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Plant ready for Led talks


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I was under the impression he meant talking as in having a general conversation. He's made it pretty clear he's not interested in any sort of reunion.


"I think we're probably thinking about talking."

It reminds me of a post I made circa September 2008 when I said we'd be lucky to see a Page/Plant lunch in the future, let alone launch (of anything). Now right on cue a media outlet beats the Led Zeppelin reunion drum after he releases 'Band Of Joy'. Yet again, as with Raising Sand, they don't even let confirmed solo tour dates get in the way of spinning what the man says to mean what they want it to mean.

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I think it was all by design. Bring up even a remote chance of a reunion when he releases a new solo album. Wish I could see his demeanor when he said it. That's the downside of written interviews vs. video.

When Raising Sand came out he made a statement that made us all think that maybe there is a possibility of another reunion. That was at the NBA game.

It made headlines all over which inturn did what....reminded people of robert plant and moreso Led Zeppelin. From that nonspecific interview articles went up

all over about the possibility of a reunion.

When I think about it the ones who follow music are always going to buy the music. In order to sell many more than anyone else you also need

to reach the ones who don't always buy. How to reach them? Bring up the name Led Zeppelin. It makes huge press headlines and brings up memories for many. Now

that they have been reminded they may buy the record when they never would have. So, in a way, it's a way of reaching the hibernating masses. Believe it or

not there are alot of people who know the name led zeppelin but don't know the name robert plant.until they're reminded.

I truly believe that Robert is as much of a master at marketing as he is at singing - which is all good.

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I think it was all by design. Bring up even a remote chance of a reunion when he releases a new solo album. Wish I could see his demeanor when he said it. That's the downside of written interviews vs. video.

When Raising Sand came out he made a statement that made us all think that maybe there is a possibility of another reunion. That was at the NBA game.

It made headlines all over which inturn did what....reminded people of robert plant and moreso Led Zeppelin. From that nonspecific interview articles went up

all over about the possibility of a reunion.

When I think about it the ones who follow music are always going to buy the music. In order to sell many more than anyone else you also need

to reach the ones who don't always buy. How to reach them? Bring up the name Led Zeppelin. It makes huge press headlines and brings up memories for many. Now

that they have been reminded they may buy the record when they never would have. So, in a way, it's a way of reaching the hibernating masses. Believe it or

not there are alot of people who know the name led zeppelin but don't know the name robert plant.until they're reminded.

I truly believe that Robert is as much of a master at marketing as he is at singing - which is all good.

Yep. he knows exactly what he's doing when he makes these little pronouncements.

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It illustrated how some journalists take anything Robert says and takes it as a "real" possibility of a Zep reunion.

It would be great if they are talking and maybe they might do something together in some way or another down the track.

London Olympics would be one of those "special events".

It seems to me that Robert, being the restless soul he is hasn't many options left of where he can go musically, having explored so many genres during his solo years.

Perhaps Motown, Hip Hop or Jazz, however I doubt he would go there.

Nobody knows only Robert.

The main thing is he is performing and if that ever leads to playing with Page and Jones et al again I wouldn't be disappointed nor would I be if they never played together again.

I have plenty of memories enough to last me the rest of my life.

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I was under the impression he meant talking as in having a general conversation. He's made it pretty clear he's not interested in any sort of reunion.

Here's the quote I would pay attention to before everyone takes this out of context and it's all over the interweb as, "Plant wants to reunite Zeppelin," etc., etc...:

"Either way, whatever I do in the future will be this side of the Atlantic. In this country. In the minds and the memories and the encyclopedic sort of references that are on the 86,000 songs on Buddy’s laptop."

For the record, when he said, "this side of the Atlantic," he was referring to America.

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You could see this one coming a mile off, on the media's part.

They asked if Zeppelin were thinking of reforming, he replied they haven't even got as far as talking to each otheer yet. (Which they will at their next business meeting.). But the way it's spun in this "article" makes it sound completely different. :rolleyes:

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This tells me nothing. And besides, as they say, "the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior". He's had no desire to reunite Led Zeppelin over the past 30 years, and why he would decide in his 60's he wants to now? He's shown time and again that he has a wanderlust when it comes to doing new things, not living in the past, and besides - Bonzo is still gone. That's the original reason they broke up, and it hasn't changed. It's not going to happen, folks.

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If you're referring to the upcoming installment of In the Studio, those are not current interviews with Page & Plant (as recently pointed out by Sam [the webmaster of this site] in another thread).

Ahhhh okay. gotcha gotcha. Robert Plant is thinking about thinking about talking zep. He probably said that to throw off the interveiwer since he gets asked about zep everytime he turns around.

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I don't buy into this business that Plant brings up Led Zeppelin in interviews just to sell records. In fact, the interviewer brought it up, not Plant. I would guess, 9 times out of 10 (if not 10 out of 10), that is usually the case.

I feel this is the case because every single interviewer brings it up. An he adamantly denies it with every interviewer.

Until now. I don't think the timing is a coiincidence and as much as I would love for another reunion to happen I just

don't think that it's going to. At this time there's probably more reasons to not do it than to do it.

Just my unknowing opinion. :)

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I feel this is the case because every single interviewer brings it up. An he adamantly denies it with every interviewer.

Until now. I don't think the timing is a coiincidence and as much as I would love for another reunion to happen I just

don't think that it's going to. At this time there's probably more reasons to not do it than to do it.

Just my unknowing opinion. :)

I'm not discounting your opinion, I just don't buy into this nonsense that Plant bringing up Zeppelin is going to help him move records. As I mentioned, it's not even Plant bringing up Zeppelin, it's the interviewers so that shoots a huge hole in that theory right there. Not to even mention the fact that the guy's had a fairly successful solo career since Zeppelin called it quits in 1980. Zeppelin will forever be a part of his past so the prospect of Zeppelin reuniting (or Zeppelin in general) is always going to come up in interviews.

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"Thinking about talking" is a pretty sly & witty reply to avoid outright dodging of the by-now-insanely boring reunion question (boring to him of course).

As a fan I would love to see it but not actively hanging on every word for something amazingly unlikely.

New music, new discoveries is where it's at as Plant said so very succinctly- keeps you alive, vital, joyful. I think the only way there's ever another reunion is for new music to be in the picture- but that's highly unlikely due to where their individual muses are today. It could change tomorrow but doubtful.

Hoping Jimmy lets loose someday soon with new music and not just books and photo spreads, although at this point I wonder if that's even less likely than a Zeppelin reunion.

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This tells me nothing. And besides, as they say, "the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior". He's had no desire to reunite Led Zeppelin over the past 30 years, and why he would decide in his 60's he wants to now? He's shown time and again that he has a wanderlust when it comes to doing new things, not living in the past, and besides - Bonzo is still gone. That's the original reason they broke up, and it hasn't changed. It's not going to happen, folks.

Exactly and he's made it pretty clear in countless interviews within the last couple of years, particularly of late.

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Exactly and he's made it pretty clear in countless interviews within the last couple of years, particularly of late.

Definitely! As much as I'd like to see them reunite, I'm really enjoying Robert's solo career. Especially the Band of Joy. He always thinks of things in the present. He's really enjoying what he's doing now and expanding himself musically by importing all sorts of different music and styles. I love it so much! He put on such a great show a couple of weeks ago at The Bowery when I was there. Better yet, with only 500 or so in attendance. Such a thrill shouting out something to Robert and getting a response back during the show. It wouldn't happen in a larger venue. Something I'll never forget! :thumbsup:

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