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What's the weather like where you are?


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5 hours ago, Walter said:

Beautiful here tonight, mid 60’s and windows are open. Reporting from central Florida, walter on zep.com....

Thanks Walter. Now over to our UK correspondent Mr CP. What's happening CP?

Well it's a sunny and mild day - for once.  Breezy with temp @ 12 degrees c. Sort of a get and doing sort of day. 

This is CP reporting, Peak District. UK. Now it's over to Joe at the Sports desk..........

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5 hours ago, LedZed66 said:

Cloudy, rainy, windy, 14C. No winter wonderland in sight.

This is LedZed, reporting from 50°56′11″N 6°57′10″E





Thanks for the report LedZed. Excellent location stats. How's it looking CP?

Dry, crisp and sunny today. No sign of Snow this year.

This is CP reporting from the Hills. Now it's over to Joe for the Sport..........

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7 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:


Thanks for the report LedZed. Excellent location stats. How's it looking CP?

Dry, crisp and sunny today. No sign of Snow this year.

This is CP reporting from the Hills. Now it's over to Joe for the Sport..........

Breaking news...central Florida will be unseasonably warm the next two days with highs in the upper 70’s to 80....but Christmas Eve temps will drop by 40 degrees (F) and Christmas Day will be a high of 50 and lows below freezing for the first time in 3 years. Merry Christmas to you all....I’m heading to Aruba! Back over to you CP.... 

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6 hours ago, Walter said:

Breaking news...central Florida will be unseasonably warm the next two days with highs in the upper 70’s to 80....but Christmas Eve temps will drop by 40 degrees (F) and Christmas Day will be a high of 50 and lows below freezing for the first time in 3 years. Merry Christmas to you all....I’m heading to Aruba! Back over to you CP.... 

Thanks Walt. Best get your Long Johns out over there :freezing:

Can't see what it's like out as it's still dark, but looks to be a dry and sunny Christmas but not too warm. Long term looks fairly benign with no forecast of snow or ice.

Now it's over to Lisa with the Business news. Lisa.....................................

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10 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Thanks Walt. Best get your Long Johns out over there :freezing:

Can't see what it's like out as it's still dark, but looks to be a dry and sunny Christmas but not too warm. Long term looks fairly benign with no forecast of snow or ice.

Now it's over to Lisa with the Business news. Lisa.....................................

Lisa has the holidays off, but I can certainly give you the Business...  


Here in the suburbs of what was once the Capital of the Free World (how we've fallen- sigh...) it's in the 40s and sunny today - really lovely.  Tomorrow it will hit 60, but rain all day - blech.  And for Christmas, it looks to be cold and overcast, but no snow.  I know that makes some sad, but I hate snow, so it's all good.  

Merry Christmas to all!! 


And now, back to whoever the substitute anchor is who's filling in for the holidays and is desperate to get hired full-time... 

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14 hours ago, ebk said:

Lisa has the holidays off, but I can certainly give you the Business...  


Here in the suburbs of what was once the Capital of the Free World (how we've fallen- sigh...) it's in the 40s and sunny today - really lovely.  Tomorrow it will hit 60, but rain all day - blech.  And for Christmas, it looks to be cold and overcast, but no snow.  I know that makes some sad, but I hate snow, so it's all good.  

Merry Christmas to all!! 


And now, back to whoever the substitute anchor is who's filling in for the holidays and is desperate to get hired full-time... 

( Tony Nobody - anchor-man) Thanks for that Esther. What's the deal outside CP?

Errrrrrrrrrr thanks Tony?  A cold, crisp start with an early ground frost. Clouds will build slowly throughout the day turning the sunshine hazy. High's of 40 ish. Pleasant in any sunny spells. Perfect for a few holes of golf. Staying clear overnight with a local ground frost.

Back to Tony? What's the news on Brexit Tony?

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We interrupt this report for an update on the weather from down under. In the city of Ipswich, south west of Brisbane, there is more hot humid days ahead with very unseasonal cool evenings. Days will remain in the low 30's to the high 20's (c) with nights getting down to high teens - but feeling cooler.

Perfect firepit weather one might say!

That's all I've got from this end of the world. Jim.........

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5 hours ago, rm2551 said:

We interrupt this report for an update on the weather from down under. In the city of Ipswich, south west of Brisbane, there is more hot humid days ahead with very unseasonal cool evenings. Days will remain in the low 30's to the high 20's (c) with nights getting down to high teens - but feeling cooler.

Perfect firepit weather one might say!

That's all I've got from this end of the world. Jim.........

Thanks Rod. So it's as sticky as a Toffee Apple down there? No change there it seems. Now it's up north, stick your head outside CP and tell us what's happening?

Thanks Jim. A grey, breezy, dull day with a potential for some very stormy weather courtesy of Storm Bella later in the day. Turning much cooler from the north so best get that burner lit.

Now it's over to our Sports correspondent for the all important Boxing day football scores...... 

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............. yes and water makes it's own sauce. Thanks for that Gerry. Very interesting.

So it's that time for the all important weather forecast. What's happening CP?

Well Charlie it's as cold as a witch's tit outside. Oh sorry I can't say that ! Errrrrrrr it's cold and snowy this  morning so better get those thermals out and the Porridge on for breakkie. Snow has been falling for a while as Mrs CP's car has a dusting akin to a topping on a cake. Looks like an early start for me as I will be clearing it no doubt. :(

Temps irrelevant but hardly above freezing. Looking forward, little change as areas of snow will continue through the day giving accumulations in some areas leading to tricky driving conditions. Take care out there. Now it's over to Mary Cookoff for what to do with bland Turkey leftovers....

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............... thanks Rich for that in-depth report on which paint to use in a bathroom. Very interesting.:huh:

Are you there CP? 

Yes I'm here Gerry. Brassic outside. That snow isn't going anywhere soon. A bit foggy, and that's not the wine I had last evening. (or the Joint) Temp a little above freezing. Chance of seeing the sun should the fog lifts.

Now I hand you over to our wildlife reporter who will take a peek on what our Hedgehog is up to:blink:


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Same down here Paul....unseasonable warm in the central section of The Sunshine State. A/C units are getting a workout with highs in the mid-80’s and humid. This weather will change on Sunday with an approaching cold front. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying driving around with the music cranked and the top down...  Back to you. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lost our power for 21 hours the other night when a storm blew through and the whole town went dark. Fuckin' weird and pitch black. I could see one light in the distance and it must have been on battery. First time I had to fire up my new generator, so at least I had TV with my dvd player and I watched The Magnificent Seven. Safeway and QFC were open as they also have generators, so I able to buy some coffee.

Edited by redrum
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9 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

WINDY!!!  Wind gusts in town of 50-75 mph all night.  Wind gusts in the mountains hit 116 mph!  Funny, when this happens on the coast they call it a major hurricane, but here in Colorado it's just called a winter day.

Tropical Storms range in sustained winds from 39-73 mph. It’s not a major Hurricane unless the sustained winds are 111 or higher.

From what I’m seeing, your storm is being labeled a blizzard. With that said a 116 wind gust is pretty spectacular and probably a bit scary, if you’re on those mountains. Be safe, I know you ride your bike to work. That’s probably a bit sketchy in those conditions.

Beautiful January day here in central Florida. Sunny and high was about 65. These next two weeks are usually our coldest...then comes the February warm up!  


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Sunny and warm today here in the "Golden State" down here in SoCal aka: the center of the universe. I think it was in the mid '80s.

California being the REAL "sunshine state", not that low rent hurricane and alligator filled mosquito swampland called Florida.


Warning: This video contains racial/cultural stereotypes, rampant unfiltered misogyny, one Confederate flag, boobs, David Lee Roth, and lots of California good time girls.  Therefore watch at your own discretion, otherwise or find your "safe space".😆



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13 hours ago, Walter said:

Tropical Storms range in sustained winds from 39-73 mph. It’s not a major Hurricane unless the sustained winds are 111 or higher.

From what I’m seeing, your storm is being labeled a blizzard. With that said a 116 wind gust is pretty spectacular and probably a bit scary, if you’re on those mountains. Be safe, I know you ride your bike to work. That’s probably a bit sketchy in those conditions.

Beautiful January day here in central Florida. Sunny and high was about 65. These next two weeks are usually our coldest...then comes the February warm up!  


Heh, yea I know it's defined as SUSTAINED wind.  I was more or less venting because of the (as you pointed out) bike ride home against those western winds!  Plus, we don't have to worry about tidal surges and monsoon rains like you guys on the coasts when you get those winds!


Thanks for the well wishes.   There was one gust that hit me and I came to a complete standstill and thought twice about just walking my bike home!

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