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Met JIMMY PAGE today.

zed lep

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Hello all.I've never posted before but today I felt I must.My name is Andy and I am a London Cab driver and yep you guest it I picked up Jimmy about 150 yards from his house off Kensington High Street today and took him to a Pub in Chelsea.Luckily for me the traffic was very bad so we chatted for about 20 to 25 minutes.I was a gibbering wreck for the first few minutes but calmed down after a bit.I had a copy of the uncut magazine that was printed just after the O2 show and he was happy to sign it for me.To be fair I am still a bit Dazed and Confused {haha} by the whole thing but when people say you shouldn't meet your heroes because you'll be dissapointed in Jimmy's case they couldn't be more wrong,he was absolutley great.I've picked up lots of famous people but Jimmy for me is the ULTIMATE passenger.And by the way he insisted on giving me a tenner even though I offered to do it for free.What a day,it's been bloody brilliant!!!

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...that is more than pefect day at work, as in out of this universe...imagine that...tks. for letting us know that he is happy and healthy, enjoying himself, and nice to hear from you- we always hear it from Ross, but nice for a change...

I am waiting for his BOOK, that would be the next best thing for me anyway...

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Hello all.I've never posted before but today I felt I must.My name is Andy and I am a London Cab driver and yep you guest it I picked up Jimmy about 150 yards from his house off Kensington High Street today and took him to a Pub in Chelsea.Luckily for me the traffic was very bad so we chatted for about 20 to 25 minutes.I was a gibbering wreck for the first few minutes but calmed down after a bit.I had a copy of the uncut magazine that was printed just after the O2 show and he was happy to sign it for me.To be fair I am still a bit Dazed and Confused {haha} by the whole thing but when people say you shouldn't meet your heroes because you'll be dissapointed in Jimmy's case they couldn't be more wrong,he was absolutley great.I've picked up lots of famous people but Jimmy for me is the ULTIMATE passenger.And by the way he insisted on giving me a tenner even though I offered to do it for free.What a day,it's been bloody brilliant!!!

Oh my god! I think by far, you pretty much have one of the best jobs in the world! B) Gosh! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! What an interesting post!!! :goodpost::D Its so cool to hear that Jimmy is such a sweetheart even in real life! :D

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Of course you did not ask if he has recorded any new solo material. No one does who meets this guy from the "World Of Jimmy Page". WHY IS THAT?!!! FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!

Actually the subject did arise and he was positive that some new stuff will soon see the light of day and that he will be performing live aswell.We did cover a few subjects but as you can imagine my brain was a bit scrambled and iv'e hardly slept as I am still pinching myself that it actually happened.If any one has any questions ask away and i'll let you all know the answers if it was something we covered.



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Actually the subject did arise and he was positive that some new stuff will soon see the light of day and that he will be performing live aswell.We did cover a few subjects but as you can imagine my brain was a bit scrambled and iv'e hardly slept as I am still pinching myself that it actually happened.If any one has any questions ask away and i'll let you all know the answers if it was something we covered.



Great post Andy. Thank you for sharing!

Actually Jimmy has been telling anyone who will listen the exact same thing for oh about, 5 yrs now. But hey, a new website and facebook page must mean we are in for something new...soon? I hope!

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Thanks for sharing this experience with us. It's like a dream come true :D.

Which pub was it? What time of the day was it?

Hello mate,it was about 6:30 pm and I took him to The Worlds End Pub in Kings Road Chelsea.If you know the area the traffic was really bad due to the roadworks in Cromwell rd so luckily for me the journey took about 25 minutes instead of 10.I was on my way home to Essex after dropping some Ladies off in Chiswick but saw Jimmy waiting for a cab and put my For Hire light back on pretty bloody quick.

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What a great day for you, Zed Lep. I would have been totally unable to function in any way if I met my idol. I wonder how many people recognise him in the UK? I think here in the states he might be be able to get around quite comfortably without exposure.

I am contemplating a visit to London next spring, hope I run across you or Mr. Page!

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I took him to The Worlds End Pub in Kings Road Chelsea.

He's been going there for over 40 years. You may have seen the b&w photographs of he and Peter Grant on motorcycles taken around '67? Those were taken at The Worlds End pub (outside). Years later the Swan Song Records office in the Kings Road was located right across the street (top two floors in the center).

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That's a great story and definitely a great day at work to you. :) I'm also pleased to hear that Jimmy was friendly and kind to you. Actually I don't remember ever reading and I've never read anything bad about meeting with Jimmy. Pretty interesting story and thanks for sharing it with us. :)

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