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Reunion DVD

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I'd like to see Paolo Nutini's song :D

I'm sure I could do without Foreigner too from what I heard :lol:

Paolo's was a pleasant surprise and his set had some rock tempo and cool sound.

Foreigner ??? Yikes , they walked on at the most inopportune time , last act before a LZ reunion and with only enough time for one song.

Why they chose " IWTKWLI " is way beyond me , and an extended version to boot -- lol.

Double Vision or Hot Blooded would seem like more appropriate songs .

I just can't forget Foreigner up on stage slagging through a love ballad looking out at 20, 000 ravenous Zepp fans awaiting the moment of a lifetime. Not a pretty picture.

On a side note - Paul Rodgers raised the roof with his solo version of " Seagull " and then a full band performance of " All Right Now " , complete with Albert Lee on guitar.

That was rockin.

The squeels and squawks through all the warm up bands didn't help much too , and it still blows me away that it took the sound people almost 3 full songs to mix the mighty Zepp properly.

Hard to believe it's almost been a year now , and actually was a year ago that we all went on the super hype-fest with everyone scrambling for tickets and the whole E-Bay-gate .

All I know is thanks to great friends , I made it and had the ultimate experience.

The rehearsal , shaking JP's hand and then the show itself from front row.

It's still like a dream.

On December 10 of this year I am posting more of my private footage from the entire event.


Edited by Zepp-4-Life
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It came fast didn't it. A whole year already.

i'm going to listen to zeppelin all day long and nobody else. Every 12/10.

Several times i've started with the first album, then second and tried to make it all the way thru coda.

Haven't made it thru coda yet, but maybe 12/10 will be the day.

As for the dvd, we can only hope and pray. Screw world peace!

I know the staff of the 02 took lots of video. I wonder if they are going to do anything with that. Maybe a promo vid for the 02 itself?

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Foreigner ??? Yikes , they walked on at the most inopportune time , last act before a LZ reunion and with only enough time for one song.

Why they chose " IWTKWLI " is way beyond me , and an extended version to boot -- lol.

But at the time we didn't know they were the last act, as we were still expecting Ronnie Wood. (I'm STILL waiting for Ronnie Wood! He's on the bloody T-shirt!! :angry: )

Also, they explained at the show why they chose that song (in addition to its being their most famous, I'm sure)--because Ahmet had said it was his favorite that they'd written.

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It came fast didn't it. A whole year already.

i'm going to listen to zeppelin all day long and nobody else. Every 12/10.

Several times i've started with the first album, then second and tried to make it all the way thru coda.

Haven't made it thru coda yet, but maybe 12/10 will be the day.

As for the dvd, we can only hope and pray. Screw world peace!

I know the staff of the 02 took lots of video. I wonder if they are going to do anything with that. Maybe a promo vid for the 02 itself?

I think we will all be in a special place this Dec. 10th , and for the remainder of life for that mattter.

And I owe it all to this guy right here , for offering me a ticket ( no charge ) and taking a chance on a person just met through the internet. I prefer to call it destiny.

With thanks to Lady Suzanne as well for making the introduction , I went from sitting in my home chewing my nails off, wondering how to get there , to boarding a plane and seeing Led Zeppelin on a stage in London.

Now that's the spirit of LZ.

Thanks Dave , EY --- The Other.



"" We can only hope and pray , screw world peace ""

You had to be there -- lol


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But at the time we didn't know they were the last act, as we were still expecting Ronnie Wood. (I'm STILL waiting for Ronnie Wood! He's on the bloody T-shirt!! :angry: )

Also, they explained at the show why they chose that song (in addition to its being their most famous, I'm sure)--because Ahmet had said it was his favorite that they'd written.

I don't remember Foreigner explaining why they chose the song , and can only say that it was a long , very long build up to that moment and tensions where rising with anticipation, my concerns were not with the pre-bands banter.

I do remember looking at my watch as they began to play and thinking holy shit , they only have 10 minutes before it 9PM .

Prior to the show , 02 security were very adamant about the fact of Zepp taking the stage exactly at 9. My thoughts at that moment were that Foreigner were going to stretch into Zepp's time.

With all the people slowly compressing up front for the inevitable , it was getting tighter and tighter as people jostled for position knowing Zepp was next.

And Ron Wood -- ha ha ha , ya I'm still waiting too .

I was hoping he would have played with Bill Wyman , it seemed logical .

We never have heard the official reasons for is absence , which was odd seeing that he appeared in the program.

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I think we will all be in a special place this Dec. 10th , and for the remainder of life for that mattter.

And I owe it all to this guy right here , for offering me a ticket ( no charge ) and taking a chance on a person just met through the internet. I prefer to call it destiny.

With thanks to Lady Suzanne as well for making the introduction , I went from sitting in my home chewing my nails off, wondering how to get there , to boarding a plane and seeing Led Zeppelin on a stage in London.

Now that's the spirit of LZ.

Thanks Dave , EY --- The Other.



"" We can only hope and pray , screw world peace ""

You had to be there -- lol


Lucky you. One of the few. I wish I had been there but wasn't. Right now all I have are You Tube videos and some flac audio files to enjoy an audience recording of the show which I'm happy with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'll definetley buy it.. i just can't wait until it is released...

i think that as Zep fans we deserve a DVD release of the O2 show because most of the fans couldn't attend on the reunion concert because it was only one show and not a world tour...

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I think we need to be patient about this. Remember we are dealing with Jimmy Page the ultimate perfectionist. When he wants to get to work on the O2 show then he will. It will probably also contain other additional footage such as rehearsals, interviews and the like. I'm sure the video and audio for this will be phenomenal. But the time must be right for him to do it. It's his and the others decision. I'm sure it will eventually see the light of day. Probably, sooner rather than later.


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I think we need to be patient about this. Remember we are dealing with Jimmy Page the ultimate perfectionist. When he wants to get to work on the O2 show then he will. It will probably also contain other additional footage such as rehearsals, interviews and the like. I'm sure the video and audio for this will be phenomenal. But the time must be right for him to do it. It's his and the others decision. I'm sure it will eventually see the light of day. Probably, sooner rather than later.


I think this is what most of us, have come to get use to since the 02... Its always been the same. But i know they wont let us down.

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I suppose we will have to settle for the Katzeye or the Four Eyes dvd until the official one ever comes out! B)

That is unless you have a connection to an inside source to the band and somehow you've been able to obtain a pro-shot video of the show that you're hiding from us. :wtf:

BTW, welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay! :wave:

Edited by SuperDave
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Well IMO it seems much more likely to me that as we are adjusting to "life without Zeppelin" that there will sooner rather than later be an official release of Led Zeppelin's reunion last year what do you think. For those who don't know there is no reunion :(:(:( .

actually, there is a lot of talk between the group about doing a reunion tour....the only thing that will change, very sadly, is that Robert Plant isnt going to be a part of it. Currently, the other members are playing with other lead singers such as Steven Tyler to see who is going to be joining them as a replacement. Let me be the first to say that Plant can not be replaced by anyone but I for one would love to see them perform again.

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actually, there is a lot of talk between the group about doing a reunion tour....the only thing that will change, very sadly, is that Robert Plant isnt going to be a part of it. Currently, the other members are playing with other lead singers such as Steven Tyler to see who is going to be joining them as a replacement. Let me be the first to say that Plant can not be replaced by anyone but I for one would love to see them perform again.

Er . . . :D

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I think we need to be patient about this. Remember we are dealing with Jimmy Page the ultimate perfectionist. When he wants to get to work on the O2 show then he will. It will probably also contain other additional footage such as rehearsals, interviews and the like. I'm sure the video and audio for this will be phenomenal. But the time must be right for him to do it. It's his and the others decision. I'm sure it will eventually see the light of day. Probably, sooner rather than later.


The ultimate perfectionist? What a lot of nonsense. Have you ever listened to Led Zeppelin's music and studied Jimmy's track record as a producer, or do you just troll your way through message boards spouting off without any knowledge of the topic at hand? You obviously have zero grasp of Jimmy Page's philosophy when it comes to overseeing musical projects of any kind.

Here's a crash course to help you to avoid posting any such moronic drivel in the future. Listen to Zep's studio albums and play "spot the imperfections." You'll need more than your fingers and toes to keep track. Then review most of the post-Zep archival releases and see how quickly and shabbily these packages were put out with a close eye on containing costs and very little regard for "perfection." You may also want to have a look at Eddie's "The Garden Tapes" Web site to see how much "perfection" there is on the remastered TSRTS soundtrack.

"Perfection" was never the issue during Led Zeppelin's day. Post-Zep, it's always been about artistic compromises, resolving personality issues, quelling all the dueling egos and perhaps most of all, containing costs.

Do us all a favor by completing that research, and then report back a bit older and wiser.

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If that makes you feel better, than so be it. :wtf:

The way Jimmy pieced together TSRTS from the three shows to make them into the best possible performances from those shows. Not that they were at their performing peak then, but he made them as good as he possibly could, with the exception of the NQ edit. He also pieced together a lot of HTWWW as well. If he didn't like particular imperfections during a song he'd take a piece from a different performance of the song and replace it with this particular part of the song that he thought was better to turn it into a more outstanding one. That's my point about Jimmy.

It's also not necessary to constantly attack everyone on this forum who see things different than you. That way you won't get the same in return :wacko::buttsmack:

Edited by SuperDave
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actually, there is a lot of talk between the group about doing a reunion tour....the only thing that will change, very sadly, is that Robert Plant isnt going to be a part of it. Currently, the other members are playing with other lead singers such as Steven Tyler to see who is going to be joining them as a replacement. Let me be the first to say that Plant can not be replaced by anyone but I for one would love to see them perform again.

I gotta say that the thought of Steven Tyler taking Roberts place is turning my stomache.

And what is going on??? All this teasing about Led Zep touring is gonna put me on anti anxiety medication. For the last 12 months I have been on a Led Zep roller coaster, theyre touring theyre not , JImmy says yes Robert says no, DVD no DVD. AHHHH :wall: Just DO IT fellas, the facts are that no matter what the worlds financial state is in there will be sell out shows, the DVD will sell.

If Robert (my main man) :heartbreaker: doesnt want to or is physically incapable of touring, so be it..

I will still be seeing as many shows as possible that Jimmy, John and Jason do. Isn't that the case for most Zep fans??? if Robert doesnt want to play, and the others do can they just make an official announcement on live TV and put this hear say and speculation to an end. My vote for lead singer is whoever sang on Jasons tribute album. Lets leave the big band boys like steven tyler out of it :peace:

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i'll definetley buy it.. i just can't wait until it is released...

i think that as Zep fans we deserve a DVD release of the O2 show because most of the fans couldn't attend on the reunion concert because it was only one show and not a world tour...

I'm with you and love your little clip of Robert has made my day sooo much better, took me a good 5 mins to move on past it . Thanks for sharing the moment :cheer:

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I don't think is even a possibility now, being that page and jones might make an album and tour. I also agree that "perfection" is not such a big issue...the perfection/great music, is in the creativity and the albums. I don't know, i'm happy with the -wendy production version of this show on cd, already listened to it like a hundred times. :D

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