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^^Naughty you! Don't treat a granddad like this. zzz, zzz, zzz...

Oops...I forgot: I'm naughty too :rolleyes:

No, seriously, you are amazing! 3 pages (I love to write this) in the time I'm offline...you are keeping me alive all the hard day long.

But there's some other thing that keeps me alive (I know it's a bit off topic, but I have to tell someone who understands): I have tha chance to get a boyfriend soon! I like him and he likes me, and he's amazing: nice and shy (unfortunately <_< ) and looks gorgeous. His name even starts with a J...okay i stop here, it's just making me so happy...

Blahblahblah, shut up Lucy, better look for some pics!





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I love these two. I think he has on cufflinks......oh, why does he have to be so utterly gorgeous in every single way! Catherine James is right. He is dazzeling!

Oh, I better stop before I start getting naughty!

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My dream came true last night :)......I, yes I dreamt that i kiss Pagey,(no jokes), but i didn't last that long coz my dad woke me up for school but still :yay: and when i woke up that only thing i could manage to say was "oh...wow" , then my dad was like "are you alright?"

It wasn't real but it was close enough...

...it must be all these pictures, they're getting into my head

Now that i have controled myself abit after my day at school. i'll post some pics :D





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those outrider ones ............ smouldering.

I think its around the Coverdale/Page album......but still...........



I don't know if you all have seen this actually. You have to if not--- to see him in this with David. He's so adorable!!!!! Talk about smouldering!


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