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My mom and boyfriend always tell me to skip the COOKING of curry with food, and just eat the curry out of the spice jar. ;)

What the hell? You can't not cook curry. It needs to marinade and slowly blend in with the food while simmering. That's when the flavours come out. You mum and boyfriend need a ticking off for telling you that. :blink:

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What the hell? You can't not cook curry. It needs to marinade and slowly blend in with the food while simmering. That's when the flavours come out. You mum and boyfriend need a ticking off for telling you that. :blink:

They're talking about the actual spice, not the dish.

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Same thing though. You shouldn't eat spices like that without cooking it. It's like chucking a lot of chilli powder down your neck. Yikes!!!


Reminds me of the time someone I knew didn't realise wasabi was spicy and put a whole gob of it in their mouth. Don't think there was enough water for them that night :lol: oops ;)

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Reminds me of the time someone I knew didn't realise wasabi was spicy and put a whole gob of it in their mouth. Don't think there was enough water for them that night :lol: oops ;)

Wasabi is an entire story that once started before Zep played the O2.

I actually ate that substance for the very first time in my life and overdid it(nope,I didn't realize how sneaky/spicy -possibly even evil- it was) before they started playing......the gig was indeed brilliant as anyone may know, but to get back all the way home with a sore ass was indeed an also very memorable yet painful experience.

Edited by reswati
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I have an uncle who was Peter Pan--he never grew up until he was about 28 or 29, and he had his own kids. When I was little, I LOVED it when he came to visit because I knew he'd play with me.

Well once, my parents ordered Chinese, and he dared me to eat the hot mustard.

I was like 4, and I ate it. I think that was my first experience with horseradish. I remember my nose stinging and I remember crying.

My mom was PISSED because I've always been a super stubborn person--so she knew I would do it if dared. Uncle Kevin probably knew it too, but he decided that I needed to know about it--I know I kept asking why people wouldn't eat it.

I kind of like the sting horseradish gives you if you eat too much. :veryhot:

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I kind of like the sting horseradish gives you if you eat too much. :veryhot:

I love horseradish! (esp. on a rare roast beef sandwich!) :D

When I was expecting my youngest, I had cravings for Thai food alot. I still love it, but nobody else in my family will eat Thai food :(

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I need to get to know Thai food a bit better. My family has always been pretty plain with food, so now that I've been exploring, no one wants to eat at my house when I have dinner. #lol#

(I'm not talking anything radical, just not what they're used to--my sisters are pretty picky.)

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I need to get to know Thai food a bit better. My family has always been pretty plain with food, so now that I've been exploring, no one wants to eat at my house when I have dinner. #lol#

(I'm not talking anything radical, just not what they're used to--my sisters are pretty picky.)

I LOVE Thai food!!!!!

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I'm a descendant of Samuel Barton, who is on record as a witness in the trial of Elizabeth Proctor. He defended those brought under accusation by Mercy Lewis.

Interesting note, his mother-in-law's sister was Rebecca Nurse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 3 main phobias/fears



the winding stairs in castles towers-I get part way through I just have a panic attack-I have no idea way.

Hi 'Jimmy's A Legend'

Could it be that an "Eight Legged Junkie" is behind You? :blink::slapface::o:lol:

Regards, Danny

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  • 1 year later...

Well, I can't help but bring this thread back up. Here are 10 random things people here do not know about me :)

1. Though my online personality might appear to be rather talkative sometimes, I am quite the opposite in real life. I am incredibly shy and I am rather sensitive and reserved especially around strangers. Folks who don't know me at all, have termed me to be "the tall, quiet, moody and serious one". I do get very angry and hurt when people unknown to me, mistake my shyness for moodiness or snobbish behaviour! :angry: On the contrary, my closest friends have described me as a "bouncy ball of energy" :lol: I do believe my real-life personality bears a certain resemblance to the great John Paul Jones B)

2. It was my ambition to become a journalist (the kind who writes articles for newspapers) right from the 6th grade. Then a subject called "Economics" won my heart in the 11th grade. I don't feel bad about completely abadoning my plans to become a journalist, because in my heart of hearts, I am convinced Economics is indeed the subject for me. I am specifically in love with a branch of "Economics" called "Econometrics" which involves the use of computer software like STATA, Mathlab (which are useful to construct models based on macroeconomic principles to analyse real life data and interpret it) and which involves LOTS of derivations and applications to linear regression, not to mention vector algebra. Most of my friends simply cannot understand my fascination with this subject! :P

3. I am addicted to collecting currency notes and coins from different countries across the globe. I've been called a "pack rat" in this regard! I've been collecting since I was 10. My dad who is a Marine Engineer, who travels the world, has brought back currency notes and coins from the 70's, 80's, 90's and this century from countries like China, Chile, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Kenya, Tanzania, Australia and many more, providing me with a head start! I have about a 100 plastic bags full of coins and notes from different eras and regions stashed away at the back of my cupboard! While my mom calls this collection as "absolute junk" :lol: I term it as a "treasure trove" B)

4. I love cartoons. Hell, I will continue to love cartoons even when I am an old lady! My favourites include : Garfield, Pink Panther, Tom And Jerry, Scooby Doo, Popeye, Yogi Bear, The Flinstones, The Jetsons, Huckleberry Hound, Quick Draw McGraw, Droopy, Courage The Cowardly Dog, The Powerpuff Girls, Hong Kong Fuey, Looney Tunes (all characters!), Squiddly Diddly, Atom Ant, etc. There!! I said it! :lol: And no, I ain't embarrassed! :lol: I make it a point to watch atleast one cartoon show after getting back home from Uni.

5. I am a proud vegan B)

6. I believe in "life-long" friendships. If I like someone, I always go out of my way to get terribly personal with them and try to get to know the person within. I am pretty deep in that regard, honestly! I have a grand total of 5 life-long friends (that includes a lovely lady (about 9 years older than me) who I was very fortunate to meet online on this very forum. You know who you are!). It's not much, I know but these friendships are for life! I have known 2 of them for 15 years (right from my days at primary school)

7. I am an only child. I do not have any siblings.

8. I HATE having my picture taken by someone other than me!!! I can't stand it when some of my friends literally sneak up on me sometimes with their cell phone cameras and try to take a pic of me with them! I get all awkward and embarrassed when I have to look at myself in the photo! Don't ask me why!

9. The number 9 is my lucky number. In my family, the dates for all birthdays and anniversaries begin with a 9 (in the day / month / year format)

10. And last but certainly not least, I consider my mother to be my best friend in this world.

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Kiwi what a clever young Lady you are, well done. :thumbsup:

1. I am totally rubbish at maths. (As long as my change is right that is enough math for me) LOL

2 I love Musicals, my fav being 'Sound of Music'

3 I hate spicy food

4 I am a hand washing freak, (Don't like to shake hands with total strangers)

5 I am a Housewife.

6 I have 3 brothers 2 sisters, ( so I grew up in a noisy house)

7 I love ALL American Cop type shows, my Fav being NCIS

That is all I can think off at the moment..

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Random facts:

I ate a sandwich/pancake like thingy topped with camel meat for about half a year on a daily base, thanks to a Somalian guy that I used to work with.

I once shaved my head bald because I got bored by conversations about hair.

I seem to have Lepidopterophobia.

I am a caffeine and tobacco junkie, especially in the morning it takes a lot of both to get me uhmmm motivated.

I was born on the exact day that the Beatles recorded Ob La Di, Ob La Da.

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Random facts:

I ate a sandwich/pancake like thingy topped with camel meat for about half a year on a daily base, thanks to a Somalian guy that I used to work with.

I once shaved my head bald because I got bored by conversations about hair.

I seem to have Lepidopterophobia.

I am a caffeine and tobacco junkie, especially in the morning it takes a lot of both to get me uhmmm motivated.

I was born on the exact day that the Beatles recorded Ob La Di, Ob La Da.

Really? a fear of moths? I had no idea one COULD be afraid of moths...


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My favorite comfort food is...wait for it..

a PB and mayo sandwich.

No joke.

My mom used to eat peanut butter, mayo, and lettuce sandwiches. I tried it once. It wasnt bad at all but not something I think about making when it comes to a sandwich.

Now my step dad, rest his soul, regularly ate peanut butter, ketchup (he put ketchup on everything) and a thick slice of onion.


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