news!! Thanks for sharing Ally! And what a dear friend you are for keeping tabs....

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A short diddy to let everyone know that Dzldoc has looked Gustav in the eye and won. I recieved a text message from him a few minutes ago and as he is still having power problems I am posting this on his behalf.

Good to here my man. Your parents have one hell of a son :)

How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics including "ally" and "Dzldoc?" All I can say about "Dzldoc's" victory over Hurricane Gustav is Y-E-A-H!!!!! However, according to the news on TV, the war with Hurricane Gustav is still not over yet. There is still more to come from Hurricane Gustav with another Hurricane to follow. I do want to commend Dzldoc's courage in standing toe to toe against Hurricane Gustav. ROCK ON!

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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics including "ally" and "Dzldoc?" All I can say about "Dzldoc's" victory over Hurricane Gustav is Y-E-A-H!!!!! However, according to the news on TV, the war with Hurricane Gustav is still not over yet. There is still more to come from Hurricane Gustav with another Hurricane to follow. I do want to commend Dzldoc's courage in standing toe to toe against Hurricane Gustav. ROCK ON!

Absolutely, still plenty of reason to be concerned.

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Thanks for sharing that with us and for going out of your way to keep in touch with Dzldoc - you've been a good friend to many people here on this Zep board. I think that it speaks to the kind of person Dzldoc is that he stayed with his parents and saw them through (what we hope was) the worst of Gustav.

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Finally! Don't know how long it will last cell service spotty at best

All I can say is AT&T and the edge network sux!

We are fine still on generator power but no cable or DSL land line only

A few squalls blowin in from time to time no flooding by us just some fences and trees, power lines down grand isle and laffitte to the south took a bad hit lower plaquimine east of the river has a levee breach and some topping of the industial canal in the lower 9th ward some barges broke loose in the Mississippi river and crashed the water intake system in st charles parish don't know about west of here near land fall yet still asessing the damages

Yes we dodged the big one this time because it came in at the worst possible direction

A cat 4 or 5 would have been Katrina x 4

Thanks for everyones kind words and encouragement


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Thanks for sharing that with us and for going out of your way to keep in touch with Dzldoc - you've been a good friend to many people here on this Zep board. I think that it speaks to the kind of person Dzldoc is that he stayed with his parents and saw them through (what we hope was) the worst of Gustav.

It certainly does speak for the kind of person he is. Believe me, I had the easy part

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Finally! Don't know how long it will last cell service spotty at best

All I can say is AT&T and the edge network sux!

We are fine still on generator power but no cable or DSL land line only

A few squalls blowin in from time to time no flooding by us just some fences and trees, power lines down grand isle and laffitte to the south took a bad hit lower plaquimine east of the river has a levee breach and some topping of the industial canal in the lower 9th ward some barges broke loose in the Mississippi river and crashed the water intake system in st charles parish don't know about west of here near land fall yet still asessing the damages

Yes we dodged the big one this time because it came in at the worst possible direction

A cat 4 or 5 would have been Katrina x 4

Thanks for everyones kind words and encouragement


Dzldoc! So good to 'see your face'!! :)

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Finally! Don't know how long it will last cell service spotty at best

All I can say is AT&T and the edge network sux!

We are fine still on generator power but no cable or DSL land line only

A few squalls blowin in from time to time no flooding by us just some fences and trees, power lines down grand isle and laffitte to the south took a bad hit lower plaquimine east of the river has a levee breach and some topping of the industial canal in the lower 9th ward some barges broke loose in the Mississippi river and crashed the water intake system in st charles parish don't know about west of here near land fall yet still asessing the damages

Yes we dodged the big one this time because it came in at the worst possible direction

A cat 4 or 5 would have been Katrina x 4

Thanks for everyones kind words and encouragement


Aye, there, matey, shiver me timbers you've had a time of it, but the vessel looks like she's holding up alright for the prevailing rough seas and high winds. Carry on.

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Things could have been much worse. Days out I knew Gustav had a chance to hit 5 and it almost did; it was fortuitous that even after it strengthened it was unable to maintain, or attain, Katrina-like status. Dzldoc is absolutely right; as a stronger storm it would have wreaked havoc with New Orleans in the right front quadrant. Despite what damage there is/will be, the area can be considered fairly fortunate for the time being.

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good news dzldoc...anybody hear from al??

He was headed for Hot Springs, AR. before the storm.

Now that is funny even if We are in the path of death and destruction. We are going to a Resort in Hot Springs . When Rita came I was in Hawaii slumming this time.Just kidding all you people from Arkansas. :D
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Oh, I'm far away from all that; I just like the weather (and would do it in grad school if I had enough math/physics and the time to get them, oh well). It's been interesting watching Jim Cantore morph from just another desk guy on The Weather Channel to Mr. Cool Head-Shaved Sensational Well-Tanned Weatherman during this decade. He has groupies; it's scary.

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