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What Made You Happy today?


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Just home from helping out to baby sit 3 small kiddies, a hyperactive puppy and a cat.

I got pee'd on, covered in eczema cream, had a cats bottom shoved in my face and sticky candy in my hair....I'm knackered but other than that, I'm happy!

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Great news, Strider, know that made you happy!

I rewarded myself this evening with a walk across the bridge. It is such a beautiful day, the weather is perfect and PG was loud in the headphones! I am a lover of pelicans, and four of them did a close fly-by which made me very happy!


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^^^Lovely pelicans...lovely weather, Dd.

Getting hammered at the Tiki Ti tonight after work and a Jackie Chan movie ("Drunken Master"). :)

After an unexpected period of closure, the Los Angeles treasure Tiki Ti bar reopened on Friday. I took the opportunity tonight to pay my respects to Mike Sr. and Mike Jr. and indulge my love of rum. The "Blood and Sand", created for Tyrone Power and topped with an ungodly amount of tequila while a bull runs along the bar and everyone shouts "Toro! Toro! Olé!", is always a favourite of mine. As is the "Space Pilot", "Ray's Mistake", "151 Rum Swizzle", and "Great White Shark". Their Mai Tais and Zombies are top-notch, too.

No surprise, as the original owner Ray Buhan worked at the famous original Don the Beachcomber in Hollywood where many of these drinks were first created. Ray opened Tiki Ti in 1961 and his son and grandson, Mike Sr. and Mike Jr., now run Tiki Ti.

Because it is family-owned and run, it is one of the few bars left in Los Angeles where you can smoke.



The Blood and Sand



Toro! Toro! Olé!


151 Rum Swizzle


Space Pilot


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So I rode my bicycle to the grocery store to pick up a cantelope and a prescription, I got the cantelope, then went to the pharmacy to wait in line, the lline was kind of long and slow, so I decided to get the prescription later and just get the cantelope. So I paid for the cantelope and went outside the store to get my bicycle and it was gone and the chain was on the ground next to where I locked it up. There was a guy standing there and he said to me "I just watched the guy cut the chain, I told him he better not do that, that he had just seen me lock it up, but the thief said it was his bicycle" . He told me he saw which way the thief went, and I saw someone walking to their car from the grocery store, and told him what happened and I asked him if he could help me catch him. The other guy who seen the thief confirmed my story, and the guy gave me a ride to look up the street.

Sure enough, we saw the guy riding down the street with my bike about a quarter of a mile away, so we drove a little ahead of him and I got out of the car and next to the sidewalk and when the guy got close I jumped out to the sidewalk and said '"That's my bike!" (He wasn't riding too fast) and he stopped and handed me the bike and said "That's my bike" and I said "No, that's my bike" and he didn't say anything anymore. I'm glad there was no struggle, but I am very happy!

Edited by luvlz2
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Slowly getting back into the saddle of liking archery, I managed to shoot 5 arrows into the centre (3 on the X and the other 2 on the outer centre ring)

For a while I thought that I was starting to wean off the idea of loving archery even to the point of quitting (which horrifies me because I've worked so hard at getting to the point of where I am, seriously no pun taken there) But considering that is part of mild depression that I'm suffering, I guess that is normal.

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My baby girl graduates from high school today...exactly 6 years after her brother.

Many emotions running through this house today!

Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Mazel tov, my dear!!

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Slowly getting back into the saddle of liking archery, I managed to shoot 5 arrows into the centre (3 on the X and the other 2 on the outer centre ring)

For a while I thought that I was starting to wean off the idea of loving archery even to the point of quitting (which horrifies me because I've worked so hard at getting to the point of where I am, seriously no pun taken there) But considering that is part of mild depression that I'm suffering, I guess that is normal.

Don't you dare quit archery! You don't want me to come over there with a switch do ya? :lol:

I'm proud of you fair maiden T-. You've got talent I could only dream of. If there's ever anything I could do for you, you know...

And Congratulations to Planted! I'm so happy for you. You should be proud and glad. The love, confidence and perseverance y'all have instilled are paying off. Best wishes to you and yours. I'm all smiles here and glad to hear it. :yesnod:

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Thanks for all the well wishes! She did very well and even got a few award surprises from her efforts in high school.

The parents of graduating seniors host an overnight party for the graduates so they may have a safe place to go after the ceremony. This year we rented a sports center from 11pm to 5am! They had everything from bowling to laser tag, and received about $18,000 in prizes..every kid left with something from gift cards to cash to fridges for their dorms next year. It's was wonderful time and almost every kid went.

We got home at 5:30 this morning and I am just starting to feel human again!

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Thanks for all the well wishes! She did very well and even got a few award surprises from her efforts in high school.

The parents of graduating seniors host an overnight party for the graduates so they may have a safe place to go after the ceremony. This year we rented a sports center from 11pm to 5am! They had everything from bowling to laser tag, and received about $18,000 in prizes..every kid left with something from gift cards to cash to fridges for their dorms next year. It's was wonderful time and almost every kid went.

We got home at 5:30 this morning and I am just starting to feel human again!

That's awesome! Sounds like it was a blast for them! Congrats again, planted!
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^^^Wow, 5:30 in the morning planted? I'd still be asleep, hehe.

This is bound to offend someone and I feel kind of bad for the guy's family, but I couldn't help but smile at this news. Live by the sword...die by the sword. Or, as SteveAJones always says...play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Ladies and gentlemen, this week's winner of the Darwin Award:


Edited by Strider
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SAM! Loving the new header and the hidden pic that teases us when we go from thread to thread..... LOVE IT!

Agree, slave! :)

Plus, I like that our avatars are now square, instead of circular.

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Thursday, June 4, 2015 8:10 AM

Good Day Andy,

On your Final Exam, you receive 82% on your exam and your over all cumulative G.P.A for the class score is 90%, so you passed the class with a A average.


All students with a passing score of an B average or better, have the option to sit for the State Board Exam before Externship. If this is an option you would like to take, please e-mail me to let me know.



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Thursday, June 4, 2015 8:10 AM

Good Day Andy,

On your Final Exam, you receive 82% on your exam and your over all cumulative G.P.A for the class score is 90%, so you passed the class with a A average.


All students with a passing score of an B average or better, have the option to sit for the State Board Exam before Externship. If this is an option you would like to take, please e-mail me to let me know.



Mazel tov, Andy!! That's fabulous!

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