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What Made You Happy today?


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well, my news starts off UNhappy,.....

re-injured my wrist at work ( this is about the 5th time in about 6-7 years ). it's on the outside of my right hand, just where it bends.

anyway, i go to management who don't even ask if it's hurting!, who tell me to keep working and use my left hand only( can you believe them? ) and go to doc at 4.30.... my workmate goes and gets an icepack and wraps a bandage for me....

so i go to doc, and he gives me a week off, with physio and an xray. i tell him they wont like me taking time off, and he says "i don't care what they say, i am the doctor, and i say you need time off! "..

so i take my certificate into them, and their faces were just classic. company has to pay my normal pay and all doctors/physio bills.

and they still didn't ask me how i was feeling ....

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well, my news starts off UNhappy,.....

re-injured my wrist at work ( this is about the 5th time in about 6-7 years ). it's on the outside of my right hand, just where it bends.

anyway, i go to management who don't even ask if it's hurting!, who tell me to keep working and use my left hand only( can you believe them? ) and go to doc at 4.30.... my workmate goes and gets an icepack and wraps a bandage for me....

so i go to doc, and he gives me a week off, with physio and an xray. i tell him they wont like me taking time off, and he says "i don't care what they say, i am the doctor, and i say you need time off! "..

so i take my certificate into them, and their faces were just classic. company has to pay my normal pay and all doctors/physio bills.

and they still didn't ask me how i was feeling ....

Well I will ask you Jules, how is your Wrist feeling now... :(

I am not in the least bit surprised at how your Employer reacted to your Injury, they are only bothered about Profit. Maybe your Doctor can stretch it to 2 weeks for you that will really Piss your Employer off...

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Well I will ask you Jules, how is your Wrist feeling now... :(

I am not in the least bit surprised at how your Employer reacted to your Injury, they are only bothered about Profit. Maybe your Doctor can stretch it to 2 weeks for you that will really Piss your Employer off...

thanks, mate.

ha ha, they would be so pissed off! but after a week, i will be able to use it again. not full-strength lifting etc, but ok to serve customers and other lighter duties. i'm fine with a week off, i wasn't expecting even a day! i just hope when i return they don't try and get all smart with me and get me to do crap ... my actual department boss wasn't there yesterday, but she will be fine, it's the store manager that is the real pr*ck.

edited to add : it's still really sore! being my dominant hand, i find the hardest things are dressing/undressing, brushing hair and teeth, little things like that, it's the angle i have to have my hand.

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thanks, mate.

ha ha, they would be so pissed off! but after a week, i will be able to use it again. not full-strength lifting etc, but ok to serve customers and other lighter duties. i'm fine with a week off, i wasn't expecting even a day! i just hope when i return they don't try and get all smart with me and get me to do crap ... my actual department boss wasn't there yesterday, but she will be fine, it's the store manager that is the real pr*ck.

edited to add : it's still really sore! being my dominant hand, i find the hardest things are dressing/undressing, brushing hair and teeth, little things like that, it's the angle i have to have my hand.

It's always the One at the Top that is the Biggest Tosser...I would have 2 weeks just to annoy him... ;)

Has the Doctor given you a splint to wear to restrict your Wrist movement? They are uncomfortable but they do help.

Hope it feels better soon Jules

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It's always the One at the Top that is the Biggest Tosser...I would have 2 weeks just to annoy him... ;)

Has the Doctor given you a splint to wear to restrict your Wrist movement? They are uncomfortable but they do help.

Hope it feels better soon Jules

the physio will give me a wrist support. i'll be ok in a few days or so, thanks kate :)

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the physio will give me a wrist support. i'll be ok in a few days or so, thanks kate :)

Don't let that manager of your's intimidate you into going back to work until your ready to go back. Better to be off for a stretch, once, than to go back early and be forced to go off again.

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^ Really fun show, enjoy it. :)

After being out of work for 2 months or so, dad got a job offer in sales yesterday. It pays twice as good as his last job. He starts on Friday. :)

That's wonderful. :thumbsup:

My day started with a bang, literally - tire blew out on the way to work at 5:00 this morning. Promptly called auto assistance... last time I tried to change a tire, it ended badly. :bagoverhead: While I was waiting, a kind stranger stopped by and asked if I needed anything. I said thanks and gently refused, but on the way back the same stranger dropped off a coffee.

Having auto troubles early on a bitterly cold morning? Blech. Being on the receiving end of a random act of kindness? Pretty great. :)

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Aww Slave to Zep :( I hope you do feel better soon. Work with your left hand only?! :o What a jerk! I'm glad you got time off and that they have to take care of your doctors and everything though. :)

thanks april lynn. yeah, these guys are incredible. i'd like to see them do it


Don't let that manager of your's intimidate you into going back to work until your ready to go back. Better to be off for a stretch, once, than to go back early and be forced to go off again.

my doctor is really cool. i actually think he gave me the whole week just to give me a break, probably a few days would have done. though it's still really sore this morning ( day 3 ).

went for an xray yesterday, and saw a hand specialist at the physio. she gave me a wrist support, stress ball for exercises, and other evercises to do. what surprised me the most is that she said she is going to recommend to my doctor that i have surgery! that has never been mentioned before .... might be the way to go.

now, just gotta fix my back! lol

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Have scored 2 tickets for Priscilla Queen Of The Desert - The Musical tomorrow at Manchester Opera House. Whilst it is one of my fav films it was the name of the girl I grew last summer. Should be a gas :D

i hope you enjoy it, but i have to say, i hated that movie. but then again, i can't stand musicals most of the time. tsrts is about as close as i get, lol

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^ Really fun show, enjoy it. :)

That's wonderful. :thumbsup:

My day started with a bang, literally - tire blew out on the way to work at 5:00 this morning. Promptly called auto assistance... last time I tried to change a tire, it ended badly. :bagoverhead: While I was waiting, a kind stranger stopped by and asked if I needed anything. I said thanks and gently refused, but on the way back the same stranger dropped off a coffee.

Having auto troubles early on a bitterly cold morning? Blech. Being on the receiving end of a random act of kindness? Pretty great. :)

wow, that is amazing. how nice of them to not only stop the first time, but come back with coffee. there's still good out there:)

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Dear Slave, I remember you saying you were looking forward to 'Christening' your new bed, so coming back after being away for a week and hearing you hurt your wrist, I had a quiver of dirty jokes at the ready. But now that I know the details, I'll stow them away.

Take Ally's and Kate's advice and stand your ground if corporate tries to force you back before you're ready.

By the way, how is that new bed?

Have scored 2 tickets for Priscilla Queen Of The Desert - The Musical tomorrow at Manchester Opera House. Whilst it is one of my fav films it was the name of the girl I grew last summer. Should be a gas :D

He shoots! He scores! Sweet pickup, CP..."Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" is a pip of a musical, as you well know, having seen the movie. A rare bird(at least it used to be rare) in that the movie came first, then the Broadway musical.

As good as the musical is, I still haven't seen anyone in it who tops Guy Pearce, Hugo Weaving and Terence Stamp in the original movie. Still, you and the Missus are in for a frothy frolic. Any of your Priscilla left for a pre-show toke to get you in the mood?

Also CP, being away last week, did I miss your post about your time hobnobbing with the swells at Old Trafford or have you not told us about your ManU experience yet?

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My wife gave me money to buy a new guitar. I got a Fender accoustic, arrived about an hour ago. It's brilliant. I just need to learn how to play it properly!!

Well done Joe - I see Mrs Joe is treating you well? That's a refreshing change?

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As good as the musical is, I still haven't seen anyone in it who tops Guy Pearce, Hugo Weaving and Terence Stamp in the original movie. Still, you and the Missus are in for a frothy frolic. Any of your Priscilla left for a pre-show toke to get you in the mood?

Also CP, being away last week, did I miss your post about your time hobnobbing with the swells at Old Trafford or have you not told us about your ManU experience yet?

Agreed. Guy Pearce and the cast are fantastic in the movie. It's in my top 3 movies ever. Sorry Slave the film isn't really a musical

There is a small amount of P left but it is for the weekend only. I would feel too uncomfortable having a toot before I hit town. I find crowds a bit intimidating and I will only get paranoid if I'm stoned. Anyway Mrs CP will be driving and we will have a bite to eat at our fav Spanish eatery and I don't like being stoned whilst I eat.

I did a small post about my visit to Old Trafford but in a nutshell:

A mixed bag of an evening. We arrived @ 5 for dinner at the ground and everyone was very helpfull and courteous and ensured the evening was great. The food was tremendous but I had to question the amount of free drink that was on offer. There was 3 of us in our party and we shared a table with 7 others. We drank 3 bottles of red wine between 2 of us and even at half time there was a fresh bottle. Too much for me but when a Yorkshireman had paid £300 each for the evening and he said drink up - plenty more and he had paid for it, how could I refuse? There was a magician who was good and a quiz which our table won - through devious means!! Think interent on the phone.

The game itself was a let down. It's always the case when I go to OT. How can 75,000 people create such little atmosphere is beyond me. But it was midweek, with opposition that were hardly going to test us ( they nearly did), and a lacklustre performance, meant it was a bit flat. We did win but i spent most of the second half fiddling around and commentating on the proceedings.

After the game we re located back to the bar and was faced with yet another bottle and a warm meat pie - which was yummy. I had one glass and had enough, anymore and I would have been singing the pixie song and would have been asked to leave

In summary. What is a good evening - yes. Was it worth 3 hundred of the finest English Pounds - NO

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